Newbie Leveling?


Jun 15, 2006
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Hey - i searched the forums and can't find anything in here (at least with my ignorance of searching) that doesn't use warp, ghost, anything flag-able what so ever that just does a simple quest or something that levels a character from like 1-10ish or even 20 depending. Its just the most retarded levels and i like to zoom through them with buying of expensive items but that is hurting my bank account a bit too much anymore. So i thought i could ask people here and maybe get some results! Any ideas?
I have absolutely no know-how for coding, but I reckon a bone chip turn-in macro would be easy. They are always for sale in the Bazaar (or you can farm them very quickly in Paineel/Unrest/Kurn's/etc. I remember in the past (years ago) buying so many bone chips (a few backpacks full) that I got my level 1 Gnome Cleric to level 7ish simply from turning them in to the Cleric guild in Kaladim.

Perhaps someone is able to post a turn-in "skeleton" macro code?? -- "Skeleton" meaning just put up a code where the item to turn in, the amount of that item to turn in at a time, and the turn-in NPC's name can be supplemented by the individual user?
i could code that myself, do you know the name of the dude in the cleric guild?
Allakhazam has a good list of quests for which bone chips are used:

I believe the one I used to get my toon to level 7 years ago was this one:

However, from the posts regarding that quest, it looks like it's been nerfed. :rolleyes:

I remember there's also a bone chip quest for one of the troopers in FoB, but I don't suppose that's much help to most characters. Can anyone think of another easily-repeatable turn-in with buyable components?
Not sure if your kinda thing but I use a Macro a friend gave me Called Puller, it pulls mobs within a certain range, But i deleted that part so it runs around killing stuff, had another toon logged in to see what it looks like moving about and it just looks normal, Heres macro if u wanted to give it a try i used it in FoB not reccommended for small closed in spaces,

| Puller Macro

#turbo 10
#Event Slain "#*# slain#*#"
#Event Zoned "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT..."
#Event ItemSet "[MQ2] ItemSet#*#"
#Event ItemBounce "[MQ2] ItemBounce#*#"
#Event ItemCast "[MQ2] ItemCast#*#"
#Event Dead "#*#You have been slain by#*#"

Sub Main

   |How far would you like to target a mob?
   /declare RV_MaxRadius        int outer  20
   |How far is the fast movement range?
   /declare RV_FastRange        int outer  10
   |How far is the maximum combat range?
   /declare RV_RangeMax         int outer  7
   |How far is the minimum combat range?
   /declare RV_RangeMin         int outer  8
   |What is the minimum Z Value of mobs I should target?
   /declare RV_MinZRange        int outer  -1000
   |What is the maximum Z Value of mobs I should target?
   /declare RV_MaxZRange        int outer  100

   |Variables that you don't need to worry about.
   /declare RV_MyTargetID       int outer  0
   /declare RV_MyTargetName     string outer
   /declare RV_MyTargetDead     int outer  0
   /declare RV_InvalidTargetID  int outer  0
   /declare RV_HasTarget        int outer  0
   /declare RV_RandomWait       int outer  0
   /declare RV_CheckLook        int outer  0
   /declare RV_Fighting         int outer  0
   /declare RV_TargetDead       int outer  0
   /declare RV_hitcount         int outer  0
   /declare RV_healcheck        int outer  0

   /declare lastevent string outer None
   /declare CheckBuffs int outer 0
   /declare i int outer
   /declare ialias string outer None
   /declare doIclick bool outer FALSE
   /declare bouncenum int outer 1
   /declare ibounce string outer None
   /declare itemspellname string outer None
   /declare clicktimer timer outer 0
   /squelch /alias /iset /echo ItemSet
   /squelch /alias /ibounce /echo ItemBounce
   /squelch /alias /iclick /echo ItemCast

   /varset CheckBuffs 1
   /call ExpPrep
      /call GMCheck
      /call GetTarget
      /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call Pull
      /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call CombatSub
      /call ResetSub
      /goto :Start

|SUB: GMCheck
Sub GMCheck
   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
      /echo GM has entered the zone!
      /echo FUCK HIM but ending the macro...
      /keypress forward
      /keypress back

|SUB: AquireTarget
Sub GetTarget
   /declare SpawnTimer         int local
   /declare RV_CurrentRadius   int local
   /declare RV_TargetSub       int local
   /echo Looking for Close Range Mobs
      /for RV_CurrentRadius 100 to ${RV_MaxRadius} step 5
      /squelch /target radius ${RV_CurrentRadius} npc
      /varset RV_MyTargetID ${Target.ID}
      /varset RV_MyTargetDead 0
      /if (${Target.ID}) {
         /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}<${RV_MinZRange}) {
            /echo Mob is BELOW Min Z Range, picking another...
            /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID}
            /call ResetSub
            /goto :Acquire
         /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}>${RV_MaxZRange}) {
            /echo Mob is ABOVE Max Z Range, picking another...
            /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID}
            /call ResetSub
            /goto :Acquire
         /varset RV_HasTarget 1
         /varset RV_MyTargetName ${Target.Name}
         /echo Acquired ${Target.Name} at range ${Int[${Target.Distance}]}

      /next RV_CurrentRadius
      /goto :Acquire

|SUB: Pull
Sub Pull
   /echo Pulling Mob
   /declare TargDist float local
      /if (!${Me.Combat}) /attack on
      /call MoveToMob
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /face fast
      /if (${Target.PctHPs}==100) /goto :PullLoop
      /if (${Target.PctHPs}<21) /return
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /face fast
      /varset TargDist ${Math.Distance[${Target.Y},${Target.X},0:${Me.Y},${Me.X},0]}
      /if ( ${TargDist}<30 ) /return
      /delay 1s
      /goto :Engage

|SUB: MovetoMob
Sub MoveToMob
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /face fast
      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) /keypress forward hold
      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_FastRange}&&${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_RangeMax}) /keypress forward
      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_RangeMin}) /keypress back
         /goto :Movementloop
      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) /goto :MovementLoop

|SUB: MoveToLocation
Sub MoveToLoc(MoveToY, MoveToX)
   /declare running int local
   /declare distanceNow float local
   /declare distanceBefore float local
   /declare distanceModifier int local
   /declare distanceTimer timer 15
   /varset running 0
   /varset distanceBefore ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}
   /varset distanceModifier 1
   /echo Moving to Location: ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}.
   /echo Distance: ${distanceBefore}
      /face fast nolook loc ${MoveToY},${MoveToX}
      /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}<10) {
         /keypress forward
      /if (${distanceTimer}==0) {
         /if (${Me.Sneaking}) {
            /varset distanceModifier 2
         } else {
            /varset distanceModifier 1
         /varset distanceNow ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}
         /varset distanceBefore ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}
         /varset distanceTimer 15
      /if (${running}==0) {
         /keypress forward
            /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}>10) {
               /varset running 1
               /keypress forward hold
      } else {
         /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}<11) {
            /varset running 0
            /keypress forward
      /goto :moveToLocation

|SUB: Combat
Sub CombatSub
   /varset RV_Fighting 1
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0
   /echo Attacking Mob NOW!
      /if (!${Me.Combat}) /attack on
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /call MoveToMob
      /call SpecialIT
      /if (!${RV_TargetDead}) /goto :CombatLoop

|SUB: SpecialCombat
Sub SpecialIt
   /declare TempID    int inner  0
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Kick]}) {
      /doability "Kick"
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Disarm]}) {
      /doability "Disarm"
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Taunt]}) {
      /doability "Taunt"
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Bash]}) {
      /doability "Bash"

|SUB: Slain

Sub Event_Slain
   /varset RV_TargetDead 1
   /varset RV_Fighting 0
   /attack off
   /call ExpTrack
   /target clear
   /keypress forward
   /keypress back

|SUB: Zoned
Sub Event_Zoned
  /echo Zoned
  /delay 60s

|SUB: Reset
Sub ResetSub
   /varset RV_HasTarget 0
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0
   /varset RV_Fighting 0

|SUB: Dead
Sub Event_Dead
/delay 20s
/delay 5
/warp loc -2711.08 1349.07 71.75
/delay 5s
/target mycorpse
/delay 5s
/delay 5s
/call LootME

|SUB: LootME
Sub LootME
/if (${Target.Distance}>20) /corpse
/delay 5s ${Target.Distance}<20
/if (${Target.Distance}>100) /return
/delay 5s ${Me.State.Equal[BIND]}
/if (${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]}) /goto :corpsepull
/declare loottotal int local
/varset loottotal ${Corpse.Items}
/delay 1s ${loottotal}!=${Corpse.Items}
/if (${loottotal}!=${Corpse.Items}) /goto :LootLag
/declare i int local
/for i 1 to ${loottotal}
/itemnotify loot${i} rightmouseup
/delay 10s !${Corpse.Item[${i}].ID}
/if (${Corpse.Item[${i}].ID}) /goto :lootagain
/next i
/nomodkey /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
/delay 5s
/target Mycorpse
/delay 5s
/delay 3s
/nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
/delay 10s
/warp loc -1414.33 153.52 -51.97
/delay 1s
/target clear
/delay 1s
/attack off

Works ok for me, Although it had problems working with Mq2Melee loaded.

Edit: Might wanna make this part a bit bigger

/declare RV_MaxRadius int outer 20
Well you could always do Velium turn ins in thurgadin. And if you dont want to warp around the zone ( its normally has people in the zone on my server ), and you have access to an enchanter, Charm Normon Stonetooth and then park him next to Hakon Brightsteel for easy turn ins.
If I understand right, turning in an item to a mob across the zone doesn't actually warp you. From what I read, it just removed the distance check between you and the npc.