Infinite timed aura's on pets


New member
Feb 25, 2006
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I am using this on a mage pet and beast pet both have suspend minion rank 2 just get an aura on them then suspend them then aura doesn't have to run anymore around them they will have it for as long as they live no matter how many times you pocket them, can be useful for pet tanking.
I've had this happen on my pet as well. Sk pet.
I have had this happen on my pet but never....ever thought anything of it until I read this post. I have also had this happen with bard songs. Not sure which one(s) can't really look into is since my guild doesn't have any active bards atm.
So any buff that goes in the song window is potentially capable of staying on a pet infinitely?

Has anyone tried using the cleric heal over time Sacred Elixir? It seems like it would be a very easy way to have constant healing without having to dump mana into it.
I just assumed this was well known, i've been using it forever. But yet it works. Get as many auras at once as you can on a raid and suspend your pet. Then pull him out later when you are soloing and he has them.

Most often used when casting your 10% damage mod aura on your pet. I suspend him immediatly so it bugs and acts as a permanent damage mod. It no longer affects the pets around him.. but who cares, you are soloing.
i noticed this first when i used the shroud technique of loggin shrouded to keep pet .. then i went thru a series of spells i tried to get to work on my self like hots , panther etc... of course no go.. but wouldve been nice to haave 1.2k a tick hot perma ..
It didnt work on yourself, but has anyone tried specifically casting it on the pet and suspending it?
i noticed this first when i used the shroud technique of loggin shrouded to keep pet .. then i went thru a series of spells i tried to get to work on my self like hots , panther etc... of course no go.. but wouldve been nice to haave 1.2k a tick hot perma ..

Yea, I read that post. I was referring specifically to HoTs and the response from bigluvbsg wasn't clear, so I was asking for clarification.

I don't care if it didnt work on himself... I wanted to know if he was referring to the pet or himself the player.

I don't usually post indescriminately because I've seen the flaming that goes on. If you don't see how that above comment could be misinterpreted, then I can't help you.

**edit** a few typos
like a true newb /... no not yet.... on it right now..and im crossing my finger and one of these day ill actually come cross a useful glitch u all wait n see.. lol .. i remember when game first out i had a lvl 10-15 ish druid (its been awhile) and i remember getting "Dorn somin or nother.." in N or S ro agro and when i ran away like a girl i noticed he totaly stopped chasing me when i got like 3 inches from the zone line in corner .. so i can remember soloing that red fella like 30 times and selling the "uber" dirk to everyone .. for like 3 plat go me .. wow i just typed alot about somin lame woot go me
Doesn't work (the HoT) like that for pets. I would think the only reason it works is because aura's don't have a visible timer, so when the pet is unsuspended it doesn't have anything to refer back to.. and never fades.
Doesn't work (the HoT) like that for pets. I would think the only reason it works is because aura's don't have a visible timer, so when the pet is unsuspended it doesn't have anything to refer back to.. and never fades.

Good point but shamans do get an aa ancestral aid.. i only up to version 2 of it , clicks for around 800 a tick .. displays like aura what you think on that, ill try that in a few
good idea... let us know how that works
Cleric/Shaman ward may also stick if you can try that.
Excellent idea. This would trivialize any events that require curing, if the pets could be healed in addition to just a MT/RT setup. The fight would take longer, but it's something to be considered, that's for sure.

Edit: ok maybe not Trivialize, but could add dps without having to worry about healing them from a dot.
once i logged back on the pets hot aura showed a timer so nogo on that , now the ward im not to sure about will have to see