Plugin: MQ2AllSaves


Banned From KEQ Never EQ!
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Forest Hills, NY
Hmm anyone know if resistances are serverside or not? If not here is a simple plugin I wrote to give you 600 to all resistances.

#include "../MQ2Plugin.h"


PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID)

   WriteChatColor("Loading MQ2AllSaves");
   WriteChatColor("MQ2AllSaves: Written By RogueDude/WickedMofo");



   DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2AllSaves");




   GetCharInfo()->SaveMagic = 600;
   GetCharInfo()->SaveDisease = 600;
   GetCharInfo()->SavePoison = 600;
   GetCharInfo()->SaveCold = 600;
   GetCharInfo()->SaveFire = 600;
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Very nice idea.. I can't wait to try this out. Is 600 max on saves?
Far as I know. I was using that setspell plugin last night and had all my resistances at 600 and never got hit by Wanton from Ture, not even once was I healed in fact. So I am leaning towards this being clientside, but who knows.
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Psycotic said:
Is 600 max on saves?

Yes after all AA are done that raise cap + all your MPG single group trials are done, 600 to any resist is absolute max.
Well was told by someone on another MQ board that is it serverside so won't work but I have my doubts.
Can ya just make a level 1 toon and take 'em to someplace with casters? See if anything hits 'em? Or even duel? WIth 600 saves, you should resist most anything a PC can throw at ya. I can try it out when I get home. I'll throw it on a bot and nuke 'em. ;)
Yeah I think I will test it in a few zones I know there are tons of casters, and also on the raid tonight :p
i'll test it out on my shitty 68 bard who has like 50 sv on all his stuff lol off to westwastses to piss off some random dragon!
i dont think it works..... Im not sure tranala's 250 dd spells all hit me but i dont know if they have anything to do w/ saves.
Any other info on this actually working or server/client side
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I did Ture and never got Wanton, not even once. That is a first for me. Usually get it like 5 times even with 500++ normally.
worked for me in time last night. wonder how it works in PVP.
I dueled a wizzy against an SK with this on, the SK got nailed by every nuke thrown at 'em.. The wizzy is about 8 levels higher though. (60 wizzy against a 52 SK). I'd like to play around with it more against NPC's though.
Seems to be working, I click off Saves buffs and still seem to resist what I normally do (maybe more?) than with my normal 557 to saves.
Does this work?

Does this work and how do you run it with the compiled file?
This has been confirmed to be client side only. So no, it doesn't work anymore.