RAF Question


New member
Mar 12, 2008
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So I am 6-boxing with my main account RAFing the 5 boxes. Keeping the main account toon at 76 with the rest at 75, loading up on AA (all at around 100 aa with the recruiter at around 250 -- slacking, I know).

Long story (as) short (as I can make it), I essentially hit an issue where the RAF link fell off and the recruited accounts stopped gaining the bonus xp. I ended up making a stink (because it wasn't my fault) and they agreed to let me create new RAF accounts and they would move the toons onto the accounts once I confirmed they had linked properly. I did so, they took forever, and did so.

Now, though, it seems like they are getting strangely small amounts of AA XP -- the recruiter account gets, for example, 100 AA XP (per the xp report in one of the plugins) while the RAF accounts are only getting perhaps 120 AA XP -- not nearly the expected "triple" (even assuming the recruiting account is getting the proper 50% bonus or what not).

The only thing I can think of is that I had used a Bottle of Shared Adventure over the weekend to take advantage of the double xp weekend (this was while the accounts were still unlinked).

Does anyone know:
a) why I might be getting very similar AAXP results on a RAF and Recruiter account, when I would expect the recruit to get a ton more, at a lower level?
b) whether the Bottle of Shared Adventure xp buff essentially doesnt stack with (and "cancels", despite being inferior) the RAF bonus? I still have almost an hour on my potion, and I am hesitant to click it off since it's money down the drain.
c) Expected AAXP results (either in percent of an AA or raw numbers as reported by the compile plugins) at 75 with very low AAs in a full group either w/ or w/o RAF?

Thanks for any input folks have; I am not convinced the RAF system is working properly at least based on the "link" dropping on my prior accounts, and now an (apparent) issue with the xp gained...
So I am 6-boxing with my main account RAFing the 5 boxes. Keeping the main account toon at 76 with the rest at 75, loading up on AA (all at around 100 aa with the recruiter at around 250 -- slacking, I know).

Long story (as) short (as I can make it), I essentially hit an issue where the RAF link fell off and the recruited accounts stopped gaining the bonus xp. I ended up making a stink (because it wasn't my fault) and they agreed to let me create new RAF accounts and they would move the toons onto the accounts once I confirmed they had linked properly. I did so, they took forever, and did so.

Now, though, it seems like they are getting strangely small amounts of AA XP -- the recruiter account gets, for example, 100 AA XP (per the xp report in one of the plugins) while the RAF accounts are only getting perhaps 120 AA XP -- not nearly the expected "triple" (even assuming the recruiting account is getting the proper 50% bonus or what not).

The only thing I can think of is that I had used a Bottle of Shared Adventure over the weekend to take advantage of the double xp weekend (this was while the accounts were still unlinked).

Does anyone know:
a) why I might be getting very similar AAXP results on a RAF and Recruiter account, when I would expect the recruit to get a ton more, at a lower level?
b) whether the Bottle of Shared Adventure xp buff essentially doesnt stack with (and "cancels", despite being inferior) the RAF bonus? I still have almost an hour on my potion, and I am hesitant to click it off since it's money down the drain.
c) Expected AAXP results (either in percent of an AA or raw numbers as reported by the compile plugins) at 75 with very low AAs in a full group either w/ or w/o RAF?

Thanks for any input folks have; I am not convinced the RAF system is working properly at least based on the "link" dropping on my prior accounts, and now an (apparent) issue with the xp gained...

When myself and friends tested the RAF accounts out we determined that the "bonus" XP is purely for levelling. It did not affect AA experience at all. We tested it by creating a "normal" character and levelling to 51 and then put 50 AA onto it. We then took the RAF account and the normal account out and levelled them both to 60 using pin cushion.

Once they were 60 and able to be grouped with our PL expert (my Monk) I took both characters to Vergalid Mines, setting them purely on normal experience. I pulled approximately half the zone onto myself and destroyed them. The result was;

RAF account - levelled to 71 on the one pull.
Normal account - levelled to 65 on the one pull.

That proved to us that the RAF bonus experience was working as intended. We then created 2 more accounts. 1 RAF account and 1 normal as before, we levelled the normal account to 51 and put 50 AA onto it. Pin cushioned them both to 60 again and once more back to Vergalid Mines. This time we set them to AA only. This time I pulled the mobs in smaller chunks.

RAF account - gained 10 AA on the first pull. Another 12 on the second.
Normal account - gained 9 AA on the first pull. Another 12 on the second.

That was enough to convince us that AA experience was not being affected by the bonus experience. Remember that you will receive roughly 500% boost to AA until the 1500 mark, it tapers off after that.
AA bonus doesn't work if the two accounts are at the same level. It does if the referring account is at like 90 and the referred account is 89 or below.

Though I am curious, how can you tell that the "link" fell off of the account?
The link showed as off because on my station account page under RAF it showed "Trial Expired" -- it had previously shown "Trying Game"... they say I didnt buy HoT in time (despite the fact that I bought it and it stayed in Trying Game for the 30d period... wtf?) Now, the accounts that I created are showing "Recruited"...

Demon, the recruiter is currently 76. I accidentally let 2 of the recruits hit 76, but then Sac'ed them down to 75. The other 3 recruits never hit 76. All recruits currently get the same aaxp (approx. 20% more than the recruiter).

By your understanding, this isn't working as intended?

Although if Camvyss is right, AA xp isnt affected and all may be well with the world (sad, but Working As Intended).

Can anyone else weigh in on whether AA XP is boosted by RAF? I think I saw others posting on other threads that it DOES give bonus xp?

Anyone got a 75ish toon that remembers how much aaxp they got at low AA levels either with or without RAF in a full group?
the poster child post for raf working as intended is that dev post selling the lvl 85 sk 4000 aa raf acct b4 the 2 weeks were up

on that post he, as well as at least one more person, stated that raf accts were indeed getting AA bonus (on top of the pre 1500 or 2500 curve we all get)

its been a few weeks since i tried to lvl any more raf accts but I have experienced a few buggy ones, little to ZERO bonus, even went as far as ditching some cause the bonus seemed to be non existent at times.

How do you complain for a freebie......, some did and to my knowledge there was little to no resolution
I got the xfers because I called Acct/Billing support and basically explained I wasn't going to get off the phone til they got the chars xfered over. They made me ditch the Fippy toons I had claiming they couldnt be xferred because the server physically could not have copies made (I doubt it) but I let them have that small victory to keep the toons on my main server...

But basically, I am at this point trying to test out whether the accounts/toons are hosed on RAF xp somehow, or if it's something else causing it.

I expect the more hardcore folks like Dev have much better PL methods available; I am literally taking Bazaar geared toons into a hotzone and just grinding. I expect it to be slower than what is possible, but I am also trying to figure out if it's slower than it "should" be?

Anyone got empirical data for the low AA lvl 75 range in a full group? Or anyone have any ideas on how to test it?

I was gonna just log in a toon on a non-RAF account and group it with a toon on the RAF accounts and just see how their xp compares... level 1 shit. Unfortunately, I don't have any time on my old extra accounts that aren't RAF. So basically I just dont have a baseline I can compare the (supposedly) RAF accounts to.
^^^ (What im asking is, does anyone wanna take a level 75 toon, find a lvl 75 group in Vergalid - give or take - and then post xp per kill? Off the Trilobytes if it matters? Or even just make a level 1 toon, kill a bat in gfay and post the xp per kill? Would just need to know mob lvl, whether it was a RAF account, whether the toon was grouped, and xp per kill)