macro issues


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Virginia / NH
It seems that some macros that target an npc and perform an action with them are not working. Is there a new thing set in place, maybe in moveutils, or in some plugin that has been changed?
I am getting similar thing seems nothing show up wrong but they seem to get stuck either buffing or the shaman I box sometimes register's merc's as adds and won't heal or slow, my cleric registers merc's as an add and won't sit and med.
There are some issues with RH, also naggy is no longer targetting the weary traveler.
There are some issues with RH, also naggy is no longer targetting the weary traveler.

not sure if this is it not targetting the weary traveller or something changing with the group's and it not recognizing all members in the zone?

I am suddenly having the same problem with my enchanters macro. It would mez and cycle through the adds fine doing the tash, slow and cripple lines. Now, the macro goes crazy trying to mez or do one of those 3 other things to my other toon's merc or even ends up canceling most of the spells its casting on all the other npcs while dismouning half the time too.

I tried the following. Adding the merc to the "good npc list" and the mez immune list. It atleast stopped the mez immune list now but still is throwing everything else out of wack.
the merc isn't a pet, its a npc. your going to have to update your macro's
Is there any way yet in the spawn data to check if it's a mercenary? I checked the MQ2 wiki but dosn't look like anything was added there but I suppose it may just not have been updated yet.

If there is no way in the spawn data to check if it's a mercenary only way I could think to do it would be to loop through groupmembers and if the Group.Member.Type.Equal[NPC] then add it to a merclist array, and then when the macro is targeting npcs it would have to check to make sure it is not in the merc list. But this however would not work for out of group mercs... I can't think of anyway to tell if it's a merc or not if it's out of group unless there is a boolean or something in the Spawn DataType for it.
Seems some issues were solved in the last compile.

However in reference to naggy, the 2 helpers now target naggy and do nothing. There must be some issue with the way they are supposed to use a healing skill on him.
Is there any way yet in the spawn data to check if it's a mercenary? I checked the MQ2 wiki but dosn't look like anything was added there but I suppose it may just not have been updated yet.

If there is no way in the spawn data to check if it's a mercenary only way I could think to do it would be to loop through groupmembers and if the Group.Member.Type.Equal[NPC] then add it to a merclist array, and then when the macro is targeting npcs it would have to check to make sure it is not in the merc list. But this however would not work for out of group mercs... I can't think of anyway to tell if it's a merc or not if it's out of group unless there is a boolean or something in the Spawn DataType for it.

Looks like they are adding in some stuff for this into the MQ2 source or at least working on getting it in.