Potion Belt no more - 11 Hotbars // MQ2Melee


Lifetime Member
Jan 13, 2007
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Not sure if this will require a change to mq2melee to accommodate pothealfast or the pothealovertime functionality.

Lots of changes this patch... fun times ahead on Coirnav! - Newbie starting tunics can no longer be traded and have no value. **Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!** - Many rares have had their spawn chance or spawn time adjusted. - Some doors in Unrest will be locked on servers that have not yet unlocked Ruins of Kunark. You may need to find the key, or bring a rogue proficient with lock picks. - Many original EverQuest zones have had their experience modifier adjusted for balance reasons and/or to encourage variety in leveling. **From Prathun on XP Changes "Why not both? There were as many increases as decreases and the intent is that they even out overall." Unrest no longer a good leveling spot on Coirnav? Is XP in CB nerfed now? Guk likely nerfed as well I'd think?** - Removed the potion belt and added a new hotbar. Hotbars now go to 11. Test Update 03/06/18 - Patch Notes and Discussions | EverQuest Forums
Because 10 hotbars with 10 pages of 10 buttons wasn't enough. We needed 1 more. I run out of custom hotbuttons faster than I run out of hotbars.