Target Buff Duration


Your spell fizzled!
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
It seems there is a problem with identifying the duration of buffs on your target.

/echo ${Target.Buff[spellname].Duration}

This will result in the total duration of the spell as soon as it is cast, not the remaining duration at a point in time. In other words, it's exactly the same as ${Spell[spellname].Duration}.

I would guess this is not as intended since the MQ2 wiki says:

(ticks) Duration = The time remaining before the buff fades (not total duration)

It would be great if this could get fixed to work as intended. I'm interested in using this information in my HUD. Thanks!
One more thing to note, I did check out MQ2CastTimer plugin and the target buff duration appears to be working correctly in that plugin.

I guess I'm not sure why it works correctly in the plugin but not when parsing the typed command.