Tears of Alaris


Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Is this worth doing? Does this aug add any real value versus the time you need to put in?
You see the final results? Not too great. And the leveling process is interminable. I have this on 6 characters I play regularly and I think I'm about 32% thru Level 1... of 20 levels! Also I think it levels fastest by killing useless green mobs en masse, and if that's true, if the kills you need to level this thing are otherwise almost worthless and you need thousands of them, and the max stats of this thing suck... then all that answers your question.

The only good thing is you can equip it and forget it, since no need to stick a mount clicky in the ammo slot anymore. Maybe 10 years from I'll ding level 2! ;)
Its useless imo. There is a thread about it on this forum , people arguing that it helps alot, but I bet those same people are the ones that spent the actual time leveling it and to hard headed to give up their stance. Their argument is "every little bit helps". On that thread, I think I calculated out the % it helps theoretically.

Only way that is worth doing is if you afk bot it to max, spending any time on it is just dumb, you are better served with a 10-20 ac upgrade from an item.
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If you have all the augs you can reasonably get and are pretty much done, thats when you look at this.

For me it was more of a perk for setting up a script to run semi-afk while watching netflix and after a couple months here and here maxed it out.
Where did you afk level it?

I did the chapel in SL and looted the fragments. NOTE - You want to either baby sit or have really tight code for interacting with people since there are quests that people do which will take them into the chapel and arena.

You will need to loot fragments. Just killing alone will take years.
Where did you afk level it?

I did the chapel in SL and looted the fragments. NOTE - You want to either baby sit or have really tight code for interacting with people since there are quests that people do which will take them into the chapel and arena.

You will need to loot fragments. Just killing alone will take years.

I see people afking here and its very idiotic. Don't afk bot here.
The 4 quests in pillars of alra take a few hours to run all 4, and each one gives a clicky alaran fragment, plus the mobs there are mostly alaran so you can xp it off those too.