The Nagafen Monster Mission Macro - BE CAREFUL RUNNING

yes, I would rather them die I suppose. instead of running back and forth to the same spots over and over and casting spells looking like robots lol.
GM hiding

Ok i decide to head out to do a night of Naggy runs. I do /who gm and get nothing so i hit /zone lavastorm. DOH !! as soon as i zone into lavastorm i get the suprise that yes a GM is in game. I hit /who and i have the only characters in the zone!?!? WTH so i start to move forward and i see a emo from some odd blue drake that is sitting right with me at the zone line! It said something like it lost its eggs or something. I pull up the window to see the name of the GM that was supposed to be in the zone and pow this was him. So i figured what the hell he dont realize i know he is a GM or he just busted me doing /zone.. so i try and kill him with a spell but it didnt land .. He then says he needs help finding his eggs. I then say something stupid about his eggs and head for solc. When i enter the zone he insta follows me in. DOH !! scares the shit outa me again. But then as soon as he zones in he leaves. my other character still in lavastorm gets the DOH he is back in the zone message. I leave zone and come back abit later and find he is still in the zone but i get no message that he is in the zone. I try this with all my characters and none get the message that he is in the zone even though i can see him. I do /who all gm on all accounts and none of them can see this guy as a GM or a guide. Few days b4 this happen i noticed that when i did /who gm it shows me 2 guides a few min later they pop in lavastorm with me and i did /who and they arnt guides at all but GMs! Seems to me they are finding ways to hide in zones so that we cant detect them on entering the zone or doing /who gm. Anyway thats just a few recent things that happen to me on Prexus server ....
GMs have always been able to hide from who list. That DOH you get from MQ2GMalert(Or what ever its called) Is not 100% a gm can stand next to you and never set off the alarm.

Anyways Guides run events in lavastorm all the time for some strange reason.
Honestly, every single time my DOH has gone off in the last month the GM/guide has been hidden from /w (has been all in POK and the Lobby). I didn't recognize any of the names and I haven't seen the use of that ability by GM/guides to such an extent in a long, long time.

Anyway, I've never tried this macro... lol... so no idea how well it works! yay for +1.
had the same thing.. yesterday had a gm zone in, so i quickly got the toons killed. he followed me out into lava and said better luck next time.. now today he zones in again on me and says " trying your luck?" .... now what do you make of that one?

Hmmm... Either he is putting it out there that your pushing your luck with running a macro again after he almost caught you last time.. OR.. He has a good sense of humor and thinks that you just can't handle the mission...

Since this is an instance based event, for the same GM to visit twice within it, obviously making comments ontop of it which makes his presence more know..... I would say that there may still be a few GM / Admins who keep an eye on this or just an eye on all instances to look out for people running macros (I thought they did this one already, anyways)...
I would side with GMs checking that instance because of increased popularity again.

I tried this macro and everytime it fails, group leader starts running throughout LM . Is it a result of a mistake from my side ? What should I do to fix that ?
Seems they have put code in to transport leader only to a certain spot in lavastorm every once in a while. Seems to be random too in how often they do it as I have sessions that went all night last night and sessions that only went like 3 times. This sucks ;P.

Every now and then my group leader will run off in lavastorm after a mission. Not sure exactly what is causing this. Havnt been at the computer to see it happen yet. He runs south, near about 4 goblins. Anyone know what's up?
I was wrong, just saw it happen on one of mine. The post above mine today is correct. It happens on a failed mission, leader fades, then when he zones back into lavastorm he runs over by four goblins near one of the lava lakes. I'm sure it is fixable but I don't know how to fix it :).

Way to act suspicious when a poor little guide is just trying to roleplay a dragon daddy.
Happened again, came to check on missions. 3 success, 1 fail and leader was at the gobbies. Had another toon at the zone in. It's acting odd, I can run 20+ in a row with 3-6 toons no issues, then it starts messing up. I never noticed them running back and forth so much before a couple days ago. They run back and forth from target mob before target mob is dead. no one needs a heal or anything, they just keep running suicides.

I watched them this time, the leader didnt loot for some reason, I suppose he removed everyone from the mission. I tried to manually loot with him but they were all kicked before I could get there.
naggy missi buged totime ? after a fail the naggy-char get ever a port in the lava :eek:
simple fix for the leader,.

there's two places i made this change

once starting on line 160 ending on 164

then again on 189 ending on 193
/target A Weary Traveler
/If (${Target.Distance}>40 && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
  /warp t
  /keypress back hold
  /delay 2
  /keypress back
I just went back to the old code and it hasn't happened on me in several hours. Will update whether or not that remains workable.

download link
or you can copy paste :)
|Naggy.mac v2.10 Coding by Fry, Z166204 Booges, Taron and JoeK
|Inspired by whycantiwin1
|Updated October 12nd, 2006
|-*-This macro is to be only posted on*-
|Usage: Please edit NaggyChars.ini with your characters names.
|       When entering mission for first time, spend your AA's
|       and click save.  The macro will auto load your saved AA's
|       Next Mission. Also make Kick Hotkey for Nagafen and Harm 
|       Touch hotkey for Tranixx.
|       Start the macro in Lavastorm next to "a weary traveler".
|       Start the Nagafen macro last.

#Chat group
#Chat tell
#Event Lastwave		"#*#great red dragon resides within his lair#*#"
#Event Slain 		"#*#You have been slain by#*#" 
#Event NoMonster	"#*#You may not enter the mission zone until you have chosen a monster#*#"
#Event Camping		"#*#It will take you about 25 seconds to prepare#*#"
#Event NoAAs 		"You do not have an ability set saved for this monster character."
#Event None         "You do not currently have any task replay timers."
#Event Finished     "'Defending the Lair' replay timer:  0d:0h:#1#m remaining."
#Event Incoming     "A greedy invader yells out, 'Everyone ready? Rez the fallen now out of AE range. One, two, three -- CHARGE! WAVE GO NOW!'"
#Event SomeTell     "#*#tells you#*#"

Sub Main
|##Between quotes type what people should say to you to get an invite
/declare Password 	string 	outer 	"PASSWORD"

/Echo +============*#*==================+
/Echo Naggy MM Automater V2.10
/Echo +============*#*==================+ 
/declare targetid 	    int    outer 	0
/declare Template 	    string outer 	Unknown
/declare missiondone 	int    outer 	0
/declare missioncounter	int	   outer 	0
/declare success        int    outer    0
/declare fail           int    outer    0
/declare MyAAExp        float  outer    ${Math.Calc[${Me.AAPointsTotal}*100+${Me.PctAAExp}]}
/declare MyExp          float  outer    ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}*100+${Me.PctExp}]}
/declare TotalAAExp     float  outer    0.00
/declare TotalExp       float  outer    0.00
/declare WaveNumber     int    outer    0
/declare loopcount      int    outer    0
/squelch /plugin MQ2MoveUtils
/squelch /plugin MQ2Exchange
/squelch /plugin MQ2PiggyZone
/squelch /plugin MQ2Melee unload
/squelch /plugin MQ2AutoSkills unload

/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Lord Nagafen,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset Template Lord Nagafen
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Priest Of Nagafen1,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset Template Priest Of Nagafen
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Priest Of Nagafen2,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset Template Priest Of Nagafen2
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Priest Of Nagafen3,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset Template Priest Of Nagafen3
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,King Tranixx,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset Template King Tranixx
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Magus Rokyl,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset Template Magus Rokyl
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Warlord Skarlon,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset Template Warlord Skarlon

	/call GM
	/if (${Template.Equal[Unknown]}) {
	/echo Character Template Unknown. Please Edit 
	/echo NaggyChars.ini And Insert Your Character Names.
	/echo Macro Ended
	/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
	    /varset WaveNumber 0
        /varcalc TotalAAExp ${TotalAAExp}+${Me.AAPointsTotal}*100+${Me.PctAAExp}-${MyAAExp}
        /varcalc TotalExp ${TotalExp}+${Me.Level}*100+${Me.PctExp}-${MyExp}
	    /echo XP Gained ${Math.Abs[${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}*100+${Me.PctExp}-${MyExp}]}]}% - Total XP Gained ${Math.Abs[${TotalExp}]}%
	    /echo AA XP Gained ${Math.Abs[${Math.Calc[${Me.AAPointsTotal}*100+${Me.PctAAExp}-${MyAAExp}]}]}% - Total AA XP Gained ${Math.Abs[${TotalAAExp}]}%
	    /echo I am ${Me.PctExp}% through level ${Me.Level} And ${Me.PctAAExp}% through my next AA.
        /echo I have ${Me.AAPointsTotal} AA's spent and ${Me.AAPoints} AA's banked.
	    /varcalc MyAAExp ${Me.AAPointsTotal}*100+${Me.PctAAExp}
        /varcalc MyExp ${Me.Level}*100+${Me.PctExp}
	    /if (${Template.Equal[Lord Nagafen]}) /call Event_None 
		/call Waitforall
		/if (${Template.Equal[Lord Nagafen]}) /call MissionSub
		/call TemplateSelection
		/call EnterMission
		/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/call BuyAAs
		/call Fight
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Dragon]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Warrior]}) {
		    /delay 5s
        /delay 10s
		/if (${Zone.ID}==32) /goto :waitfortimer
		/if (${missiondone}==0) {
		/varcalc fail ${fail}+1
		/echo Mission Failed
		/echo Successful Missions: ${success}
		/echo Failed Missions: ${fail} 
	/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Dragon]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Warrior]}) {
			/call Nagafen
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Giant]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Cleric]}) {
			/call Priest1
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Giant]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Shadow Knight]}) {
			/call Tranixx
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Giant]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Wizard]}) {
			/call Magus
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Giant]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Warrior]}) {
			/call Warlord
	/if (${Zone.ID}!= 27 && ${Zone.ID}!= 32) {
	/echo Please Start This Macro In Lavastorm Mountains Next To "a weary traveler"
	/goto :main

Sub Waitforall
	/declare tempvar int local
	/delay 1
	/if (${Zone.ID}!=27) /goto :wait
	/for tempvar 1 to ${Group.Members}
		/if (!${Group.Member[${tempvar}].ID}) /goto :wait
	/next tempvar

Sub TemplateSelection
	/delay 3s
	/if (${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Open}) {
	    /delay 3s 
		/call TemplateSelect
    /if (!${Template.Equal[Lord Nagafen]}) /goto :wait

Sub MissionSub
	/if (${Me.Sitting}) /stand 
	/target A Weary Traveler
	/If (${Target.Distance}>40 && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc 2720 -96
		/delay 10s !${Me.Moving}
	/delay 2s
	/squelch /stick 10 
	/delay 2s 
	/squelch /stick off 
	/say Fierce Battles 
	/delay 3s 
	/if (!${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Open}) /call Wait
	/delay 1s
	/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListRequired].List[Lord Nagafen]}
	/delay 5
	/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListRequired].List[Lord Nagafen]}
	/delay 5
	/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup 
	/delay 1s

Sub EnterMission

	/doevents flush
	/if (${Me.Sitting}) /stand 
	/target A Weary Traveler
	/If (${Target.Distance}>40 && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc 2720 -96
		/delay 10s !${Me.Moving}
	/delay 2s
	/squelch /stick 10 
	/delay 2s 
	/squelch /stick off 
	/delay 10s
	/say Imagine
	/delay 10s
	/if (${Zone.ID}==27) /say Imagine
	/delay 2s
	/call ZonerNaglair

sub ZonerNaglair
	/if (${Zone.ID}!=32) /goto :waitforzone
	/delay 5s
	/varcalc missioncounter ${missioncounter}+1
	/echo Entered Mission ${missioncounter}.

Sub Fight
	/squelch /target clear
	/if (${Template.Equal[Lord Nagafen]}) {
		/call Nagafen
	/if (${Template.Equal[Priest Of Nagafen]}) {
		/call Priest1
	/if (${Template.Equal[Priest Of Nagafen2]}) {
		/call Priest1
	/if (${Template.Equal[Priest Of Nagafen3]}) {
		/call Priest1
	/if (${Template.Equal[King Tranixx]}) {
		/call Tranixx
	/if (${Template.Equal[Magus Rokyl]}) {
		/call Magus
	/if (${Template.Equal[Warlord Skarlon]}) {
		/call Warlord
Sub Tranixx
/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat

/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1356 -834
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
    /squelch /moveto loc -1433 -734
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/varset missiondone 0
	/declare atcamp int local 0 

	/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
	/if (!${SpawnCount[npc invading]} && !${atcamp} && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc -1433 -734
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/face heading -23
		/varset atcamp 1
	/if (${missiondone}) /goto :endcombat
	/assist ${Spawn[pc race Dragon]}
	/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Race.Name.NotEqual[Chest]}) {
		/varset targetid ${Target.ID}
		/varset atcamp 0
		/attack on
		/squelch /stick 12
		/goto :combatloop
	/if (${Target.Race.Name.Equal[Chest]}) /squelch /target clear
	/goto :meleeloop
	/if (${Me.Y}>-1360 && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/attack off
		/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-1456]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-746]}
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/squelch /target clear
	/if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.ID}!=${targetid} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) {
		/squelch /target clear
		/attack off
		/goto :meleeloop
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Feral Rage]} && ${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 20]}>5 ) {
		/squelch /stick pause
		/alt act 1056
		/delay 1s
		/delay 10s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		/squelch /stick unpause
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Shroud of Pain]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>25 && !${Me.Buff[Shroud of Pain Recourse].ID}) {
		/squelch /stick pause
		/squelch /face fast
		/alt act 4176
		/delay 5
		/delay 10s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		/squelch /stick unpause
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Abduction of Stength]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>25 && !${Me.Buff[Ab. of Strength Recourse].ID}) {
		/squelch /stick pause
		/squelch /face fast
		/alt act 4177
		/delay 5
		/delay 10s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		/squelch /stick unpause
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Mental Corruption]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>25 && !${Me.Buff[Mental Corruption].ID}) {
		/squelch /stick pause
		/squelch /face fast
		/alt act 4178
		/delay 5
		/delay 10s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		/squelch /stick unpause
	/goto :combatloop
	/squelch /target clear

Sub Magus
/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1356 -834
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1413 -720
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/varset missiondone 0
	/declare meleetarget int local 0
	/declare atcamp int local 0
	/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
	/if (!${SpawnCount[npc invading]} && !${atcamp} && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc -1413 -720
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/face heading -23
		/varset atcamp 1
	/if (${missiondone}) /goto :endcombat
	/assist ${Spawn[pc race Dragon]}
	/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Race.Name.NotEqual[Chest]}) {
		/varset targetid ${Target.ID}
		/varset meleetarget 0
		/varset atcamp 0
		/goto :combatloop
	/if (${Target.Race.Name.Equal[Chest]}) /squelch /target clear
	/goto :meleeloop
	/squelch /face fast
	/if (${Me.Y}>-1360 && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/attack off
		/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-1456]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-746]}
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/squelch /target clear
	/if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.ID}!=${targetid} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) {
		/squelch /target clear
		/attack off
		/goto :meleeloop
	/if ((${Me.PctMana}<26 || ${Target.PctHPs}<30) && !${meleetarget}) {
		/varset meleetarget 1
		/attack on
		/squelch /stick 12
		/varset atcamp 0
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Rend]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>25 && !${meleetarget}) {
		/alt act 4172
		/delay 1s
		/delay 20s !${Me.Casting.ID}
	/goto :combatloop
Sub Warlord
/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
    /unequip mainhand
	/squelch /moveto loc -1356 -834
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1419 -729
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/declare atcamp int local 0
	/varset missiondone 0

	/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
	/if (!${SpawnCount[npc invading]} && !${atcamp} && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc -1419 -729
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/face heading -23
		/varset atcamp 1
	/if (${missiondone}) /goto :endcombat
	/assist ${Spawn[pc race Dragon]}
	/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Race.Name.NotEqual[Chest]}) {
		/varset targetid ${Target.ID}
		/varset atcamp 0
		/attack on
		/squelch /stick 12
		/goto :combatloop
	/if (${Target.Race.Name.Equal[Chest]}) /squelch /target clear
	/goto :meleeloop

	/if (${Me.Y}>-1360 && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/attack off
		/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-1456]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-746]}
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/squelch /target clear
	/if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.ID}!=${targetid} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) {
		/squelch /target clear
		/attack off
		/goto :meleeloop
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Feral Rage]} && ${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 20]}>5) {
		/squelch /stick pause
		/alt act 1056
		/delay 1s
		/delay 10s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		/squelch /stick unpause
	/goto :combatloop


Sub Nagafen
/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1356 -834
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1429 -777
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/declare atcamp int local 0
	/varset missiondone 0

	/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
	/if (${Target.Race.Name.Equal[Chest]}) /squelch /target clear
	/if (${Target.ID}==${Me.ID}) /target clear
	/if (!${SpawnCount[npc invading]} && !${atcamp} && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc -1429 -777
		/delay 10s !${Me.Moving}
		/face heading -23
		/varset atcamp 1
	/if (${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 100]}>0 && ${NearestSpawn[npc invading].Distance}<80) {
		/varset atcamp 0
		/if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) /squelch /target clear
		/if (${SpawnCount[npc enchanter radius 80]}>0) /target npc enchanter
		/if (!${Target.ID} && ${SpawnCount[npc cleric radius 80]}>0) /target npc cleric
		/if (!${Target.ID}) /target ID ${NearestSpawn[npc invading].ID}
		/attack on
		/varset targetid ${Target.ID}
		/goto :naggycombatloop
	/if (${missiondone}) /goto :endcombat
	/goto :naggymainloop
	/if (${Target.Distance}>80) {
		/attack off
		/squelch /target clear
	/if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.ID}!=${targetid} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) /goto :naggymainloop
	/squelch /face fast
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Dragon Roar]} && ${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 80]}>2) {
		/alt act 4062
		/delay 5
		/delay 1s !${Me.Casting.ID}
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Lava Breath]} && ${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 80]}>2) {
		/alt act 4061
		/delay 5
		/delay 1s !${Me.Casting.ID}
	/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Kick]}) /doability "kick"
	/goto :naggycombatloop

Sub Priest1
/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1356 -834
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[4]}-1439]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[12]}-756]}
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/declare healat int local 65
	/declare healtarget int local
	/declare healloop int local
	/varset missiondone 0
	/declare atcamp int local 0
	/declare healtimeout timer local
	/if (${Zone.ID}==27) {
    /goto :endcombat
	/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Smoke Bomb]} && ${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 100]}>2 && ${Me.PctHPs}<80) {
        /target NPC
		/alt act 1052
		/delay 5
		/delay 1s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		/squelch /target clear
	/if (!${SpawnCount[npc invading]} && !${atcamp} && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[4]}-1439]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[12]}-756]}
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/face heading -23
		/varset atcamp 1
	/if (${missiondone}) /goto :endcombat
	/if (${SpawnCount[pc cleric]}>1 && ${NearestSpawn[1,pc cleric].ID}>${NearestSpawn[2,pc cleric].ID}) {
		/varset healat 75
		} else {
		/varset healat 65
	/call CheckHeal ${healat}
	/if (${Macro.Return}) /goto :heal
	/if (${missiondone}) /goto :endcombat
	/assist ${Spawn[pc race Dragon]}
	/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Race.Name.NotEqual[Chest]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[npc]}) {
		/varset targetid ${Target.ID}
		/varset atcamp 0
		/attack on
		/squelch /stick 12
		/goto :combatloop
	/if (${Target.Race.Name.Equal[Chest]}) /squelch /target clear

    /if (${Me.PctMana}<50 && ${SpawnCount[npc invading]}==0 && ${Me.Standing}) { 
        /for loopcount 0 to ${Group.Members} 
        /tar ${Group.Member[${loopcount}]} 
    /if (${Target.PctHPs}<94) /goto :skipmed 
        /next loopcount 
     /if (!${Me.Sitting}) /sit 
     /if (${SpawnCount[npc invading]}==0) /goto :medloop 
|	/if (!${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 200]} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Me.PctMana}>50 && !${Me.Casting.ID}) {
|   /sit
|    }
	/goto :combatcheck

		/if (${SpawnCount[pc cleric]}>1 && ${NearestSpawn[1,pc cleric].ID}>${NearestSpawn[2,pc cleric].ID}) {
			/varset healat 75
			} else {
			/varset healat 65
		/call CheckHeal ${healat}
		/if (${Macro.Return}) /goto :heal
		/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Smoke Bomb]} && ${SpawnCount[npc invading radius 100]}>2 && ${Me.PctHPs}<80) {
         /target NPC
		 /alt act 1052
		 /delay 5
		 /delay 1s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		 /squelch /target clear
		/if (${Me.Y}>-1360 && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/attack off
		/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-1446]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[12]}-756]}
		/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
		/squelch /target clear
		/if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.ID}!=${targetid} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) /goto :combatcheck
	/goto :combatloop

	/varset healtarget 0
	/for healloop 0 to ${Group.Members}
		/if (${Group.Member[${healloop}].PctHPs} < ${Group.Member[${healtarget}].PctHPs}) /varset healtarget ${healloop}
	/next healloop

	/attack off
	/squelch /stick off
	/squelch /target clear
	/target ID ${Group.Member[${healtarget}].ID}
	/delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${healtarget}].ID}
	/squelch /face fast
	/if (${Target.Distance}>135) {
	/squelch /stick 10
	/delay 3s !${Me.Moving}
	/squelch /stick off
	/if (${Target.PctHPs}<94) { 
	/alt act 4145 
	/delay 1s

	/varset healtimeout 20s
	/if (${Target.PctHPs}>96) {
		/keypress duck
		/delay 5
		/keypress duck
	/if (!${healtimeout}) /goto :abort
	/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) /goto :waitforheal

	/delay 5
	/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[4]}-1439]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[12]}-756]}
	/delay 3s
	/goto :combatcheck
	/squelch /target clear

Sub CheckHeal(int healat)
	/declare healtarget int local 0
	/declare healloop int local 0

	/for healloop 1 to ${Group.Members}
		/if (${Group.Member[${healloop}].PctHPs} < ${Group.Member[${healtarget}].PctHPs}) /varset healtarget ${healloop}
	/next healloop
        /if (${SpawnCount[npc invading]}==0) /varset healat 94
	/if (${Group.Member[${healtarget}].PctHPs} < ${healat}) /return 1
/return 0

Sub Priest2
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc -1356 -834
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
	/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-1456]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-746]}
	/delay 5s !${Me.Moving}
	/declare healat int local 65
	/declare healtarget int local
	/declare healloop int local
	/varset missiondone 0
	/declare atcamp int local 0
|##GM Sub for checking
Sub GM
	/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
		/gsay Time to go, cya later

|# Chest popping
Sub Event_Lastwave
	/squelch /stick off
	/squelch /moveto off
	/echo Task Completed, Getting In Line To Loot Shard!
	/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Dragon]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Warrior]}) {
			/delay 1m
	/if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/delay ${Math.Rand[5]}s
        /if (${Zone.ID}==32) {
        /squelch /moveto loc -1331 -828
		/delay 20s !${Me.Moving}
        /delay ${Math.Rand[5]}s
		/if (${SpawnCount[npc object race chest]}) {
			/target ornate
			/squelch /stick 2
			/delay 2s ${Target.Distance}<5
			/delay 4s !${Target.ID}

		/target ornate
		/delay 12s ${Target.ID}
		/delay 2s
		/if (${Window[LootWnd].Open}) {
			/if (${Corpse.Items}==1) {
				/itemnotify loot1 rightmouseup
				/itemnotify loot1 rightmouseup
				/delay 2s
				} else {
				/itemnotify loot2 rightmouseup 
				/itemnotify loot2 rightmouseup
				/delay 2s 
			/if (${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) /nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup 
			/delay 2s 
			/notify LootWnd DoneButton Leftmouseup 
			/delay 3s (!${Window[LootWnd].Open})
			/notify LootWnd DoneButton Leftmouseup 
		/if (!${FindItem[Shard of Wisdom].InvSlot.ID}) {
		/goto :again
		/popup Shard Looted, Task Completed!
		/echo Task Completed!  Good Job!
		/varset missiondone 1
		/varcalc success ${success}+1
		/echo Successful Missions: ${success}
		/echo Failed Missions: ${fail} 
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Dragon]} && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc -1379 -857
		/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Giant]} && ${Zone.ID}==32) {
		/squelch /moveto loc ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-1399]} ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[10]}-792]}

|##Chat Events
Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string ChatSender,string ChatText)
	/If (${ChatType.Equal[TELL]} && ${ChatText.Equal[${Password}]}) {
		/invite ${ChatSender}
		/taskaddplayer ${ChatSender}
	/If (${ChatText.Equal[make me leader]}) {
		/makeleader ${ChatSender}

|##Holds macro when you die
Sub Event_Slain 
	/delay 1s
	/target myself
	/if (${Me.PctHPs}<5) /goto :wait1
	/if (!${Target.ID}) /goto :wait1
	/delay 3s
	/if (${Me.Race.Name.Equal[Dragon]} && ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Warrior]}) {
	/if (${SpawnCount[pc race Dragon]}==0 && ${SpawnCount[pc]}<=2) {

|##End Macro if you camp on your own
Sub Event_Camping
	/echo Camping - Ending macro!

|## Task Quitter
Sub Event_None 
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Lord Nagafen,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
/declare tempvar int local
/for tempvar 1 to ${Group.Members}
/taskremove ${Group.Member[${tempvar}]}
/next tempvar

|## Task Quit If Timer
Sub Event_Finished(Line,int TaskTime)
/varcalc TaskTime ${TaskTime}-1

/if (!${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Lord Nagafen,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
/if (${TaskTime}<1) {
/echo Your Task Has Ended, Quitting Task
/declare tempvar int local
/for tempvar 1 to ${Group.Members}
/taskremove ${Group.Member[${tempvar}]}
/next tempvar
/echo Waiting ${TaskTime} Minutes For Task Timer To Expire So We Can Start A New Mission.
/delay ${TaskTime}m
/if (${Ini[naggychars.ini,NaggyChars,Lord Nagafen,NULL].Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
/declare tempvar int local
/for tempvar 1 to ${Group.Members}
/taskremove ${Group.Member[${tempvar}]}
/next tempvar

|## Still Have Mission Timer
Sub Wait
/echo Mission Timer Still Active Waiting 2 Minutes And Trying Again
/delay 2m
/if (!${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Open}) /say Fierce Battles
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Open}) /goto :waitmore1

| Incoming
sub Event_Incoming
/varcalc WaveNumber ${WaveNumber}+1
/echo Here Comes Wave ${WaveNumber}!
/if (${Me.Sitting}) {

| Buy AA's
sub BuyAAs
      /keypress i 
      /notify InventoryWindow IW_AltAdvBtn leftmouseup 
      /delay 1s
      /notify AAWindow AAW_LoadButton leftmouseup 
      /delay 1s

sub Event_NoAAs
	/echo Buy all the AA's on the general tab. After you have finished please click save.

sub Event_SomeTell
/echo Tell received.
/delay 10
/delay 10

sub Event_NoMonster
/echo Monster Select Failed, Retrying
/call TemplateSelect
/call EnterMission

sub TemplateSelect
	/declare tempvar int local
	/declare tempvar1 int local
	/if (${Template.Equal[Lord Nagafen]}) {
		/echo Selecting Lord Nagafen
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListRequired].List[Lord Nagafen]} 
		/delay 10
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListRequired].List[Lord Nagafen]} 
		/delay 10
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup 
		/delay 5s 
	} else {
		/if (${Template.Equal[Priest Of Nagafen2]}) {
			/varset tempvar 1
			/varset Template Priest of Nagafen
	   	/if (${Template.Equal[Priest Of Nagafen3]}) {
			/varset tempvar1 1
			/varset Template Priest of Nagafen
		/echo Selecting ${Template}
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListOptional listselect ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListOptional].List[${Template}]} 
		/delay 10
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListOptional leftmouse ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListOptional].List[${Template}]} 
		/delay 10
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup 
		/delay 5s 
		/if (${tempvar}) /varset Template Priest of Nagafen2
		/if (${tempvar1}) /varset Template Priest of Nagafen3

	/echo Failed to locate correct character name in ${inichars}. Please update ${inichars} and add your character to a template.
I'm having one small issue with this macro, maybe others have had it happen or its a known bug, anywho, if i happen to fail a mission with 3 ppl, happens rarely but when it does it always boots all 3 to a weary traveler and then the ldr / naggy will take off running across LS into the lava and usually gets stuck on a rock.

Just dont understand why he goes running off when he exits the mm into ls into the correct spot to begin anew.

thanks in advance.