June 27th, 2012 EverQuest Update Notes


Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
June 27, 2012


*** Highlights ***

- Modified how we handle memory management to help reduce our memory footprint. This affects all of the models and animations for everything in the game. This will also help with current systems that are currently crashing due to out of memory issues.

- Changed the AA experience boost for low AA counts from 2500 to 4000 AA. The bonus now tapers linearly from 1000% to normal experience over this new range. Progression servers will not get this bonus until Veil of Alaris is unlocked.

- Fixed a bug that could cause some fast bows to lose speed when at maximum haste and using a haste quiver.

*** Items ***

- Most beds now offer the ability for you to take a nap on them when placed in real estate zones.

- The Ethereal Dreamweave Satchel and Dreamweave Satchel are no longer tradable on Firiona Vie.

- Tweaked the archery minimum delay regarding quivers.

- Prescient Fleeting Quiver is once again 90% weight reduction.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Improved the healing focus on all Veiled Seals of the Healer.

- Added the tradeskill useable flag to a large number of items, such as non-placeable tradeskill containers, items that modify your skill levels, and tradeskill tools.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Xanuusus should be more responsive to multiple rangers attempting to demonstrate an act of faith as part of their epic 1.5 pre-task.

- Bristlebane has been shuffling his Deck of Spontaneous Generation and has thrown in a few new tricks. (Five previously unobtainable items that resulted from combinations of mischief cards can now be created.)

- A previously unobtainable item that Einhorst McMannus has been after for many years can now be found.

- The shadows in Innothule Swamp have come alive once again. Ssynthi in Castle Mistmoore might be interested in this.

- Two Sides of the Stone (Raid) - Reduced the detrimental effect of many spells within the raid.

- Two Sides of the Stone (Raid) - "Blobs" now wait a small amount of time before doing damage.

- Two Sides of the Stone (Raid) - Reduced how often adds spawn during the Avatar fight.

- Two Sides of the Stone (Raid) - The amount of recovery time allowed between split phases has been increased.

- The Triune God (Raid) - The Triunity will no longer choose pets as targets when casting Erasure or Mind Strip.

*** Spells ***

- Fixed a problem that was causing all rune spells (or spell shields) on an entity to break when any one broke.

- Fixed a problem that was causing unexpected effects when some spells were cured, such as creating throwing daggers.

*** NPC ***

- Alinai Kaneriti in Butcherblock Mountains should now have a more appropriate title.

- Corrected an outstanding issue with the appearance of mountain giants in Kunark and Basilisks in Jaggedpine Forest.

- Sylisa Cogsworthy and Gaelsori Heriseron in the Bazaar are now happy to help you with delivering and receiving parcels.

*** AA ***

- Changed the AA experience boost for low AA counts from 2500 to 4000 AA. The bonus now tapers linearly from 1000% to normal experience over this new range. Progression servers will not get this bonus until Veil of Alaris is unlocked.

*** Achievements ***

- Corrected an issue that prevented the "Hero of Bloody Kithicor" achievement from being completed.

- Added a list of tasks to the Alaran Language Master achievement that shows the language points for completion of various task groups. You may need to close and re-open your Achievements window after completing a task to force an update.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Corrected an erroneous "vote failed" message that could appear midway through a voting cycle.

- Improved messaging when a vote to unlock an expansion wins, loses, or ties.

- Corrected several spells that were not available on the updated Plane of Knowledge vendors at the appropriate time.

- The neighborhood should no longer be accessible on Progression servers until the House of Thule expansion is unlocked.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred on a progression server when clicking on the atlas button in the map window.

- Fixed a graphics engine issue that potentially causes the alt-tab crashes.

- Reduced the overall memory consumption used when zoning by no longer pre-loading textures that aren't currently in use.

- Fixed a bug that could cause some fast bows to lose speed when at maximum haste and using a haste quiver.

- Corrected the path of the Sirensbane through Erud's Crossing.

*** UI ***

- Added the ability to inspect and preview reward items in the Reward Selection Window both by using the Inspect and Preview buttons and by alt-left and alt-right clicking the item icon in the window.

- Fixed a bug that could cause the selected reward option to reset to the top option when selecting a reward item for the first time.

- Changed -

- EQUI_RewardSelectionWnd.xml

*** Previously Updated ***

- Removed several NPCs from progression servers that should not have been active until much later.

- The EverQuest Team
we'll see if they actually fixed any of the crashing bugs, the alt tab bug is annoying as all hell...
- Modified how we handle memory management to help reduce our memory footprint. This affects all of the models and animations for everything in the game. This will also help with current systems that are currently crashing due to out of memory issues.

Wonder how this will effect WinEQ2.0, if at all.

Second, have to wonder if they are making these changes to models to roll out better character models in the future.
if your crashing try removing ornamentations
Second, have to wonder if they are making these changes to models to roll out better character models in the future.

It's nice to dream. Maybe you can be President too? :p

There's no way EQ1 gets new models, ever. Just think about it for a second or three. You've got a third game in the series actively under development, the second game in the series has aged well graphically, why bother punching the hornet's nest of the first game? Remember the last time they thought about new models (based on the Drakkin, of all things)? Those models got to Test and were universally panned (and for good reason. The Drakkin model is just....gangly, awkward, not the least bit fluid, goofy, awful, etc). People suggested using the new Siren model as the base for at least the female models (its center of gravity is far better than the drakkin) but some artist got butthurt and the whole thing was scrapped.

Nah, I don't see new models in EQ1's future at all.
Maybee Remianen works for SOE. Him trying to tell you what a bad idea new models would be, reminds of of Republicans telling you how awful having health care is.
And they still didn't get the right spells back in the game yet on progression. WTB Supernal Remedy!!
And they still didn't get the right spells back in the game yet on progression. WTB Supernal Remedy!!
But you can sleep on your Ed now!! That's HUGE. A real game breaker!!