

Premium Member
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Just returned after a long break.......

I have number of killer macros, that worked through SoD which is when I left EQ after playing from BETA. I was boxing 2 full groups. which I know it not crazy but I had macros for all classes, my groups were warrior, zerk, SK, cleric, shammy, bard, monk, mage, druid, BL. easy to use for all classes. An old guild mate work them and I helped test and tweak, but he was the brains. He has moved on from gaming.

Could anyone make these work again? I saw the way toon talk to one another has changed, so I know these are broken for a couple of reasons.

I used to play my monk as my main, and pull, run back, my warrior would grab aggro when the mob got near the group. the warrior would target the closest, and my chanter would start locking mobs down, the adds, and then my toons would debuff/buff/cc/heal/dps depending on class. shammy would send pet debuff/buff and heal/dps, cleric buff and heal, they could use click items to self buff etc same for all the classes, they were easy to update spells and items, tweak % of when to do or cast x. I did have a pull macro that worked well, but my monk was my main so I liked pulling.

So let know please PM me, I will share with anyone who will help me get them working again.
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they will be very out of date re aa abilities, spell lines and class discs etc.
They could be made to work but they don't sound like it would be worth the time particularly.

There are other solutions that are up to date and already work. Use those, add features you love or miss to those /shrug
I agree with flatline. You will most likely have an easier time transitioning to a newer all in one bot using a local chat server ( EQBCS ) + MQ2EQBCS and MQ2NetBots for the basic message passing and Pete's MQ2Bot to automate each toon.

The odds of finding someone who is capable and willing to update your macros for you is pretty low.