/grab issues?


New member
Jun 6, 2007
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I use /grab to pick up collectibles throughout RoF, TDS, and TBM with no issues. I tried to use it in Hardcore Heritage Nagafen's Lair and it's not working. I right click the "Glowing Globe" on the map, then /grab and the glowing globe disappears from the map but does not appear on my cursor. Is anyone else having issues with /grab lately?
i just tried with /itemtarget then /grab, got item without issue.

Is in Nagfen's Lair zone.
I don't know if you can be on a mount in there but it fails for me in other zones if mounted. I use /gank.
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I presume you guys don't care, but that command uses active hacks and could cause your account to be flagged. I get a ban wave hasn't happened in a while, but I thought it worth mentioning.
I'd like to know as well. There were a few quests where I had to pick up ground spawns and wasn't even able to target the items.

If /itemtarget does not work then you wont be able to pickup

If it does then this is what I am doing currently
I have to use the echo to get the ground.grab to work, not sure of another way to execute it.

		/if (${GroundItemCount[ITEMNAME]} > 0) {
			/if (${Ground[ITEMNAME].Distance3D} < 20) {
				/if (${Ground[ITEMNAME].Grab}) {
					/echo picked up a ${Ground[Defiance].DisplayName}
					/delay 5s ${Cursor.ID}
					/echo Got ${Cursor}
/echo will work but the /invoke command was added specifically to "invoke" methods like grab for example.