Question about EoK progression "required" for RoS


Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Despite buying both expansions for all my accounts I've barely done anything with the new zones other than levelling my toons up to 110 and buying the new spells.

I hear you have to do "EoK progression" to be immunized against some kind of aoe spells common in RoS zones.

What does this mean exactly? What IS the EoK progression? And what does it protect your toons from? A link to an explanation would be fine. Just don't seem able to find these details altho maybe I haven't tried hard enough? Any help would be appreciated. I have some free time coming up and would like to focus my efforts effectively...
I would like to know myself also. I have done no progression at all this expansion or last and I have managed to get my toons all tier 1 and most tier 2 ROS geared. The tier 2 zones are difficult and there are aoe from certain mobs but I have managed although I have to use a second merc healer besides my cleric to survive named on a few. I just disband one dps for named and let him go outside of group. If progression kills the aoe these zones would be cake so was wondering myself.
There are some "green" sarnaks that are unusually rough. They cast "Melt" which is a huge dot, debuff.

If you have EoK quests done you get an AA which blocks this dot/debuff.
Essence of the dragon 1 under eok cheeves is the progression u need need to do basically all partisans and missions
The Kar’Zok sarnak(green skin) has Aura of KarZok and Gust of Atrebe which is nasty HME drain AE(front angle, you can dodge this by fighting behind him) which makes them extremely hard if you gonna heal through that.
You can do all partisan of Lceanium, FM, SW,TOD,GOK, part of partisan of Chardok and first two mercenary tasks of KL. After you get the essence of dragon I achievement, you will be immune to that aura and AE, and only with that, you now have the chance to beat the ROS mission otherwise is impossible.

My advice only do it for your main 6 or skip this expansion completely on progression. :cool:

At the moment my decision is to skip the expansion completely on progression, not going down this time sink, when you can heal through the ae.