Shaman Help


Premium Member
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
Alright before all this happened, my shaman mac bot worked pretty great. I was pretty proud of it, sure I can understand code. But writing it, i'm ehh ok at, why the mac bot file was amazing for me. Almost like a block language, ok so now that's out of the way. Could use some serious help, anyone that can PM me. Or help me out here.
So I i'm getting errors for these buffs that aren't written out and there coming back as null, but it's not null. I do have value in there.
I'm willing to contribute or w.e. it may be for some one on one or whatever it may be, once I can understand what i'm doing wrong I can fix the rest but i'll just show ya what i'm talking about.

[2017/12/31 02:10:04] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon2=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
[2017/12/31 02:10:04] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon3=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name


Than here is a link to my ini---

InvisSpell=Group Silent Presence
LevitateSpell=Group Perfected Levitation
BuffSpellName1=Roar of the Lion
BuffSpellIcon1=Roar of the Lion
BuffSpellName2=Group Pact of the wolf
BuffSpellIcon2=Group Pact of the Wolf
BuffAlias2=pact of the wolf
BuffSpellName4=Talisman of the Faithful
BuffSpellIcon4=Talisman of the Faithful
BuffSpellName5=Talisman of the Doomscale
BuffSpellIcon5=Doomscale Focusing RK. II
BuffUse6=Talisman of Celerity
BuffSpellName6=Talisman of Celerity
BuffSpellIcon6=Talisman of Celerity I
BuffSpellName7=Group Spirit Walk
Now here's my log file

[2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] Starting bot40.mac!
[2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] Available AssistTypes: 1 to just /assist, 2 to /target own prioritized mob, 3 to /assist with XTarget1 is kill target, 4 to use NetBots
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] AssistType 3 = Using XTarget1 to assist at 99%
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] /declare 'BurnModeAlias' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] bot.mac@1324 (CheckTargetLoad): /declare BurnModeAlias string outer ${Ini[Bot_${Me.CleanName}_${MacroQuest.Server}_${Me.Class}.ini,Assist,BurnModeAlias,BurnModeAlias]}
[2017/12/31 02:12:53] bot.mac@443 (Load): /if (${OptionsLoadList.Arg[${i},|].NotEqual[NULL]}) /call ${OptionsLoadList.Arg[${i},|]}Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
[2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] IgnoreList: |
[2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] Error(s) found in Bot__Shaman.ini

- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon2=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon3=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffAlias3= is missing or not filled out correctly
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon5=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon6=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:53] [MQ2] ClickyNukeTotal=0 -- You wont use this section, consider removing section from [Settings] OptionsCheck=
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [FightBuff] FightBuffSpellIcon1=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [FightBuff] FightBuffSpellIcon2=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [FightBuff] FightBuffSpellIcon3=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [FightBuff] FightBuffSpellIcon5=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] HealSelfTotal=0 -- You wont use this section, consider removing section from [Settings] OptionsCheck=
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [HealPet] HealPetSpellName1= is missing or not filled out correctly
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [HealPet] HealPetSpellGem1= is missing or not filled out correctly
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [HealPet] HealPetSpellName2= is missing or not filled out correctly
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [HealPet] HealPetSpellGem2= is missing or not filled out correctly
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] NukeTotal=0 -- You wont use this section, consider removing section from [Settings] OptionsCheck=
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [Pet] PetBuffName1=Fortify Companion -- Not a valid spell name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [SelfBuff] SelfBuffSpellIcon1=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [SelfBuff] SelfBuffSpellIcon2=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [SelfBuff] SelfBuffSpellIcon3=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon2=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon3=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffAlias3= is missing or not filled out correctly
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon5=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] [MQ2] [Buff] BuffSpellIcon6=NULL -- This spell doesnt exist or you are using the wrong name
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffArray' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4278 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffArray[50,2] string outer 0
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffQueueString' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4279 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffQueueString string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffTimerString' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4280 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffTimerString string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'MyBuffString' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4281 (BuffLoad): /declare MyBuffString string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'TargetBuff' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4282 (BuffLoad): /declare TargetBuff[45,5] string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'TargetBuffCount' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4283 (BuffLoad): /declare TargetBuffCount int outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'UnknownBuff' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4284 (BuffLoad): /declare UnknownBuff bool outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffParsePH' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4285 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffParsePH string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'MyBuffCount' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4286 (BuffLoad): /declare MyBuffCount int outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'MyBuff' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4289 (BuffLoad): /declare MyBuff[50,4] string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffType1' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4291 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffType${i} string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffType2' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4291 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffType${i} string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffType3' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4291 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffType${i} string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffType4' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4291 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffType${i} string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffType5' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4291 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffType${i} string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] /declare 'BuffType6' failed. Name already in use.
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@4291 (BuffLoad): /declare BuffType${i} string outer
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@445 (Load): /if (!${BuffLoaded}) /call BuffLoad
- [2017/12/31 02:12:54] bot.mac@126 (Main): /call Load
- [2017/12/31 02:12:58] The current macro has ended.


Now maybe i'm a newb, Ill own it. For sure, I've used this for years and this is the exact format that I had it setup in. Ya that's ugly. I KNOW. I never reach out for help with this stuff, I've always been able to figure it out. But I see that the errors precedes me. Now again, I have no problem contributing to someone that know's what's going on. I've never touched the if then statements, I'm not quite sure that is exactly what is needed here, I'm just not sure. He was a champ before, NEVER KICKED MOBS. LOL >< Grr. Sluged all the main tanks, healed, his spell casts was amazing, I never died, every mob was slowed etc etc. Ya get it, he was Golden. Now he looks at me with a dull stare and taunts me with those cold eyes. You can know he's sitting there thinking "you're a dumbass." And he's pissing me off! Lol, anywho, a pm or anything would be great. Those null factors are in fact. NOT NULL, they are filled out. I've tried different variations. For instance that group pact of the wolf.
I've tried Group Pact of the Wolf Form
Group pact of the wolf X
Group pact of the wolf Form X.
Group Pact of the wolf Form X
Group pact of wolf (What the writing is on the hotbar)
Pact of the wolf (I was getting desperate)
But it goes on for all of my spells and lists. Any help would be greatly appreciated, ya'll know this shit. I guess I've just been pretending.
Take care friends.
The official thread for bot40.mac is at Bot.mac Updates and Bug Fixes by [40oz]

Please post any future questions/comments there for consideration.

With that said I am the one that is maintaining the code on bot40.mac. But there isn't enough of your log/ini available for me to see if you are using the latest version.

So my first question is have you been to the above thread and downloaded the latest copy of bot40.mac?

To be quite honest the bot40.mac buffing system is above my head as well and I've been trying to wade my way through it to understand what is going on and slowly fixing it as I can, as I understand what it is doing.

If these errors are from the latest release then I got some work to do lol.

Yes, thankyou for the reply. This is with the new downloaded bot 40 mac. Maybe I don't understand navigating it yet. I feel stuff is here and there. I'll bring it over if I can't fix it more, going to work on it some more today. But when I turn it on, that's all the entire log of what it goes through. Just off launch, but that isn't in play. Not sure what else to post regarding it.But again, thank-you for the response and what you've been doing, I opened up the bot40.mac file lastnight and not the ini file or w.e. First time I've done that with the Booleans, so I can comprehend a bit more of what's going on. Guess I missed that one to. LOL. I just see one condition for group pact of the wolf alone and not quite understanding the layout at which it's written, but I feel looking at it more i'll be able to see his class and object layout etc etc.
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