Marines Pissing on the Taliban


( o Y o )
Nov 21, 2006
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Wikki Wikki Wichita Ks
What do you think? I don't really condone this type of shit, but in the positions these guys are in, and having been there myself ....... ehh

If you havnt heard or seen this: Pissing Footage

Another reminder: What our lovely Marines deal with every day

And this one.... still brings tears to my eyes...
[ame=""]The Taliban pissing on us[/ame]
I don't think its right, They are people just like ourselves but believe in something different than us, everyone has different reviews on life..
What really worries me is the stuff that doesn't make it outside the country. I bet some really crazy shit has gone down in Iraq that has never seen the light of day.

Pissing on someone you just killed is certainly all about for-filling your ego to make yourself feel superior. Certainly not the right thing to do, but peoples who's job it is to kill over people and put there life on the line are not in the right state of mind very often. Ultimately it's not right, but certainly bigger things to worry about in life.
They are people just like ourselves but believe in something different than us

Amen to that when it applies

Ignorant Hatred is mostly ignorant

being ignorant about EXTREMISTS (that in this case happen to be Muslim) is something you can do at your own personal risk.

If the Mickey Mouse Club condoned promoted hatred of all Non mickey mouse club members and were told theyd all get to F mini and daisy as virgins ...... if they killed non believers, Id say F the Mickey mouse club.

Your neighbor co worker classmate that enjoys this American way of life (the whole not beheadding thing stoning etc) and is a Muslim (by faith), is not a potential enemy (i hope), he probably would be at the wrong end of zealot sword, now the crazy fucker that hides behind religious freedom while spewing his hatred and encourages actual violence, must be terminated from the face of this earth.

PS dont piss on corpses wether its filmed or not, its just not right, youd have to be there and walk in their boots to even begin to comprehend how in the world that idea even came to be, let alone carried out.

your avg service member who hasnt had fellow service members killed, or had any other sort of high adrenaline life or death moments where the mixture of fear and hatred are overflowing would probably see this as crazy stupid and uncalled for.

imagine for a millisecond what being hunted by these fuckers on a regular basis will do for your compassion for them
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I think it's disgusting but I understand why they would do it. Sorry to those guys but you know they are gonna end up in a court martial and prolly be put out of the military. Actually I'm not really sorry, one of them should have acted like a gd adult and stopped it. Overall I think this is just a by-product of the fact that we have been fighting a gd pointless war for so long with no end in sight.
What do you think? I don't really condone this type of shit, but in the positions these guys are in, and having been there myself ....... ehh

If you havnt heard or seen this: Pissing Footage

Another reminder: What our lovely Marines deal with every day

And this one.... still brings tears to my eyes...
The Taliban pissing on us

My opinion on this:
Just what kind of respect do these Taliban terrorists deserve? Absolutely none. What respect do they show for their own? Absolutely none!
My son is a Marine. I've heard first hand from him the things that these boys have had to deal with in Iraq and Afghanistan. He traced a detonator cord over 500 yards from a disabled IED to find 3 Iraqis in a house at the end of cord. They were detained to be later released by commanding officer because there was no powder residue on their hands. This was after we lost a couple of our boys to another IED in the same area. C'mon! I mean WTF does it take, caught redhanded and let go! No damn wonder some of these boys go totally ballistic in these places.
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I always tend to follow "Never judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes"

We don't know what they went through, they could have watched a buddy blown up by the hands of these now dead men, prior to the incident.

While I don't condone, I dont feel they should suffer any repercussions. These are trained killers, my guess is trained killers think differently than you and I.

War is bad, very bad, bad things happen. You can't put things that happen there in context here.

That's a woman's opinion :rolleyes:
well i dont find it tasteful. if there dead that means they tried to kill them first. so my guess would be at that point you would have a lot of hate toward someone. i dont know about you but i would be really unhappy if soemone was shooting at me.
well i dont find it tasteful. if there dead that means they tried to kill them first. so my guess would be at that point you would have a lot of hate toward someone. i dont know about you but i would be really unhappy if soemone was shooting at me.

It's not fun at all. I'm sure there's a few others here that can vouch for that. It can mentally ruin you as well.
You need to be a little insane to do the types of things many soldiers in harms way need to do. As much as I disagree with them defiling the bodies like that and bringing themselves down closer to the level of the men they killed, I 100% understand.

As much as it may be seen as defiling, it is an even more pure instinct. Marking territory. Could be debated as to the reasoning and they each certainly had their own reason for feeling the need.

On the flipside of that coin, not just being the bigger man, but instead showing homage to the fallen dead would have been a more positive image.
A good read on the subject

Sent to me from a Army Spec Ops friend:

By Sebastian Junger, Published: January 13

The video that emerged in recent days appearing to show four U.S. Marines urinating on several dead Taliban fighters has outraged many people in this country. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta have condemned the act, the military has promised an inquiry, and some experts are even suggesting that the act could qualify as a war crime .

Mainly, however, people seem simply to not understand it. Why would America’s warriors — for that matter, why would anyone — urinate on a dead body?

The White House said Thursday that President Obama joins Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in condemning an internet video that purports to depict U.S. Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. (Jan. 12)

I spent a year, off and on, with a platoon of U.S. soldiers in the Korengal Valley of eastern Afghanistan. There was a lot of fighting, a lot of casualties and an enormous amount of stress on the men I was with. I never saw anyone do anything like this, but then again, I never saw any dead Taliban fighters — the enemy always recovered their casualties before we could get there.

Nevertheless, the things the soldiers shouted during combat were very revealing of the state of mind that war produces. (For the record, I’m sure the Taliban was screaming pretty much the same things about us.) At one point a Taliban fighter had his leg shot off during a firefight and was crawling around on the hillside, dying, and the men I was with cheered at the sight. That cheer deflated me. I liked these guys tremendously, but that celebration was just so ugly. I didn’t want them to be like that.

Later, I asked one of them about it, and he explained that they had been happy because they were that much closer to all going home alive. They weren’t cheering the enemy’s death; they were cheering their own lives. That particular fighter would never again be able to kill an American soldier.

In a statement issued Thursday, Gen. Jim Amos, the Marine Corps commandant, said that “the behavior depicted in the video is wholly inconsistent with the high standards of conduct and warrior ethos that we have demonstrated throughout our history.”

Yet, I can’t imagine that there was a time in human history when enemy dead were not desecrated. Achilles dragged Hector around the walls of Troy from the back of a chariot because he was so enraged by Hector’s killing of his best friend. Three millennia later, Somali fighters dragged a U.S. soldier through the streets of Mogadishu after shooting down a Black Hawk helicopter and killing 17other Americans. During the frontier wars in this country, white Americans routinely scalped Indian fighters, and vice versa, well into the 1870s.

The U.S. military should be held to a higher standard, certainly, but it is important to understand the context of the behavior in the video. Clearly, the impulse to desecrate the enemy comes from a very dark and primal place in the human psyche. Once in a while, those impulses are going to break through.

There is another context for that behavior, though — a more contemporary one. As a society, we may be disgusted by seeing U.S. Marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters, but we remain oddly unfazed by the fact that, presumably, those same Marines just put bullets through the fighters’ chests. American troops are not blind to this irony. They are very clear about the fact that society trains them to kill, orders them to kill and then balks at anything that suggests they have dehumanized the enemy they have killed.

But of course they have dehumanized the enemy — otherwise they would have to face the enormous guilt and anguish of killing other human beings. Rather than demonstrate a callous disregard for the enemy, this awful incident might reveal something else: a desperate attempt by confused young men to convince themselves that they haven’t just committed their first murder — that they have simply shot some coyotes on the back 40.

It doesn’t work, of course, but it gets them through the moment; it gets them through the rest of the patrol.

There is a final context for this act in which we are all responsible, all guilty. A 19-year-old Marine has a very hard time reconciling the fact that it’s okay to waterboard a live Taliban fighter but not okay to urinate on a dead one.

When the war on terror started, the Marines in that video were probably 9 or 10 years old. As children they heard adults — and political leaders — talk about our enemies in the most inhuman terms. The Internet and the news media are filled with self-important men and women referring to our enemies as animals that deserve little legal or moral consideration. We have sent enemy fighters to countries like Syria and Libya to be tortured by the very regimes that we have recently condemned for engaging in war crimes and torture. They have been tortured into confessing their crimes and then locked up indefinitely without trial because their confessions — achieved through torture — will not stand up in court.

For the past 10 years, American children have absorbed these moral contradictions, and now they are fighting our wars. The video doesn’t surprise me, but it makes me incredibly sad — not just for them, but also for us. We may prosecute these men for desecrating the dead while maintaining that it is okay to torture the living.

I hope someone else knows how to explain that to our soldiers, because I don’t have the faintest idea.
Sent to me from a Army Spec Ops friend:

By Sebastian Junger, Published: January 13

The video that emerged in recent days appearing to show four U.S. Marines urinating on several dead Taliban fighters has outraged many people in this country. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta have condemned the act, the military has promised an inquiry, and some experts are even suggesting that the act could qualify as a war crime .

Mainly, however, people seem simply to not understand it. Why would America’s warriors — for that matter, why would anyone — urinate on a dead body?

The White House said Thursday that President Obama joins Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in condemning an internet video that purports to depict U.S. Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. (Jan. 12)

I spent a year, off and on, with a platoon of U.S. soldiers in the Korengal Valley of eastern Afghanistan. There was a lot of fighting, a lot of casualties and an enormous amount of stress on the men I was with. I never saw anyone do anything like this, but then again, I never saw any dead Taliban fighters — the enemy always recovered their casualties before we could get there.

Nevertheless, the things the soldiers shouted during combat were very revealing of the state of mind that war produces. (For the record, I’m sure the Taliban was screaming pretty much the same things about us.) At one point a Taliban fighter had his leg shot off during a firefight and was crawling around on the hillside, dying, and the men I was with cheered at the sight. That cheer deflated me. I liked these guys tremendously, but that celebration was just so ugly. I didn’t want them to be like that.

Later, I asked one of them about it, and he explained that they had been happy because they were that much closer to all going home alive. They weren’t cheering the enemy’s death; they were cheering their own lives. That particular fighter would never again be able to kill an American soldier.

In a statement issued Thursday, Gen. Jim Amos, the Marine Corps commandant, said that “the behavior depicted in the video is wholly inconsistent with the high standards of conduct and warrior ethos that we have demonstrated throughout our history.”

Yet, I can’t imagine that there was a time in human history when enemy dead were not desecrated. Achilles dragged Hector around the walls of Troy from the back of a chariot because he was so enraged by Hector’s killing of his best friend. Three millennia later, Somali fighters dragged a U.S. soldier through the streets of Mogadishu after shooting down a Black Hawk helicopter and killing 17other Americans. During the frontier wars in this country, white Americans routinely scalped Indian fighters, and vice versa, well into the 1870s.

The U.S. military should be held to a higher standard, certainly, but it is important to understand the context of the behavior in the video. Clearly, the impulse to desecrate the enemy comes from a very dark and primal place in the human psyche. Once in a while, those impulses are going to break through.

There is another context for that behavior, though — a more contemporary one. As a society, we may be disgusted by seeing U.S. Marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters, but we remain oddly unfazed by the fact that, presumably, those same Marines just put bullets through the fighters’ chests. American troops are not blind to this irony. They are very clear about the fact that society trains them to kill, orders them to kill and then balks at anything that suggests they have dehumanized the enemy they have killed.

But of course they have dehumanized the enemy — otherwise they would have to face the enormous guilt and anguish of killing other human beings. Rather than demonstrate a callous disregard for the enemy, this awful incident might reveal something else: a desperate attempt by confused young men to convince themselves that they haven’t just committed their first murder — that they have simply shot some coyotes on the back 40.

It doesn’t work, of course, but it gets them through the moment; it gets them through the rest of the patrol.

There is a final context for this act in which we are all responsible, all guilty. A 19-year-old Marine has a very hard time reconciling the fact that it’s okay to waterboard a live Taliban fighter but not okay to urinate on a dead one.

When the war on terror started, the Marines in that video were probably 9 or 10 years old. As children they heard adults — and political leaders — talk about our enemies in the most inhuman terms. The Internet and the news media are filled with self-important men and women referring to our enemies as animals that deserve little legal or moral consideration. We have sent enemy fighters to countries like Syria and Libya to be tortured by the very regimes that we have recently condemned for engaging in war crimes and torture. They have been tortured into confessing their crimes and then locked up indefinitely without trial because their confessions — achieved through torture — will not stand up in court.

For the past 10 years, American children have absorbed these moral contradictions, and now they are fighting our wars. The video doesn’t surprise me, but it makes me incredibly sad — not just for them, but also for us. We may prosecute these men for desecrating the dead while maintaining that it is okay to torture the living.

I hope someone else knows how to explain that to our soldiers, because I don’t have the faintest idea.

Well put, it angers me that these young men have done and seen things at such a young age that no one should have to see or live through. It angers me even more that the very people who put them in these situations are the ones that condemn and vilify them the most. My son had to drag what was left of his best friend off the road after an IED exploded disintegrating him from the waist up no more than five feet away from my son. How many others have been through this kind of thing? Its no wonder they have problems dealing with the emotional fallout.
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army lieutenant colonel, sends THE WEEKLY STANDARD an email commenting on the Marines' video, and has given us permission to publish it.
“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.
“All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?
“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.

“As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”
My take on it is
1) we shouldn't even be there
2) don't stoop to their level
3) we shouldn't even be there
4) if your gonna do something highly questionable...for god's sake don't record it
5) we shouldn't even be there

so what ever becomes of them it's their own fault......

ps. oh BTW we shouldn't even be there!
First of, I think the worst part about this whole ordeal is that OUR media is exhausting every effort to exploit this event. Our service men and women overseas deserve respect and support.
That being said; I myself am a Marine. I served during Desert Storm and Desert Shield. Being a Marine comes with a higher level of responsiblity. We have the duty to represent our interests in all foreign affairs like diplomats. Am I saying that these "terrorists" do not deserve to be punished? No! But let the punishment fit the chrime. "An eye for an eye." We are at war, Kill them, bury the dead and move on.
Are we forgetting the 3000 people that died on 9-11? I think it is great and if my son were still alive today he would say the same thing, yes he served there and came back in a body bag.
Soldiers are apt to consider themselves as a body distinct from the rest of the citizens...Such a power should be watched with a jealous eye. - Samuel Adams

Reel em in with your votes. If that would have been one of my Marines that had pissed on an insurgent who had been firing at us I would have retrieved the tape to protect our asses. This is how bad the lack of top cover in the service has become in some instances. Then I would have fuckin smoked him till he had rhabdo sent him to the rear to recover and put him back in the rotation once he was good to go.

Course it may just have been a really good place to take a piss without any of the above involvement in psychobabble.
As someone that was in Iraq and not Afghanistan I will say this. I think it's hard to criticize those military members. The majority of people that think this is just awful has likely never been in war and would probably piss themselves when they start taking fire. Who knows the mental damages our young military member are sustaining on a daily basis.

My personal belief is that we should have never been in Afghanistan or Iraq. Neither was a declared war and that is the reason why it's the quagmire that it is.

War is hell on earth.
Well put, it angers me that these young men have done and seen things at such a young age that no one should have to see or live through. It angers me even more that the very people who put them in these situations are the ones that condemn and vilify them the most. My son had to drag what was left of his best friend off the road after an IED exploded disintegrating him from the waist up no more than five feet away from my son. How many others have been through this kind of thing? Its no wonder they have problems dealing with the emotional fallout.
The avg person has no clue what kind of emotional distress this shit leads to. I was unable to get a single night's sleep for over a year after being there.

Please Allen West (Black Jack Bauer), PLEASE run for President.

Thx Cuda, very good read. I would vote for this man!

Are we forgetting the 3000 people that died on 9-11? I think it is great and if my son were still alive today he would say the same thing, yes he served there and came back in a body bag.

I'm sorry for your loss my friend. Words cant express what this is like. I lost 6 good friends in one incident due to those fucks shooting down a chopper that was coming to rescue a wounded soldier. Day by day your hatred/fear/terror intensifies for these muslim extremists to the point it may never EVER dissipate. They have no fear for their own lives, suicide bombers take out bazaars, city officials and us "Infidels", I say FUCK them. Piss on them and set them on fire then feed them to rabid dogs.

I'm currently separated from my wife, and a lot has to do with what happened over there, among other things.