MQ2melee and Monk


New member
Feb 8, 2010
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I have it where my monk fires synergy followed by stunning kick every single time, however, the problem is that stunning kick only fires right after synergy is fired. stunning kick is on a 9s refresh and synergy is 30s. how do I go about making my monk fire stunning kick every time its up (ie every 9s) instead of it only firing after synergy?

this is using MQ2melee

Set stunningkick=0 in your melee ini then do as follows:

holyshit4=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<100 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Stunning Kick]} && ${Target.BuffDuration[Shadewalker's Synergy Effect]}) /alt activate 469

you can even get rid of the
${Target.BuffDuration[Shadewalker's Synergy Effect]}
to make it fire whenever it's ready (when u solo etc..)
The reason it's like that, is monks requested it that way, way back. LOL. I don't remember why, but I do remember being asked to code it that way (it's still as a done item in my notes history).

Are you saying that (at least now), that both should fire as soon as ready at any time? Or should it be somehow optional? Let me know, and it can be easily changed, and I'll put up an update.

You actually want both. If timer on stunning kick will recover before synergy - fire stunning kick.
The reason it's like that, is monks requested it that way, way back. LOL. I don't remember why, but I do remember being asked to code it that way (it's still as a done item in my notes history).

Are you saying that (at least now), that both should fire as soon as ready at any time? Or should it be somehow optional? Let me know, and it can be easily changed, and I'll put up an update.


They should all fire as soon as their up.
The reason it's like that, is monks requested it that way, way back. LOL. I don't remember why, but I do remember being asked to code it that way (it's still as a done item in my notes history).

Are you saying that (at least now), that both should fire as soon as ready at any time? Or should it be somehow optional? Let me know, and it can be easily changed, and I'll put up an update.


They should all fire as soon as their up.

In theory, if reuse timer of synergy was less than 9 seconds, you would want to wait for stunning kick, since it will then do double damage (actually more than double now). So waiting for any amount of time less than your stunning kick reuse time, will be free damage.
What I did was, like this:

synergy ready? fire it
synergy not ready? oh well...
stunning kick? fire it

So if synergy is up, it will do it first, otherwise it just fires stunning kick if ready.

mq2melee mend

Mend only seems to fire when I hit the exact number I have designated, same with FD. is there a way to make it register/trigger for (if less than) rather than (if equal to)?
Mend is kinda flaky, sometimes it does fire below the number you set in the ini, its really hit or miss. It may have to do with your monks hitpoints relative to the dps of the mob though. If it falls below the threshold to fast, the pluging might not detect it maybe?
mine seems to work really well. I have mend set at 50 and FD at 30. both trigger as it passes those levels
my Feign Death and Mend will fire if it hits that exact % of hp but not below it. Was just wondering why it doesn't register if it's less than the set % of HP. maybe i'm doing something wrong, but for as long as I can remember I've always had a problem if a mob takes me down with a large enough hit to pass the set hp% number.
If I knew how to read the code i'd look at that, but it seems to me that it's set at "if hp = % then fire" instead of "if hp < % then fire" would just like to clarify if i'm doing something wrong or if the code is written with a possible fail point that could be addressed?
I don't recall having an issue like this on my monk, but I will test and get back to you guys.

I may be wrong with the whole equal to thing, but it is definitely very iffy if it triggers or not
it works flawlessly. but like aspire said, sometimes inc dmg can be so fast melee can't fire it off fast enough. cong EQ on having dmg spikes so high even a script can't keep up.


also, to hedge your bets:

holyshit0=/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Mend]} && ${Me.PctHPs}<50) /doability Mend

which, in all fairness, is maybe what fires mend for me. =p but defer does work and i don't have a holy for that!