Is this possible


Lifetime Member
Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
I've been trying to work Amplified frenzy into my bot/ but the only way I've been able to pull it off is with open wounds, the problem is that my HP is steadily increasing so open wounds is starting to interfere with my healers macro because it locks your HP at 117k max.

I'm wondering if it's possible to set up a holyshit that will alternate casts of bloodfury and amplified frenzy but only if amplified frenzy is up. The reason for this is that between runes and AE heals you usually have to click it more than once to get it to work, but sometimes if no one is really watching you can get away with only once.
holyshit7=/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Spell[Amplified Frenzy].RankName}]} && !${Me.Buff[Amplified Frenzy Effect].ID} && ${Me.PctHPs}>70) /multiline ; /alt act 752 ; /timed 2 ;/Disc ${Spell[Amplified Frenzy].RankName}
Works perfect, thanks a bunch this has been driving me nuts for a month
Is there a list of zerker's aa or disc that only can be used under 90% hp?(Recent expansion) And the aa/disc that locks your hp under 90%? Was always want to get those well sorted
I don't like holyshits, but this is how I do it in my macro, if it helps.

/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Amplified Frenzy Rk. III]} && !${Me.Buff[Amplified Frenzy Effect III].ID}) {
	/if (${Me.PctHPs} > 89) {
		/alt act 752
		/delay 5
		/if (${Me.PctHPs} > 89) /goto :bloodfury
   /disc Amplified Frenzy Rk. III
Yeah macros are faster than holyshit, but for laziness it works wonders if setup correctly.