SoF Spell merchant faction(rk 2)

Try copying and pasting my code from above? I have the warps commented out because they really aren't necessary.

/cast item "Sonic Screwdriver" doesn't work? Does it say "You don't see to have that spell memorized", or does it do nothing at all?

I've unloaded all "extra" plugins except MQ2cast and MQReward, to see if this breaks and there is a plugin dependency I was overlooking. All still works normally.
Thanks Iasca. I will try your code and edit this post to let you know the results.

EDIT: Results: I tried both your code and the original code. Neither is working for me. The problem seems to be when trying to cast the Sonic Screwdriver. I get no message whatsoever when using /cast item "Sonic Screwdriver" but even weirder than that is that nothing happens when I right-click on the Screwdriver.

I've dried deleting all quest items and dropping the task, without success. I seem to be having a selective problem activating the sonic screwdriver (other clickies are fine). I'm using the 1/20 compile, so I'll try the 1/19 to see if that works.
you can't right click the item unless you are in one of the quest spots. It just doesn't work at all. That's the reason for this macro ;p

Plugins I believe are used in this macro are:
mq2mmobugs (for obvious reasons, ubertrade)
mq2moveutils=mq2moveutils(not sure)
mq2exchange=mq2exchange(not sure)
mq2mmowarp=mq2mmowarp (obvious)
mq2reachit=mq2reachit (saytarget)
mq2cast=mq2cast (click screwdriver)
mq2reward=mq2reward (task rewards)

For future reference imo, all macros requiring publicly available plugins should include code to load those plugins if they are not already loaded.
Sub Plugchk
/declare Plugsloaded bool outer FALSE
/if (!${Plugin[MQ2Events].Name.Equal[mq2Events]} || !${Plugin[MQ2Cast].Name.Equal[mq2Cast]} || !${Plugin[MQ2Exchange].Name.Equal[mq2Exchange]}|| !${Plugin[MQ2Reward].Name.Equal[mq2Reward]} ) {
   	/squelch /plugin MQ2Events load
	/squelch /plugin MQ2Exchange load
	/squelch /plugin MQ2cast load
	/squelch /plugin MQ2Reward load
	/echo Loaded MQ2Events, Exchange, ,Reward, and or Cast plugins, because this macro requires them !
} else {
	/varset Plugsloaded TRUE
/delay 2s	

something like that for use would pwn. But that's unrelated to this thread obviously.
Thanks steelers, I tried all that without success using the 1/20 compile. For whatever reason, the macro works with the 1/19 compile so I guess I'll keep using that.

Thanks :)
My mistake, I just realized that there are a few minor changes in the code I'm running compared to the code I had posted. As I recall it's mostly tweaks to the aa buy routine, but I may have changed some other stuff.

|----Rewrite by Iasca---Credit-magicdragon for original code-----------
|----Version 1.4-------------------------------------------------------
|----Revisions, added PC check, Added GM check, added AABuy function---
|----Future, add dynamic timer to requests----------------------------- 

#Event Update "Your task 'Screw Loose' has been updated."
#Event Reward "You have successfully been granted your reward for: Screw Loose"


Sub Main
	/declare sl int outer ${Param0}
	/declare turnin string outer
	/declare mytarget string outer
	/declare checkt int outer
	/declare times int outer
	/declare Itemset int outer
	/declare t int outer
	/declare slt int outer
	/declare repeatit int outer
	/declare Updatecnt int outer
	/declare got_reward  bool outer false
        /plugin mq2reward unload
        /plugin mq2reward load
        /plugin mq2xptracker unload
        /plugin mq2xptracker load
	/call Screwloose


Sub Screwloose
	/for slt 1 to ${sl}
	/Popup round ${slt} of ${sl}
        /if (${Me.AAPoints} > 29) /call getaaini
	/target Tabazin
        /call PCcheck
        /call GM
	/say Screw
	/if (!${Cursor.ID}) {
	/delay 1s
	/goto :waitA
	/call Repeatit
	/call turnin
	/next slt
	/call end


Sub Repeatit
	/varset Updatecnt 0
	/varset repeatit 10
	|/warp loc 1883 -1180.5 405.5
	/delay 2s
	/for t 1 to ${repeatit}
        /call PCcheck
        /call GM
	/Cast Item "Sonic Screwdriver"
	/if (!${Cursor.ID}) {
	/delay 1s
	/goto :waitB
	/next t
	/if (${FindItemCount[Support Bolt]}<10) {
	/varcalc repeatit 10-${FindItemCount[Support Bolt]}
	/goto :looptime


Sub turnin
	/varset turnin "Support Bolt"
	/varset mytarget Tabazin
	/varset Itemset 2
	/varset times 4
	|/warp loc 85 -1482 373.5
	/delay 1s
	/target ${mytarget}
	/face nolook
	/for t 1 to ${times}
	/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[${turnin}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
	/click left target
	/delay 1s 
	/next t 
	/nomodkey /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup 
	/delay 1s
	/doEvents Update
	/varcalc Itemset ${Itemset}-1
	/if (${Itemset}>0) /goto :itemloop
	/if (${Itemset}==0) {
	/varset times 2
	/goto :itemloop
	/if (${Updatecnt}<20) {
	/varcalc times ${FindItemCount[Support Bolt]}
	/goto :itemloop
	/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[sonic].InvSlot} leftmouseup
	/click left target
	/delay 1s
	/nomodkey /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
	/delay 1s
	/doEvents Update
	/varset got_reward false
	/reward 1
	/delay 1s
	/doEvents Reward
	/if (!${got_reward}) {
		/delay 1s
		/goto :RewardLoop


Sub Event_Update
	/varcalc Updatecnt ${Updatecnt}+1


Sub Event_Reward
	/varset got_reward true
Sub End


Sub PCcheck
/echo Performing PC radius check for cast/hail
/if (${SpawnCount[pc radius 120]} > 1) {                
    /echo PC's within 120 units, pausing 30 seconds.
    /delay 30s
    /goto :PCcheck


Sub GM 
/echo Performing GM zone check. 
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
    /echo GM in zone, pausing macro.
    /delay 300s
    /goto :GM

As you'll also notice, I tend to modify most of the macros I use to unload and reload used plugins. Probably unecessary to unload, it's just habit from doing it with MQ2MoveUtils all the time.

As of right now (running on another computer) I have this code running with zero errors. There are some issues with the aa buy routine (see this thread).

Edit: Added 01-18-2007 Compile ZIP.


    10.1 MB · Views: 32
Lessthanzero, just search for "January 19, 2008" and you will find the compile; it's in the trash bin :)
odd Ive downloaded and am running the compile linked still don't work for me. When I start the mac I see.

[MQ2] Performing PC radius check for cast/hail
[MQ2] Performing GM zone check.
[MQ2] Performing PC radius check for cast/hail
[MQ2] Performing GM zone check.

It does get the mission if i am standing next to mission giver. It doesn't end it just sits here dong nothing. Am I missing something? I haven't had any issues figuring out other macros but i am stumped here
Darkheart, the combination that works for me is as follows:

-The *first* screwloose.mac posted on this thread (I prefer mine edited for PC and GM checks).
-The 1/19/2008 MQ2 compile (make sure the mq2reward and mq2cast plugins are loaded).

Hope that helps :)
thanks guys got it working,

**Edit Question I do have tho is, Do other players see my /hailtarget screws if I were to do it would they see my /say message and know something was fishy since I was no were in sight? Also when im handing in using ubertrade ?
odd Ive downloaded and am running the compile linked still don't work for me. When I start the mac I see.

[MQ2] Performing PC radius check for cast/hail
[MQ2] Performing GM zone check.
[MQ2] Performing PC radius check for cast/hail
[MQ2] Performing GM zone check.

It does get the mission if i am standing next to mission giver. It doesn't end it just sits here dong nothing. Am I missing something? I haven't had any issues figuring out other macros but i am stumped here

You know, those echos can probbly be commented out. They're risidual from when I added them, making sure they were working as I intended.
Thanks, it works great with 1/19/2008 plugin.

The only problem I have, I need to open the bag with Bolt inside to start trade with Tabazin, or it will do nothing. but, I can live with it. :)

I would say, best is with 2 inventory slots free.

Good job :)

btw, how many times do I need to repeat for Ally faction? :eek:
btw, how many times do I need to repeat for Ally faction? :eek:

From my experiences about 120 to 130 runs take you to ally. I know for a fact that a typical 30 AA run of 130 on the first character I tried it on took him to max ally. Way more than you need for the steam core imbedder.
is this broken?

I have tried to run this seems to be broken or nerfed all you do is warp to the first spot and then nothing happens. you just stand there. cant target anything or cast the i doing some thing wrong?
I have tried to run this seems to be broken or nerfed all you do is warp to the first spot and then nothing happens. you just stand there. cant target anything or cast the i doing some thing wrong?

Not reading the whole thread?

Problems with this macro, and workarounds are documented in detail in this thread.

Be careful with this though, I'm sure it's atrracting some attention at this point.
Be careful with this though, I'm sure it's atrracting some attention at this point.

just to reiterate, and emphasize the previous comment...

I know 2 people (3 accounts) that have got a 10 day suspension/22save rollback for getting caught while using this, within the past 2 days...

just a heads up!
When I posted the code I posted this with it:
I recomend you find somewhere you won't be seen, as I have had a GM visit me...

And this is why:

just to reiterate, and emphasize the previous comment...

I know 2 people (3 accounts) that have got a 10 day suspension/22save rollback for getting caught while using this, within the past 2 days...

just a heads up!

The GM that talked to me told me this was the standard action for first time someone is caught useing a 3rd party program (like MQ2) to exploit the game. I belive I got very lucky and the zone crashed before the GM had all my account info, cause I got disconnected but no action was taken against my account.
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