

Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
Been working on a newer version of this plugin (alpha version of it posted in 2nd post), but not having much time to work on it lately I thought it'd be better to post a fixed version of this plugin instead of waiting until new version is completed. Sorry for the delay.

A plugin to help you keep track of when spells are due to refresh. A sample screenshot can be found here. Currently working on a new version, with most of the back-end code rewritten, but there are still a few issues with it (especially the auras). Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Known issues:
  • Global spell lockout events (Kerafym) don't start timers
  • Apparently Twincast doesn't start timer (no access to wizard account to test it)
  • Multiple auras not handled for now (sorry chanters)
  • Sitting on mount makes time stand still, will find put in an alternate timing method for the new version

To Do:
  • Add window for settings to replace command line stuff
  • Add a more efficient alternate method of display (instead of HUD)
  • Get the second aura working properly
  • Add default UI setting, so the settings don't have to be done for each toon separately
  • Add server side zoning time adjustment to timers
  • Change aura bar position from absolute to relative

Version history:
0.1 - Initial release
0.1.1 - Updated for patch 102908
0.1.2 - Fixed the bug that was preventing plugin to initialize when not in game
- Created storage for aura durations to handle all the enchanter non-30 minute auras
- Created an ignore list section in the INI file
0.1.3 - Fixed CTD due to the 2 spell gems added in anticipation of UF


/gemtimer		-- displays gemtimer commands
/gemtimer display	-- displays current parameter values
/gemtimer hudmode	-- toggles between timer and bar
/gemtimer load		-- loads parameter values for the character from INI file
/gemtimer save		-- saves parameter values for the character to INI file
/gemtimer bardirection=# -- sets bar direction (0-3), 0,2=horizontal, 1,3=vertical
/gemtimer baroffset=x[,y] -- sets offset value for bar from the top left of gem icon
/gemtimer barwidth=#	-- sets the width of the timer bar
/gemtimer scaleto=#	-- scale to value to which long recst spells are scaled to
/gemtimer textoffset=x[,y] -- sets offset value for text from the top left of gem icon
/gemtimer auraoffset=x[,y] -- sets absoulte position of the aura bar
/gemtimer auralength=#	-- sets the max length of the aura bar

Ignored spells (spells with recast times you don't want displayed) need to be added to the ini file manually atm in the following format.

[Ignored Spells] 
0=Divine Custody Rk. II 
1=Memory Flux

Plugin code

#include "../MQ2Plugin.h" 

#define      NO_ID            -1 
#define      COLOR_BRIGHTGREEN   0x0E 
#define      COLOR_BRIGHTYELLOW   0x0F 
#define      COLOR_RED         0x0D 
#define      HUDCOLOR_RED      0xFFFF0000 
#define      HUDCOLOR_YELLOW      0xFFFFEA08 
#define      HUDCOLOR_GREEN      0xFF00FF00 
#define      GLOBAL_RECAST      1500 
#define      MAX_AURAS         2 

#include <map> 
#include <set> 

struct strCmp { 
   bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const { 
      return strcmp( s1, s2 ) < 0; 

set<unsigned long> ignoredSpells; 

struct AuraTimer { 
   CHAR name[0x40];            // name of the aura 
   long duration;               // duration in seconds, obtained from auras dictionary (30 min default) 
   long timeStamp;               // timestamp for when the aura was first detected 
} pAuraTimer; 

map<const char*, int, strCmp> auras;   // dictionary containing the duration of auras (the non 30 min ones) 
AuraTimer activeAuras[MAX_AURAS]; 

struct GemTimer { 
   DWORD ID;                  // spell's ID (used to see if new spell was memorized) 
   long timeStamp;               // time stamp for spell completion 
   bool confirmed;               // used to determine if spell cast was interrupted due to movement (not for bards obv) 
} pGemTimer; 

BYTE currentCastGem;            // last recorded spell gem that was cast 
DWORD currentCastETA;            // ETA of last recorded spell gem cast completion 

GemTimer gemTimers[NUM_SPELL_GEMS]; 
int hudBar = true;               // true = bar is displayed, false = time in seconds 
long barX = 70, barY = 12;         // offset for timer bar from top left corner of the spell gem 
long barWidth = 4, scaleTo = 90;   // width and scale setting for the spell gem timer bars 
int barDirection = 0;            // 0 = right, 1 = down, 2 = left, 3 = up 
long textX = 70, textY = 12;      // offset for time in seconds display from top left corner of the spell gem 

long auraX = 557,auraY = 111;      // absolute position of the aura timer bar 
long auraLength=130;            // max length of the aura bar 

char szSettingINISection[MAX_STRING]=""; 

bool BardClass() { 
   return (strncmp(pEverQuest->GetClassDesc(GetCharInfo2()->Class & 0xFF),"Bard",5))?false:true; 

*   Purpose:      Calculates estimated time remaining on spell cast         * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:   remaining casting time in milliseconds                  * 
long CastingLeft() { 
  long CL=0; 
  if(pCastingWnd && (PCSIDLWND)pCastingWnd->Show) { 
    CL=GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->CastingData.SpellETA - GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp; 
    if(CL<1) CL=1; 
  return CL; 

*   Purpose:      Helper function to determine is spell should be ignored      * 
*   Last Modified:   Feb 14, 2009                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*      spellID         ID of the spell in question                        * 
*   Return value:   boolean indicating presence of spell in ignore list         * 
bool IsIgnoredSpell(unsigned long spellID) { 
   return (ignoredSpells.find(spellID) != ignoredSpells.end()); 

*   Purpose:      Populates gem timer array on startup, as well as maintains   * 
*               timers when spell lineup changes                     * 
*   Last Modified:   Feb 14, 2009                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void PopulateGemTimers() { 
   DWORD spellID; 

   for(int GEM=0; GEM < NUM_SPELL_GEMS; GEM++) { 
      spellID = GetCharInfo2()->MemorizedSpells[GEM]; 
      // if gem contains different spell than when it was last checked, update the timer struct for it 
      if(spellID != gemTimers[GEM].ID) { 
         gemTimers[GEM].ID = spellID; 
         // if gem has a spell with a recast time, we create a timestamp for it 
         if(spellID != NO_ID && !IsIgnoredSpell(spellID) && GetSpellByID(spellID)->RecastTime > GLOBAL_RECAST && 
            (long)((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->SpellSlots[GEM]->spellicon==NO_ID) { 
            gemTimers[GEM].timeStamp = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp; 
            gemTimers[GEM].confirmed = true; 
         } else { 
            gemTimers[GEM].timeStamp = 0; 

*   Purpose:      Displays commandline parameters available for adjustment   * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void DisplayHelp() { 
   WriteChatColor("GemTimer parameters:",COLOR_BRIGHTGREEN); 
   WriteChatf("hudmode          -- toggles between timer and bar"); 
   WriteChatf("display             -- displays current parameter values"); 
   WriteChatf("load                 -- loads parameter values for the character from INI file"); 
   WriteChatf("save                 -- saves parameter values for the character to INI file"); 
   WriteChatf("bardirection=#   -- sets bar direction (0-3)"); 
   WriteChatf("baroffset=x[,y]   -- sets offset value for bar from the top left of gem icon"); 
   WriteChatf("barwidth=#        -- sets the width of the timer bar"); 
   WriteChatf("scaleto=#          -- scale to value to which long recst spells are scaled to"); 
   WriteChatf("textoffset=x[,y]  -- sets offset value for text from the top left of gem icon"); 
   WriteChatf("auraoffset=x[,y] -- sets absoulte position of the aura bar"); 
   WriteChatf("auralength=#     -- sets the max length of the aura bar"); 

*   Purpose:      Parses /gemtimer parameters.                        * 
*               Yes I know, it's ugly, but I'm too lazy to research         * 
*               the /mapfilter like parameter structure                  * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*      pChar         spawninfo structure for character                  * 
*      Cmd            /gemtimer parameters                           * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void DisplaySettings() { 
   WriteChatColor("Current settings:",COLOR_BRIGHTGREEN); 
   WriteChatf("Bar width:                   %d",barWidth); 
   WriteChatf("Gem timer scales to:   %d seconds",scaleTo); 
   WriteChatf("Gem timer bar offset:   (%d,%d)",barX,barY); 
   WriteChatf("Gem timer text offset:  (%d,%d)",textX,textY); 
   WriteChatf("Aura bar position:        (%d,%d)",auraX,auraY); 
   WriteChatf("Aura bar length:          %d",auraLength); 

*   Purpose:      Saves relevant variables to MQ2GemTimer.ini for each      * 
*               character                                       * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void SaveSettings() { 
   char Buffer[10]; 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"barX",itoa(barX, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"barY",itoa(barY, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"barDirection",itoa(barDirection, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"barWidth",itoa(barWidth, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"scaleTo",itoa(scaleTo, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"textX",itoa(textX, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"textY",itoa(textY, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"auraX",itoa(auraX, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"auraY",itoa(auraY, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 
   WritePrivateProfileString(szSettingINISection,"auraLength",itoa(auraLength, Buffer,10),INIFileName); 

*   Purpose:      Loads relevant variables from the character's section in   * 
*               MQ2GemTimer.ini                                    * 
*               character                                       * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void LoadSettings() { 
   barX = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"barX",barX,INIFileName); 
   barY = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"barY",barY,INIFileName); 
   barDirection = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"barDirection",barDirection,INIFileName); 
   barWidth = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"barWidth",barWidth,INIFileName); 
   scaleTo = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"scaleTo",scaleTo,INIFileName); 
   textX = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"textX",textX,INIFileName); 
   textY = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"textY",textY,INIFileName); 
   hudBar = (GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"hudBar",hudBar,INIFileName))?TRUE:FALSE; 
   auraX = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"auraX",auraX,INIFileName); 
   auraY = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"auraY",auraY,INIFileName); 
   auraLength = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSettingINISection,"auraLength",auraLength,INIFileName); 

void DisplayColors() { 
   char temp[MAX_STRING]; 
   // rest of the colors are the same gray as 19 
   for(int i=0;i<21;i++) { 
      sprintf(temp,"color: %d",i); 

*   Purpose:      Populates the non 30 minute auras to store their durations   * 
*   Last Modified:   Feb 14, 2009                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void PopulateAuras() { 
   auras["Cirle of Power"] = 120000; 
   auras["Guardian Circle"] = 120000; 
   auras["Circle of Life"] = 120000; 
   auras["Wake of Atrophy Aura"] = 120000; 
   auras["Mana Reiterate Aura"] = 360000; 
   auras["Mana Resurgence Aura"] = 360000; 
   auras["Runic Shimmer Aura"] = 360000; 

*   Purpose:      Loads ignored spells from INI file, and stores the ones      * 
*               found in spellbook                                 * 
*   Last Modified:   Feb 14, 2009                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void PopulateIgnoredSpells() { 
   CHAR szTemp[MAX_STRING]; 
   CHAR szBuffer[MAX_STRING]; 


   int i = 0; 
   do { 
      sprintf(szTemp, "%d", i); 
      GetPrivateProfileString("Ignored Spells", szTemp, "notfound", szBuffer, MAX_STRING, INIFileName); 
      if(!strcmp(szBuffer, "notfound")) break; 

      PSPELL pSpell=0; 
      for (DWORD N = 0 ; N < NUM_BOOK_SLOTS ; N++) 
         if (PSPELL pTempSpell=GetSpellByID(GetCharInfo2()->SpellBook[N])) 
            // found ignored spell in spell book, add to list 
            if (!stricmp(szBuffer,pTempSpell->Name)) 
   } while(++i); 

*   Purpose:      Parses /gemtimer parameters.                        * 
*               Yes I know, it's ugly, but I'm too lazy to research         * 
*               the /mapfilter like parameter structure                  * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*      pChar         spawninfo structure for character                  * 
*      Cmd            /gemtimer parameters                           * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void GemTimer(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR Cmd) { 
   char Tmp[MAX_STRING]; char Var[MAX_STRING]; char Values[MAX_STRING]; char Set1[MAX_STRING]; char Set2[MAX_STRING]; BYTE Parm=1; bool Help=true; 
   int value; 
   GetArg(Tmp,Cmd,Parm++); _strlwr(Tmp); 


   if (Var[0]) { 
      if(!stricmp(Var,"bardirection") && Set1[0]) { 
         value = atoi(Set1); 
         if (value >= 0 && value <= 3) { 
            WriteChatf("Bar direction set to: %d",value); 
            barDirection = value; 
         } else { 
            WriteChatf("Bar direction requires int values from 0-3."); 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"baroffset") && Set1[0]) { 
         value = atoi(Set1); 
         barX = value; 
         if(Set2[0]) { 
            value = atoi(Set2); 
            barY = value; 
         WriteChatf("Bar offset set to: %d, %d",barX,barY); 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"barWidth") && Set1[0]) { 
         value = atoi(Set1); 
         if (value > 0) { 
            WriteChatf("Bar width set to: %d",value); 
            barWidth = value; 
         } else { 
            WriteChatf("Bar width requires positive int values."); 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"scaleto") && Set1[0]) { 
         value = atoi(Set1); 
         if (value > 0) { 
            WriteChatf("Scale set to: %d",value); 
            scaleTo = value; 
         } else { 
            WriteChatf("Scale requires positive int values."); 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"textoffset") && Set1[0]) { 
         value = atoi(Set1); 
         textX = value; 
         if(Set2[0]) { 
            value = atoi(Set2); 
            textY = value; 
         WriteChatf("Text offset set to: %d, %d",textX,textY); 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"auraoffset") && Set1[0]) { 
         value = atoi(Set1); 
         auraX = value; 
         if(Set2[0]) { 
            value = atoi(Set2); 
            auraY = value; 
         WriteChatf("Aura position set to: %d, %d",auraX,auraY); 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"auralength") && Set1[0]) { 
         value = atoi(Set1); 
         if (value > 0) { 
            WriteChatf("Aura length set to: %d",value); 
            auraLength = value; 
         } else { 
            WriteChatf("Aura length requires positive int values."); 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"hudmode")) { 
         hudBar = !hudBar; 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"display")) { 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"load")) { 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"save")) { 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"color")) { 
      } else if(!stricmp(Var,"test")) { 
      } else { 
         if(stricmp(Var,"help")) WriteChatf("Invalid variable: '%s'",Var); 
   } else DisplayHelp(); 

*   Purpose:      Draws vertical bar on HUD using _ and . characters         * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*      x            x coordinate of the bar                           * 
*      y            y coordinate of the bar                           * 
*      width         width of the bar                              * 
*      length         length of the bar                              * 
*      direction      1 - right, -1 - left                           * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void DrawHorizontalBar(long x, long y, DWORD color, long width, long length, int direction) { 
   int pixelOffset = (direction==1)?-1:4; 

   while(length >= 6) { 
      for (int i=0;i<width;i++) { 
   while(length > 0) { 
      for (int i=0;i<width;i++) { 

*   Purpose:      Draws vertical bar on HUD using | and . characters         * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*      x            x coordinate of the bar                           * 
*      y            y coordinate of the bar                           * 
*      width         width of the bar                              * 
*      height         height of the bar                              * 
*      direction      1 - down, -1 - up                              * 
*   Return value:                                                * 
void DrawVerticalBar(long x, long y, DWORD color, long width, long height, int direction) { 
   int pixelOffset = (direction==1)?-7:2; 

   while(height >= 10) { 
      for (int i=0;i<width;i++) { 
   while(height > 0) { 
      for (int i=0;i<width;i++) { 

*   Purpose:      Draws tri-color timer bar                           * 
*   Last Modified:   Oct 17, 2008                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*      x            x coordinate of the bar                           * 
*      y            y coordinate of the bar                           * 
*      width         width of the bar                              * 
*      length         maximum length available for the bar               * 
*      maxValue      max value for the variable, used to   determine color      * 
*                  change intervals                              * 
*      currentValue   value of the scale to be displayed                  * 
*      direction      0 - right, 1 - down, 2 - left, 3 - right            * 
*      scaleTo         if currentValue > scaleTo, more red is shown to         * 
*                  indicate longer recast time (used for DA and such)      * 
*   Return value:      none                                       * 
void DrawBar(int x, int y, int width, int length, long currentValue, long maxValue, int direction, long scaleTo=0) { 
   DWORD colors[3]; 

   long offset;      // length of green or yellow segment representation in seconds 
   float scaleFactor;   // the number of pixels that represents one second 

   // figure out offset and scaleFactor based on the 3 scenarios 
   // 1 -   |G|Y|RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR|      ie: long recast spell (DA) scaled to 90 seconds 
   // 2 -   |GG|YY|RR|           |      ie: short recast spell scaled to 90 seconds, colors scaled to recast time 
   // 3 -  |RRRRRR|YYYYYY|GGGGGG|      ie: evenly distributed colors for auras, colors scaled to bar length 
   if (scaleTo) { 
      if(maxValue > scaleTo) { 
         offset = scaleTo / 3; 
         scaleFactor = (float) length/maxValue; 
      } else { 
         offset = maxValue / 3; 
         scaleFactor = (float) length/scaleTo; 
   } else { 
      offset = maxValue / 3; 
      scaleFactor = (float) length/maxValue; 

   int offsetPixel = offset * scaleFactor; 
   int delta = (direction>1)?-1:1; 

   // minor position adjustments to bar positions so when bar direction is changed, 
   // it pivots around roughly the same point 
   switch (direction) { 
   case 0: 
   case 1: 
   case 2: 
   case 3: 

   int i; 
   for (i = 0; i< 2; i=i+1) { 
      if (currentValue < offset) break; 
      if(direction%2) DrawVerticalBar(x,y+i*delta*offsetPixel,colors[i],barWidth, offsetPixel, delta); 
      else DrawHorizontalBar(x+i*delta*offsetPixel,y,colors[i],barWidth, offsetPixel, delta); 

   if(direction%2) DrawVerticalBar(x,y+i*delta*offsetPixel,colors[i],barWidth, currentValue * scaleFactor, delta); 
   else DrawHorizontalBar(x+i*delta*offsetPixel,y,colors[i],barWidth, currentValue * scaleFactor, delta); 

void DrawBars(int x, int y, int width, int length, long currentValue, long maxValue, long scaleTo=0) { 


// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize 
PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID) 
   DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2GemTimer"); 

// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown 
   DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2GemTimer"); 

// Called after entering a new zone 

// Called once directly before shutdown of the new ui system, and also 
// every time the game calls CDisplay::CleanGameUI() 
   // destroy custom windows, etc 

// Called once directly after the game ui is reloaded, after issuing /loadskin 
   // recreate custom windows, etc 

*   Purpose:      Called every frame that the "HUD" is drawn --            * 
*                  e.g. net status / packet loss bar                  * 
*   Last Modified:   Feb 14, 2009                                    * 
*   Parameters:                                                   * 
*   Return value:      none                                       * 
   if (MQ2Globals::gZoning || MQ2Globals::gGameState != GAMESTATE_INGAME || !GetCharInfo2() || !GetCharInfo() || !GetCharInfo()->pSpawn) return; 
   if (!pCastSpellWnd) return; 

   long x, y, offset, recastTime, leftOverRecast; 
   float scaleFactor = 1.0f; 
   bool activeGemPresent = false; 
   int i, direction = 1; 

   DWORD colors[3]; 
   if(PAURAMGR pAura=(PAURAMGR)pAuraMgr) { 
      PAURAS pAuras = (PAURAS)(*pAura->pAuraInfo); 
      if(pAura->NumAuras) { 
         char *auraName = pAuras[0].Aura->Name; 
         // top aura has changed, update structure 
         if(strcmp(activeAuras[0].name,auraName)) { 
            activeAuras[0].duration = auras[auraName]?auras[auraName]:1800000; 
            if (activeAuras[1].timeStamp) { 
               // bump up timestamp from slot 2 to top slot 
               activeAuras[0].timeStamp = activeAuras[1].timeStamp; 
            } else { 
               // no 2nd aura active, this aura was freshly casted 
               activeAuras[0].timeStamp = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp; 
         // clear bottom timestamp when aura moves to top slot 
         if(pAura->NumAuras == 1 && !activeAuras[2].timeStamp) activeAuras[1].timeStamp = 0; 
      } else if (activeAuras[0].timeStamp) { 
         activeAuras[0].timeStamp = 0; 
      if(pAura->NumAuras == 2 && !activeAuras[1].timeStamp) { 
         // new aura added to slot 2, we do not know what aura it is, but timestamp is saved 
         activeAuras[1].timeStamp = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp; 

   if(activeAuras[0].timeStamp) { 
      leftOverRecast = activeAuras[0].duration - GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp + activeAuras[0].timeStamp; 

   if(!((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->Wnd.Show) return; 

   for(i = 0; i < NUM_SPELL_GEMS; i++) { 
	  if (!((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->SpellSlots[i]) continue;
      if ((long)((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->SpellSlots[i]->spellstate!=1 || BardClass()) { 
         activeGemPresent = true; 

   for(i = 0; i < NUM_SPELL_GEMS; i++) { 
      if (!gemTimers[i].timeStamp || !((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->SpellSlots[i]) continue; 
      if(GetCharInfo2()->MemorizedSpells[i] == NO_ID) { 
         gemTimers[i].timeStamp = 0; 
      if(!gemTimers[i].confirmed) { 
         if (activeGemPresent && (long)((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->SpellSlots[i]->spellstate==1) gemTimers[i].confirmed = true; 
         else { 

      recastTime = GetSpellByID(GetCharInfo2()->MemorizedSpells[i])->RecastTime/1000; 
      leftOverRecast = recastTime-(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp-gemTimers[i].timeStamp)/1000; 
      if (leftOverRecast <=0) { 
         gemTimers[i].timeStamp = 0; 

      scaleFactor = (leftOverRecast > scaleTo) ? (float) scaleTo / leftOverRecast:1.0f; 
      offset = (leftOverRecast > scaleTo) ? scaleTo/3*scaleFactor:((recastTime > scaleTo)? scaleTo/ 3:recastTime/3); 

      x = ((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->SpellSlots[i]->Wnd.Location.left + ((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->Wnd.Location.left; 
      y = ((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->SpellSlots[i]-> + ((PEQCASTSPELLWINDOW)pCastSpellWnd)->; 

      x = (hudBar)?x+barX:x+textX; 
      y = (hudBar)?y+barY:y+textY; 

      if(!hudBar) { 
         char timeString[20]; 
         sprintf(timeString, "%5.1fs",(GetSpellByID(GetCharInfo2()->MemorizedSpells[i])->RecastTime -(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp-gemTimers[i].timeStamp))/1000.0); 
         if(leftOverRecast > 2*offset) { 
         } else if (leftOverRecast > offset) { 
         } else { 

// Called once directly after initialization, and then every time the gamestate changes 
// shouldn't be loading/saving ini file here, but it needs to be loaded / saved when toons are logged in / camped out 
// and gem timers need to be initialized once a toon loads into the world 
PLUGIN_API VOID SetGameState(DWORD GameState) 
   if (GameState==GAMESTATE_INGAME) { 
      currentCastGem = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->CastingData.SpellSlot; 
      currentCastETA = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->CastingData.SpellETA; 
   } else if(szSettingINISection[0]) SaveSettings(); 

// This is called every time MQ pulses 
   if(!gbInZone || !GetCharInfo() || !GetCharInfo()->pSpawn) return; 

   BYTE castingGem = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->CastingData.SpellSlot; 
   DWORD castingID = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->CastingData.SpellID; 

   // called to check if new spells were memmed 

   // SpellSlot == NUM_SPELL_GEMS indicates item click 
   if (castingGem != 0xFF && castingGem >= NUM_SPELL_GEMS) { 

   if (castingGem != currentCastGem) { 
      // deal with spell cast completion 
      if (currentCastGem != 0xFF && !IsIgnoredSpell(gemTimers[currentCastGem].ID) && GetSpellByID(gemTimers[currentCastGem].ID)->RecastTime > GLOBAL_RECAST) { 
         // if casting completed or bard song is interrupted, start the timer for the gem 
         if(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp >= currentCastETA || BardClass()) { 
            gemTimers[currentCastGem].timeStamp = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp; 
            gemTimers[currentCastGem].confirmed = (BardClass())?true:false; 
      // update variables to reflect the current spell (or lackthereof) being cast 
      currentCastGem = castingGem; 
      currentCastETA = 0; 
      if (castingGem != 0xFF)   currentCastETA = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->TimeStamp + CastingLeft(); 


  • MQ2GemTimer.dll
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this is a really neat plugin, but i would like to see a way to move it to a hud manageable style maybe? right now this bar pops in the center and i am having no luck changing the aura or bar offsets to move it somewhere less in the way. mainly the aura window.

i'll keep messing with it :)
A window should be available for the next version hopefully, it'll make all the settings fairly trivial. Until then...

  • /gemtimer auraoffset=100,200
    will move your aura bar to x=100, y=200, this is absolute position, and does not depend on where the aura window position is (for now)
  • /gemtimer baroffset=10,20
    will move the gem bars to 10 pixels to the left and 20 pixels below the upper left corner of each gem (negative values should be fine if you want to put the bars on the left side, or above the window for horizontal spell window)
  • /gemtimer bardirection=0
    will cause the gem bars to shrink to the left, ie, the bars are on the right of the window (horizontal bars)
  • /gemtimer bardirection=1
    will cause the gem bars to shrink upwards, ie, the bars are below the window (vertical bars)
  • values 2 and 3 for bardirection are the opposite of 0 and 1, respectively
hey thanks for the examples, got it over close to my HUD now that i can work with :)
There a way to make it so spells affected by AA reuse reduction (Antecendent's Intervention for example) get timed correctly? ATM Gemtimer thinks its reuse is 3 mins instead of min 30.
Anyway you could stick an offset command in for using with the numerical hud display?