Mq2Melee / MQ2Bot, tank rubber banding


Jan 22, 2014
Reaction score
Since the xpack release, my tank is rubber banding all over the place. Most of the other toons don't move really, the bard does, and it doesn't have the problem.
I use mq2bot, and so mq2melee also.
I finished levelling recently, before the xpack went pre-release. I updated mq2melee (load/save) to get it to care about new discs etc. Obviously AAs are being spent too.

The tank started rubber banding all over the place. A mob will be pulled to camp, the tank will be right next to it, facing it in combat, and will run *very* far past it, or *very far* backwards. The mob will start to follow, and the tank will run back to the original location. Then since the mob is "out of place" the tank will move again, back or forth, and so on.

I think it's trying to do a *very* small adjustment, maybe tap back/forward to get range just right, but instead it goes flying and then gets stuck in loops trying to fix it.

If I hold right mouse down, to be in mouselook, so it can't move, the fight will settle down and I can then let go. I don't use the tank toon tho, and for 100 levels this wasn't what I was seeing happen.

It's not the tank using mob punt abilities, they are staying unactivated.

Not sure if it's a change to the xpack, a change / issue with mq2melee, MQ2Bot has not altered so I guess not that, a change because I got new skills, aas, or what.

Is it just me? Any ideas what I can do to stop it?
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reply to my own post ;(

I am using MQ2FPS to limit background fps. Have been for ages, on all these toons.
I have upped the number of background draws, from 1/150 (which it picked) to 1/50 to see if this helps.

I haven't altered this, nor started using it only recently or suchlike, the problem started just this week or so. But will see if this helps. maybe even giving it more than 1/50.
Edit : up to 1/25 and still not really any different.
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Someone was mentioning MQ2ToolTip making lag. If you have that loaded, try unloading it.

Beyond that, I'm not really sure what it could be.
It's not that, it isn't loaded :/

The toon bounces around like a maniac now :/
It's not that, it isn't loaded :/

The toon bounces around like a maniac now :/

Your MQ2FPS settings might be too low. You keeping the tank on front screen or back?

Make sure no docracks like NoMeleePush are not enabled.

Try unloading some un-needed plugins.
Plugins are at a minimum, and no different from before when it was working fine. I don't use docrack, really only things to go along with mq2bot and tasks / groups.

I have 2 screens, the tank is topmost on the 2nd screen, but is not the foreground window, so background fps mode is triggered. The puller is on the 1st screen with a bunch of other toons. The puller is always foreground window.

The bard is behind the tank, so also background. I didn't try and up the fps on this one in testing. The bard is able to stay stuck behind the mob even with the tank bouncing it around like a lunatic. So that one is running almost no fps made it to the actual render routine, and not having this problem.

I don't really think it is anything to do with FPS limiting, since it was not having the issue before. I'll try with fps unloaded to try and rule it out, several months ago I was running like that (no fps limit) all the time anyhow - so the pc copes. Trying to see if fps was the issue, I was up to 1/25 frames, when a fortnight before 1/150 was not doing this (and no difference to tank behaviour)
It seems like the tank is moving too fast, like it has super run speed or something, and what wants to be a small adjustment (a forward or back micro-tap) is in fact being a long keypress, causing the thing to move a large distance instead. Then it keeps trying to re-adjust for it's recent adjustment.
That's why I was thinking MQ2Melee might have had a change.
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I think something changed in the core. I haven't updated the source for my MQ2Melee which is stock MQ and there have been a couple times where my guy is bouncing around.

It's happened 3-4 times on raids. Melee basically wants to get behind . by the time it does its time to move again.
selo's on bard + mq2moveutils reposition on tank = rubber bands the shit out of you. need to set your stick to "loose" or change it so it isnt a hard /stick that maintains an exact distance
Ah, okay thank you Pete

I wonder why it just started happening. I haven't altered any of the settings relating to this / that you mention. It's why I wondered if MQ2Melee had been changed. Maybe the way it does this by default has been changed, and my mq2melee load/save flushed that change to my settings?

I don't even know where to start altering it tbh. I guess mq2melee wiki will have a section.

Maybe I can disable selos on the bard, it's been on all this time but I don't especially need it when I am clearing some instance or quest or whatever.
block selos on tank

unblock it when u arent fighting (ie traveling)

i had a holy flag in case i forgot it just clicks it off rather than blocking it when u are in combat

/if (${Me.Buff[Selo's Sonata].ID}) /nomodkey /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[Selo's Sonata].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup
Ah, okay thank you Pete

I wonder why it just started happening. I haven't altered any of the settings relating to this / that you mention. It's why I wondered if MQ2Melee had been changed. Maybe the way it does this by default has been changed, and my mq2melee load/save flushed that change to my settings?

I don't even know where to start altering it tbh. I guess mq2melee wiki will have a section.

Maybe I can disable selos on the bard, it's been on all this time but I don't especially need it when I am clearing some instance or quest or whatever.

All movement in MQ2Melee is controlled by MQ2MoveUtils. Check out the wiki for MQ2MoveUtils and have a play with stick settings for your tank.
Well, I have no idea why it started becoming a problem so much just recently, but blocking Selos Sonata on the tank seems to have stopped the crazy rubber-band stuff that was happening.

Thanks for the suggestions, hopefully that should resolve it for me )