Using AA's MQ2Bot


Premium Member
Dec 17, 2023
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I wondering if there is a command along the lines of AAatIf#=(99) %ofmobhp or something like that. I want to get my pally to Divine stun but only once it the fight and I figured this would be a simple solution if available. If not, what are some alternatives to this?
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if divine stun is listed when bot starts, can do it there. or if using mq2melee, should be able to do it in there. stun0=[Disc/AA/Spell ID #] in melee
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Yes, refer to specifically:

Basically, you would put an entry under your [MQ2Bot] and save then /loadbot, for whichever AA.

For example, if it's AA3 then you would make a condition like:

AAIf3=${Target.ID} && ${Target.PctHPs}<99
Thanks! Where can I find more information about ${Target.ID} && ${Target.PctHPs} and what these mean and what other strings of code can be used? I have been looking but cant seem to find a consolidated source
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