Michael Jackson!

Still sad to see somebody who made some good music pass away though, seems like your pretty happy. Yes he was messed up and all but still his music was good and im still kinda shocked he passed away.
well, atleast he won't need to put on makeup if there is a Thriller 2 released!

I wouldnt say im happy by any means.

But someone who has completely changed themselfs from who they once were, and has lived a life the way he did must have some peace eventually. I totally agree, the music he put out was great, and will live on. But i still will go to Say, Who woulda Thought! The man got to Dance with zombies, and died of a Heart Attack
I look at it this way it couldnt have happend to a better person, at least his Pedofile life wont be bothering children any more. I am totally against people like that, and it is a shame the law wont do more on that. On another note Farrah Faucett died to day also.
aye in no way am i saying what he did is right lol, just sad to see somebody who used to be super famous die and go out like he did.
fyi he was never convicted.
... he may have made good music, but he was definitely not a role model for anyone's kids (or he shouldn't have been). He had issues... and from what I'm reading now those issues may have actually been perpetuated by his family and those closest to him. I'm glad he's got peace, but I'm not sad to see him go.
Above all else the man was a genius. Yes, he was sick and demented and did some crazy fucked up shit. But, his music was/is legendary.

It's a shock that he died so young.
All that is truely known about the man is that in fact he was a musical genius. Everything else is how the media portrayed him and all heresay.

Look what the media did to the Ramsey's...I take what I hear with a grain of salt.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson had a mind that would be considered crazy, but a lot of people who rise to the top of their game and perform at unreal measures tend to do a few things on the frowned upon side, but he was very talented and a great guy. He's had some tough times in his life and the media has really messed with him but I respect him and it's a pity he had to go like that, it's hard to even fathom that it happened today.

On another note, I did hear that maybe there was some possible foul play in the result of this happening but we'll see. And just before this happened he was going to resurrect his career by touring again.

And for Lisa Presley, she has had two legend relations in her life one way or another. Married to the King of pop, and daughter to the King of Rock n` Roll. Now she's gotta live with that shit. Boo

surely not being convicted , in the eyes of the law that makes him innocent. Such a sad day
I agree with Alexandra, Surely MJ was eccentric to say the least, the media definatly blew things way out of proportion. And even if he was crazy, he'll always be the king of pop to me.
fuck him

I think he was a child molesting fagot that unfortunately had enough money and power to get a get out of jail ticket a couple of times. Im ashamed of the society that i live in today that allows this to happen. I completely reject all his music. His death should have came much faster and a lot more painful.