Question MQ2bot Question


Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
IS there a setting in the ini to make the bot autofollow you?
for example as you dungeon crawl, it assists you then also autofollows after fight is completed?

thank you.

Best Regards,
AutoFollowLeader=0 <-- Autofollow leader? 1 = on, 0 = off
AutoFollowSettings=30 healer <-- stick settings for autofollow.

Keep in mind it uses MQ2MoveUtils, so make sure that is loaded
Very cool thank you

What does "healer" mean next to 30 in the stick settings ?
It's part of moveutils, it'll stick to the cleric for me if I set it up as that
Very cool thank you

What does "healer" mean next to 30 in the stick settings ?

Healer refers to how the toon sticks to the person following it. Taken from the moveutils wiki:

/stick 10 - Sticks to target to keep you within 10 radius.
/stick behind 10 - Sticks you behind target at 10 radius.
/stick hold - Sticks to current target even if target changes.
/stick loose - Makes your stick look more human like.
/stick underwater - Makes you look vertically at your target.
/stick 120 healer - Does not do face adjustments, keeps in 120 range.