Stick question


May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia
Been awhile just started playing again I remember being able to break my /stick by moving lol now stick works very well seems I cant get him to break off only when mobs dies.
/stick hold 15 moveback
/attack on
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In the ini you can have settings to change some behaviours that lead to the stick function stopping

MQ2MoveUtils - MMOBugs Wiki

Ie breakonkb, breakonmouse, breakontarget you can see them in the example ini configuration in the link
I confuse easily with all this stuff. Looked at the INI and didn't see anything that looked useful for this. Looked at the wiki...and well...maybe I'm just not clever enough.

Trying to do the Plane of War Anniversary task. I want all my bots to stay /stick on my tank no matter what. Right now if they change target to nuke/heal/whatever, they /stick to the new target.

I do;
/bca //target tankname
/pause 10
/bca //stick 15

I can spam that when I want them to move again and usually can get my DPS to refollow and get out of catapult ring of death, but my healer is spaming targets all the time because I am using three mercs that are not on his watch list so he switches targets to check their health instead of using EQBC/netbots.

Is there a command that simply makes them stick to the original toon that issued the command and not change from that till told to /stick off?
/stick hold - Sticks to current target even if target changes.
/bca //stick id ${Me.ID}

Now it sticks to me regardless of target, or if you have a target at all. and it doesn't target me to do it.
Thanks, think the stick works either way, but the problem is the mac I use always wants to return to camp after every fight. So it either stutters and is stuck at the location where the fight is or it goes running far away from me back where I loaded the mac or last made camp. Has a built in follow so that you can have follow and fight without movement interrupting the bots casting, unfortunately in this situation I don't care if the casting is interrupted because I want to the bots to follow no matter what as it is more important they move out of the ring of death than cast whatever it is they are trying to cast.

Oh well, already completed this mission 3 times, so I can work around it, but it is kinda frustrating and the occasional death just because the bots refuse to follow.