Orux / faction & some fun


kindergarten owner !
Mar 15, 2005
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this is based on the " The Great Invasion " Task from sergeant zetren in KAtta Castrum

1: get a full grp ( the more people you have in task when zoning the more powerful the NPC's that help ya will be )

2 : mission goal is to kill 10 shissars / then 4 priests

3 : you can afk for about 3 hours and it could prolly get done by itself but its too time consuming

- i suggest you just help the mobs by dpsing / doting or even pullin mobs to them ( trying gettin them single for your mobs so they kill them fast enough to keep your npc's packed ( they keep repoping so basically getting some killed end up splitting them and they just die separatly each time

- The priests !! well there is 4 priests ( all priests dont summon / are rooted and have quite some hp about the 150 k hp range or so )

2 are in tiny rooms and pretty much no mobs with them so u can just dot them from distance and nothing else will aggro

2 others are in rooms with mobs - The first priest ull see in zone basically gets 2 mobs to aggro you ( that your allied npc's can dispatch pretty fast ) so you just keep dotting the priest till its down ( he is rooted / doesnt summon )
, the last priest on the other hand is annoying he aggroes about 3 to 4 mobs and u need to work out some splitting for it or such :)

- the reward is pretty variable depending on who does the task on your server
Keep in mind, if you stay at the entracne you will most likely get raped like a little bitch, so I advise if your going to do this mission you should
/warp loc 0, 0, 0
Well, /warp loc 0, 0, 0 doesnt put you "under world" it actually puts you on the other side of Atiiki on the ground :)
well , i stayed at the zone in and didnt get hit nor anything , since the nobles keep spawning , well at least at the first part of the event with the shissar's u could move some and help etc etc , but once u get to the priests is where it gets iffy , cause sometimes the nobles would just not path by them thats why pulling the mobs out of the rooms can help speed up things ( nobles keep aggro on a mob they didnt kill if they died so they will usually path to him right away once they respawn - they walk slow tough ... -
I'm also talking about GKilling, you must be talking about GhostCast since you said something about DoTing the Priests. Anywho, the warp loc works pretty good if you don't want to chance getting hit.
lol no warp or anything involved in this !!! , you can dot the priests without even using MQ , they are rooted and dont summon and for 2 of them you dont get adds :D , you don't even need to launch MQ :p
Ive gone through this one many times 3 boxin a enc,mag,clr. I use the chanter to pull/pac, mac and cc so the npc help can concentrate on dps and stay in a large group. The mage helps dps some on clear but mainly for Priest part.

I leave the cleric at zone in to heal...can hit just about whole pyramid on y-axis. Oh, he's never gotten killed but if you get in trouble I use the clr's fast heals to pull aggro sit/stand and you and kinda walk them between zi and where the rest of the group is until you're in control again.
I know ppl who do this who just pull mobs constantly back to where your mobs spawn... that way if any die they respawn and are all still together (instead of letting the mobs spread out). Pulls get long from what i understand, but its ok, especially if you're a monk or a bard.
is there neway to kill the priest without clearing and using GK like a warp loc?
well gotta get the correct locs but the thing is that some mobs assist the priest ... wich makes it hard to kill priest etc etc ...