Shambot 3.25 BETA MMOBugs version

I will be releasing Shambot 4.0 Alpha in about a week or so all this little stuff should be fixed plus I am writing a wiki page for too that will take a little longer lol
One other thing, is there any way to make it check for rebuffs during downtime, instead of only doing it when a mob dies?

What buffs? For group buffs it checks whats on shammy and for the others mainly it listens for has worn off messages.

Also won't cast buffs if invis hehe :)
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Shambot and wait4rez

Just downloaded and attempted to set this up. Every time I try to start it, it get a "Couldn't open included file. C:\Program Files/MacroQuest2/Macros/" then the macro ends. Any ideas? Any help would and is appreciated.
The wait4rez file is kind of obsolete and I dropped it out completely for the next version and replaced with a new rez subroutine but its floating the forum somewhere .

I will add the file to the downloads or you can copy it here and save it as You will just need to down load it and drop into your macro folder.

| v2.21
Sub Wait4Rez
/echo Awaiting rez: auto-accepting, and looting my corpse
/consent group
/delay 25
/consent raid
/delay 25
/consent guild
/delay 10s ${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}
/if (!${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) /goto :rezmeffs
/nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/if (${Window[RespawnWnd].Open}) {
    /nomodkey /notify RespawnWnd RW_OptionsList listselect 2 
    /delay 1s
    /nomodkey /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton leftmouseup
    /delay 2s 
/delay 5m ${Spawn[${Me}'s corpse].ID}
/delay 5s ${Spawn[${Me}'s corpse].Distance}<100
/if (${Spawn[${Me}'s corpse].ID}) /target mycorpse
/delay 5s ${Target.ID}==${Spawn[${Me}'s corpse].ID}
/if (${Target.CleanName.NotEqual[${Me}'s corpse]}) /goto :zoneffs
/if (${Target.Distance}>100 || !${Spawn[${Me}'s corpse].ID}) /return
/if (${Target.Distance}>20) /corpse
/delay 5s ${Target.Distance}<20
/delay 5s ${Me.State.Equal[BIND]}
/if (${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]}) /goto :corpsepull
/declare loottotal int local
/varset loottotal ${Corpse.Items}
/delay 1s ${loottotal}!=${Corpse.Items}
/if (${loottotal}!=${Corpse.Items}) /goto :LootLag
/declare i int local
/for i 1 to ${loottotal}
/itemnotify loot${i} rightmouseup
/delay 10s !${Corpse.Item[${i}].ID}
/if (${Corpse.Item[${i}].ID}) /goto :lootagain
/next i
/nomodkey /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
What buffs? For group buffs it checks whats on shammy and for the others mainly it listens for has worn off messages.

Also won't cast buffs if invis hehe :)

All buffs. If my haste / unity / champion / listelessness wears off during down time, it doesn't get rebuffed until after another mob dies. I do see the /echo in the shamans MQ2 window indicating a buff has worn off, so yes it watches for it...but it doesn't seem to rebuff at that time.
During combat shaman will only do requests for heals, detrimentals, haste and panther

Oh the macro will never do regular buffs during combat. So it holds the requests then will rebuff after everything is dead. That is the way it was originally written years ago. People die if you are trying to cast unity and not healing/DPSing when mobs hitting for 2 k . :)
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During combat shaman will only do requests for heals, detrimentals, haste and panther

Oh the macro will never do regular buffs during combat. So it holds the requests then will rebuff after everything is dead. That is the way it was originally written years ago. People die if you are trying to cast unity and not healing/DPSing when mobs hitting for 2 k . :)

Pretty much. Thats the way nearly all of them work as it is.

I didn't get around to looking at it yet, but can I specify which gems I want it to use instead of it just grabbing from the top down? I have certain spells in a certain spot and sometimes If theres an emergency I swap back and take over.
Short answer No :(

That's a problem I can sympathize with specially if you have had the same spells order for a long time.

The gem assignment was one of the things i removed to simply to the macro. The macro had gotten so big with so many choices it made had to revise and follow the coding for debugging and performance.

The original followed a set pattern for the spell list and I think the gem assignment started sneaking in around ver 2-3. By going back to a defined spell list I was able to remove over a 100 lines of code. The current scheme is as follows

| Spells will be memmed in the listed order
| 1 canni
| 2 malo / nuke
| 3 slow / Dot2
| 4 cripple / Dot
| 5 hot
| 6 heal
| 7 avatar
| 8 lynx / misc
| 9 group heal / user assigned
| 10 wlld growth / user assigned
| 11 user assigned
| 12 user assigned

Eventually I want to add a user defined spell list but not until I figure out a really clean and easy way to do it. Plus I am releasing 4.0 soon and it was a MAJOR overhaul so I will need to wait for all the bugs and feed back from that. I will tweak the spell assignment as I get feedback from people.

Right now all the gems are hard coded so messing with the order will degrade the macro.

Ver. 3.33 last major release 2008 by ioncache
  /declare SpellSlow          outer "Balance of Discord"
  /declare SpellLongSlow      outer "Turgur`s Insects"
  /declare SpellShortSlow     outer "Balance of Discord"
  /declare SpellDiseaseSlow   outer "Cloud of Grummas"
  /declare SpellSlowGem         int outer 2

  /declare SpellMalo          outer "Malis Rk. II"
  /declare SpellMaloGem         int outer 3

  /declare SpellCripple       outer "Crippling Spasm"
  /declare SpellCrippleGem      int outer 3

ver 4.0 coming soon
| ################## Set up your Debuffs here 

	/declare SpellMalo		outer		Malis 
	/declare SpellSlow		outer		Balance of Discord
	/declare SpellDiseaseSlow   	outer		Cloud of Grummas
	/declare SpellCripple		outer		Crippling Spasm
	| ********** Do Debuffs on 1=ON and 0=OFF 

	/declare DoMalo			int outer	1
	/declare DoAAMalo		int outer	1
	/declare DoSlow			int outer	1 
	/declare DoAASlow		int outer	1
	/declare FastSlow		int outer	1
	/declare DoDiseaseSlow   	int outer 	0
	/declare DoCripple		int outer	0
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During combat shaman will only do requests for heals, detrimentals, haste and panther

Oh the macro will never do regular buffs during combat. So it holds the requests then will rebuff after everything is dead. That is the way it was originally written years ago. People die if you are trying to cast unity and not healing/DPSing when mobs hitting for 2 k . :)

I understand this, but say I AFK for an hour (leaving the shaman macro running, no invisibility on any toons) I come back and my unity, haste, etc etc is all faded. What I'm asking is, is there any way to make the macro rebuff during this as soon as the buffs wear (and out of combat).

The way it currently is, given the situation above, I would come back to keyboard without any sham buffs, pull a mob, slay it, then as soon as its dead the shammy decides to rebuff everything.
Oh it should defiantly be rebuffing check the following settings If your shammy is level is 85

	/varset DoUnity			1
	/varset SpellUnity			Unity of the Spirits
	/varset SpellUnityFocus		Darkpaw Focusing
	/varset DoGUnity			1
	/varset SpellGUnity		Talisman of Unity Rk. II
	/varset SpellGUnityFocus	Darkpaw Focusing Rk. II

	/varset DoGroupBuffs		1
	/varset DoRebuffs			1

Make sure all those are set to 1 and the unity spells endings match darkpaw endings i.e. Rk. II = Rk II

I hard coded all the unity crap in 4.0 to auto detect it so users don't have to worry about typing in all that stuff and so it won't malfunction because of a user typo.
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	/varset DoUnity				1
	/varset SpellUnity			Unity of the Spirits Rk. III
	/varset SpellUnityFocus			Darkpaw Focusing Rk. III
	/varset DoGUnity			1
	/varset SpellGUnity			Talisman of Unity Rk. III
	/varset SpellGUnityFocus		Darkpaw Focusing Rk. III

	/varset DoGroupBuffs			1
	/varset DoRebuffs			1

That's my current setup. Unity isn't the only thing it wont rebuff during downtime though, it won't rebuff -anything- during downtime.
Rebuffing bug

Is your group all together when you go afk or is you puller or group member parked somewhere else?

what at your settings for these 2 variables

/varset GroupBuffRange 50
/varset BuffMana 30
	/varset GroupBuffRange			50
	/varset BuffMana			30

And no, all toons are parked in camp the whole time.
Healing Counterbias support in 4.0?

Will 4.0 support healing counterbias? (slow spell) I am not having any luck getting it to work in the current version 3.27 I think it was.
I haven't gotten underfoot yet but I hope to make 4.0 fully compatible for shammys level 60 - 85. I have been reading how much the spell is being used now.

I plan to be adding support for counter bias once I get the spell and can test it.

I am in middle of recoding some major parts ATM primarily the buffing code to make the macro smaller and faster. I hope to release it in the next week or so
Here`s a copy of mine, the Counterbias works fine but i get annoyed buy the PR buff and Canni spam (no offense lol) from 99% down so I use Splash of Runedust in Canni`s Spell slot and just have him use the AA Canni. Somehting you might want to change back.


  • TOONNAME_Shaman.ini
    4.6 KB · Views: 7
Here`s a copy of mine, the Counterbias works fine but i get annoyed buy the PR buff and Canni spam (no offense lol) from 99% down so I use Splash of Runedust in Canni`s Spell slot and just have him use the AA Canni. Somehting you might want to change back.

That looks like a modbot ini or something that's not for my shambot beta.

Hehe clicked wrong file, here's the right one.. and i changed the canni back to make easier for you.


    5.8 KB · Views: 16

This macro is sexy!

I wish you could do the same thing with AFcleric...

Thanks for all the hard work.
Well I actually have a semi working version of afkcleric. A lot of the code I am using here was originally written for that. I kind of stopped working on it with mercs and all since I am not really raider. Maybe f if I feel motivated after shambot 4 is released for a month or so well see :)