mq2melee bash (with a shield)


Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
I load the plugin /plugin mq2melee load.

I do /melee bash on, /melee bash true, /melee bash 1 and still can't figure out how to turn on bash. I read the faq and figured out how to not auto face and stick as well as being able to turn my taunt on....I just can't turn bash on thank you.

Try typing /melee slam=on, I've tried bash and couldn't ever get it working either.
I'm glad that I'm not a total noob and wasn't the only one that couldn't get it to work. Is there a way that I can do a short macro just for taunt and bash? My fingers are already hurting from constant taunt/bash (1 and 2 on my computer)...a short mac would do the trick.

Level 10 baby baby!!!! I just made 10 today, started wednesday night. I am on a quest to cleanse Befallen, or make it darker....I'm an sk.

Sub Main
/doability taunt
/delay 10
/keypress 2
/delay 10
/if (!${Target.ID}) /endmacro
/goto :bash


I just did that. Key press 2 is because I have bash there. It won't spam 2 into your chat window either. I couldn't figure out /doability bash. That didn't work, what I put together is probably barbaric circa 2001 macroquest 1 material but it works for me.

edit: when mob is dead the mac ends. (search is my friend)

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Sub Main
/if (${Target.ID} && ${Me.AbilityReady[Bash]}) /doability "Bash"
/if (${Target.ID} && ${Me.AbilityReady[Taunt]}) /doability "Taunt"

/goto :bash



You can cut out the delay 10 and not have to shut it off if you do it this way.