Feeler on price


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
I have a few toons i might be looking to sell if the price works. Please PM or post possible pricing. I dont have a paid magelo account but would be willing to add any info requested.

1. 85 mage t3 raid(sod) and t8 grp gear can request most sod raids and can request 5 of 6 UF grp task in t6 and t7. 2700+ aa, 8 yr vet rewards. NOT original owner. Many TS trained 100 to 200
EDIT: Unbuffed 37k+ Mana 36k+ HP 4200+ AC--Most Sod Rk3 spells

2. 85 bard t3 raid(sod) and t8 grp gear request 5 of 6 UF t6 and t7 grp task 1100 aa. Original Owner Info avail.
EDIT: Unbuffed 29k+ Mana 24k+ HP 4600+ AC-- Most Sod Rk3 Spells

3. 85 pal t3 raid(sod) andt8 grp gear can request some sof and sod raids and t5 5 of 6 UF grp tasks. 2300+ aa few TS over 100. 3 yr vets Original owner.
EDIT: Unbuffed 31K+ Mana 38K+ HP 5400+ AC --Most Sod Rk3 Spells

Thanks all for any input.
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Might help if you would add unbuffed hps/ac/mana etc so that people know where you are at on that. Just a suggestion :).


As with everything when it comes to willing buyer and willing seller it is tough to say because it could be more or could be less, but here are my estimates for MMOBugs (add 20% if listing on Playerauctions):

Magician $500

Bard $300

Paladin $400
I have same question actually,

See other post. Didn't realise it was impolite to mix questions..
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Didn't want to attract too much attention is all..