Question: MQ2Autologin crashes


Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
Hi HTW/et al.
I was wondering if anyone else has problems with MQ2Autologin.
If I leave the process unattended, and try to load my 40 into emu, the first 10 load fine. However, after that, if the new instance of EQ is not the focused window on the desktop, the instance will invariably crash at server select.

Anyone else have this issue?
Someone else with more experience of this might post, but in the meantime, I seem to recall reading something about this plugin having a timer function built in, that you could adjust, to make longer, because it's a bit hacky and sessions might start up slow as your load goes up.
So if that is the case, I think the plugin might having issues getting the correct window to pump into, maybe you can find that timer setting.

Unrelated - How much memory for you to run 40 sessions? FPS / CPU limiting?
Yeah, that was me - I can't recall if I put it into any of the emu code, or where, but likely not all of them. I can take a look. You could also not try to load the sessions back to back as fast.

It is a pretty slow interval between instance loads, 20 seconds or so. Also, it works if I just bang the instances open manually that fast.

Shrug. I am also thinking you didn't back port that change (customizable screen delay) HTW. But yeah, if we could make it so it sits on each screen for a second or 5 I bet that would solve the problem. It's like its banging on that Enter world button too fast.

And to answer your aside flatlined, I am running 32GB RAM on this machine that also has a fast SSD. It's pretty much the limit of what I can do. And certain zones affect the instances differently. Example: Yxtta sucks ass laggy crap, while say Kod'Taz is fine.
I updated MQ2AutoLogin, to give you a couple of delay options to try, see if it helps you any.

They go in MQ2AutoLogin.ini, under [Settings]

PreServerDelay=Delay to wait while window list is built
ServerDelay=Delay to wait while server list is built

Both are in milliseconds.



I've only added it to the Underfoot EMU at this point.

Excellent HTW, all 40 loaded without complaint.
I think the autoscale of delay on my system just always sets it back to 0,0 so it starts crashing. What I did was make my ini file read only, so that should help, but just noted.