mq2 melee question


New member
Dec 26, 2007
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seeing as how mashing the taunt button doesnt work like it used to is there possibly a chance that someone can make the mq2melee plugin to where it will only use taunt if u are not top on the aggro meter?
it already can do that if you use:
sorry im not very good at all with the conditions on this stuff
I thought tuant put you 1 point of aggro over everyone else. If you are already top of the aggro list it just gave you 1more point. Is my thinking inaccurate? Does it wipe all built aggro and put you 1 point above everyone else on the list?

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That's correct as I understand it, thus it can effectively "shortcut" you to the top of the list but is worthless if you're already there. So the condition given is correct.