when in doubt, go to youtube, type in "port forwarding" and whatever brand of router you have. shows you step by step. example:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWPUdW1kIJA"]Port Forwarding For Noobs, Linksys Routers - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvadHiDZ7Rw"]how to port forward a netgear router 2012 - YouTube[/ame]
MQ2AASpend=Automaticly buys AA points for you
MQ2AdvBeep=Allows you to take full advantage of the wonderful beep command in game
MQ2AdvLoot=Loot corpse(s) with keep/destroy lists
MQ2AdvPath=Used to record and playback player movement
MQ2AdvPacks=Opens/closes bags upon toggling of inventory/bank/merchant/loot windows
MQ2AimChat=AIM IM interface in EQ
MQ2AutoAcceptTrades=Auto-accepts every trade from configured toons
MQ2AutoAFK=Will set you afk & log when your name is mentioned, based on mouse/kb idle time
MQ2AutoBuff=Automatically queue & cast buffs by command or configurable buff requests
MQ2AutoClip=Automatically set clipping plane depending on zone
MQ2AutoDestroy=Can be used to automatically keep or destroy items as they appear on the mouse cursor
MQ2AutoForage=Automate the task of foraging
MQ2AutoGroup=Automaticly accept you into a group/raid based off a list of authorized names
MQ2AutoLogin=Will automatically log you into game based on configuration (see MQ2AutoLogin.ini)
MQ2AutoRez=Takes rez and loots corpse
MQ2AutoSize=Automaticly shrinks anyone within a X radius to /size 1
MQ2Autoskills=Auto-activate various skills
MQ2BagWindow=Use this plugin so you do not have to open bags to get the correct InvSlot of an item, nor do you have to open bags to interact with the item.
MQ2Bandolier=Allows bandolier the use of all equipped slots
MQ2BardSwap=Swap in instruments as needed
MQ2BotMaster=Botting plugin that uses telnet for imbedded controls, similar to EQBC, but using telnet instead.  This is the 'master', or 'server' plugin.
MQ2BotSlave=Botting plugin that uses telnet for imbedded controls, similar to EQBC, but using telnet instead.  This is the 'slave', or 'client' plugin.
MQ2BoundTLO=Adds information on the location you are bound
MQ2Buffblock=Clicks off unwanted buffs (Beneficial buffs ONLY)
MQ2Bzsrch=Adds some bazaar searching functionality
MQ2CapsLock=Enables CapsLock for EverQuest for in-game chat
MQ2Cast=Advanced casting handler, with ability to recast, swap in focus gear and much more
MQ2CastTimer=Addon UI window for MQ2Cast
MQ2CEcho=Adds /cecho to allow color echo commands.
MQ2ChangeForm=Changes the race of whoever you like on your client
MQ2CharNotes=Lets you add a PC or NPC comment to a character.
MQ2Chat=Makes MQ2 text output go to your main chat window
MQ2ChatFilter=Allows you to avoid seeing certain text in chat windows
MQ2ChatWnd=Creates a separate chat window for MQ2 text output
MQ2ChuckNorris=Informs people about how cool Chuck Norris really is..or is not
MQ2Clickies=Manages your click items from a xml window added to your UI
MQ2ClickMaint=Helps maintain clickies via macro
MQ2Clip=Automatically control your clipping plane settings
MQ2CLoot=Near instant looting of corpses (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2Copy=Creates a custom UI window and stores game text as it is received, so you can copy it to clipboard
MQ2Crypto=Allows you to send encrypted messages via chat
MQ2CompassHax=Compass hax
MQ2CompassUtils=A collection of routines to add general compass functionality to Macroquest2
MQ2Cursor=Designed to be next evolution of MQ2AutoDestroy and MQ2Feedme plugins
MQ2CustomBinds=Allows you to specify custom commands to execute on a key combination
MQ2CustomSound=Define custom sound events that play based on unique chat events
MQ2Debuffs=Reports harmful effects
MQ2DoCrack=Allows you to edit memory offsets
MQ2DoCrackN=Allows you to edit memory offsets (no UI window)
MQ2Doors=Removes all doors including locked ones from zones
MQ2DPS=Shows the dps output of you and people around you into a dps window
MQ2DPSAdv=Damage Per Second (DPS) Monitoring Plugin
MQ2DXHook=DirectX Hook helper plugin
MQ2Eqbc=A server based program allowing you to connect and control many characters
MQ2EQBugFix=Used to fix EQ coding errors to prevent crashes
MQ2EQDxFix=Fixes a transformclip DirectX crash related issue some users have.  Do not use if your UI uses .dds files.
MQ2EQDraw=This plugin uses functions from EQ's graphics engine to render lines, shapes and text to the screen. (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2ETrack=Experience tracker
MQ2Events=Lets you trigger events via an INI
MQ2Exchange=Allows you to exchange items or unequip items without having any inventory windows or bags opened
MQ2FakeLink=Create fake links to "highlight" text 
MQ2FamKiller=Automatically kills your familiar for you
MQ2FeedMe=Will eat food and drink you specify
MQ2FilterSet=Allows you to save and load filters automatically, as shown on the Filters tab of EQ options page
MQ2Focii=Displays Focus effects, spell effects, and Mods you currently have on worn gear. 
MQ2Fog=Sets fog clipping range
MQ2FPS=Frame limiter (similar to EQPlayNice)
MQ2FunnyNames=Allows you to name NPCs and PCs whatever name you choose.  Client-side visual effect only.  Fun for screenshots!
MQ2G15=HUD type info on Logitech G15 keyboard LCD
MQ2G19=HUD type info on Logitech G19 keyboard LCD
MQ2GamParseHelper=Monitors the clipboard for gamparse autosend to eq feature.
MQ2GemTimer=Display when spells/auras will be "ready".
MQ2GetMission=Used to request missions from NPC's. Warning: Use at your own risk!
MQ2GMCheck=Alerts when GM in zone, as long as they are not in "stealth" mode
MQ2GZone=This plugin will allow you to lock a character into a zone
MQ2HoverInfo=Adds classname and level to pc/npcs on your mouse cursor when you hover over target
MQ2HUD=Heads-up display
MQ2HUDMove=Allows in-game hud moving
MQ2InstanceKill=Drops whole group from instances
MQ2Irc=Provides the ability to connect to IRC in game
MQ2ItemDisplay=Displays additional item information in the item window
MQ2Krust=Automates various skills by adding /slash commands
MQ2Labels=Allows custom UI labels
MQ2Languages=Allows you to set all languages to skill 100
MQ2LinkDB=Personal localised item link database (you can get a full database to use at 13th Floor)
MQ2LinkDB2=Stores item links
MQ2Log=Used for logging information in the MQ2 window
MQ2LogOutClick=Clicks configurable yes or no for char logout confirmation
MQ2Loops=Adds do and while loops for macro use
MQ2Map=Enhances the game map window
MQ2Mastermind=Remote control plugin that responds to tells
MQ2Melee=Automatically use attack skills/spells/aa's for toons.
MQ2MercManager=Allows you to set options to put your merc in passive mode (or suspend) if you AFK and forget about it.
MQ2Missing=Allows showing who is not in zone for dz, task, raid, guild 
MQ2MMOFastMem=Allows you to memorize spells instantly
MQ2MMOKite=A plugin that will automatically kite you around your target
MQ2MMONoWelcome=Prevents showing the browser window at login
MQ2MMOPopup=Adds a command to allow you to show a popup on screen in any color, and control the display time, fade delay, etc
MQ2MMOText=Lets you send text messages to cell phones from in game (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2MMOTLO=Addes $Range, $Task, and $MMOBugs TLOs (see wiki for details)
MQ2MMOWarp=Lets your character warp across the zone
MQ2MMOXp=Reports xp in your mq2 window as you gain it
MQ2MovementRecorder=Records your movements and allows you to play them back
MQ2MoveUtils=Movement helper v9+
MQ2MoveUtilsb=Movement helper (old version)
MQ2MyButtons=Add more button hotbars
MQ2NameSay=Plays a sound when your name has been said in any chat channel
MQ2Navigation=Automatic toon navigation (see forums) (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2NetBots=Provides linked MQ2EQBC Client way to exchange/share statistics/status to others
MQ2NetHeal=Keeps information on healing/curing for macro access to the information
MQ2NoLevBounce=Removes bouncing from levitate (no longer needed)
MQ2NoGold=Will auto-close the 'go gold' popup in game, as well as prevent non-gold account causing browser launch on camp/exit.
MQ2NoGoto=Disables the MQ2 /goto command for corrupt Guides
MQ2NoMountModels=Allows you to use a horse regardless of whether you have luclin models enabled
MQ2Nostun=Allows movement while stunned
MQ2NoSummon=Instantly warps you back in your old position before a summon took place
MQ2NoWelcome=Prevents welcome screen (browser) opening when entering game
MQ2Otd=Displays an overhead compass showing target direction and range on the hud
MQ2PCCheck=Alerts when PCs are in zone
MQ2PCSafety=Macro with confidence and execute commands when non friendly PCs zone in
MQ2PiggyZone=Instant zone and gate
MQ2Pop=Whenever an NPC pops, a message is sent to the MQ2 window
MQ2Porn=Nekkid chix in game!!
MQ2PowerSource=Equips/unequips powersource automatically
MQ2Radar=Displays a radar onscreen like many other games do
MQ2RaidUtils=Raid dumps and more
MQ2RangeTLO=Deprecated (see MQ2MMOTLO)
MQ2ReachIt=Reaching utilities
MQ2Relaytells=Relays every incoming tell to EQBCS
MQ2RemoteCamp=Allows you to recieve a tell command to camp
MQ2RemoveDet=Removes detrimental spell effects
MQ2Reward=Select task reward
MQ2Rez=Rez utilities
MQ2ScreenShot=Turns off mq2 captions, takes screenshot, then turns captions back on.
MQ2SetRace=Makes everyone in the zone appear to be the same race as your choice
MQ2Shitlist=Lets you maintain a list of "noobs", people who annoy you, etc
MQ2ShutDown=Allows your to shutdown, reboot, or logout of MS Windows
MQ2Size=Changes the size of the target on your screen
MQ2SpawnMaster=Spawn tracking/analysis utility 
MQ2SpeedUtils=Allows you to change your characters movement speed
MQ2SpellHotKeys=Automated message announcements for spell events
MQ2SpellSearch=Used for looking up spell information
MQ2SpellTimer=Designed to be next evolution of MQ2Timer
MQ2StartMacro=Starts macro via command (useful for boxing)
MQ2Stealth=Move around client side only avoiding agro on mobs
MQ2SuperCast=Lets you cast a spell while running
MQ2SwitchChar=Allows you to camp your char and switch to another char on the same account
MQ2Targets=Spawntracker with notify and run-time modifiable HUD display
MQ2TaskAddAccept=Automatically accept task invites
MQ2TaskTLO=Deprecated (see MQ2MMOTLO)
MQ2Telnet=Telnet server
MQ2Timer=Allows you to have a window that gives you timer countdowns for events
MQ2TimerColor=Adds countdown timers to clickies
MQ2TimeStamp=Insert a timestamp into incoming chat
MQ2Tooltip=Adds a tooltip to give descriptions of mouseovers
MQ2Tracking=Provide a similar tracking window to the one used by native tracking characters
MQ2TributeManager=Adds automatic tribute status management capabilities
MQ2Twist=Bard song twisting
MQ2Vendors=Lets you setup a search list of items that you want to be notified about if they are for sale on a vendor that you're browsing
MQ2ViewPort=Resets your viewport to 0,0,1,1 (black screen) on any background running EQ session
MQ2VladXP=Old xp plugin
MQ2VoiceCommand=Text to speech and voice command capability for EQ
MQ2Web=Allows more advanced use of the ingame web browser
MQ2WickedSpeed=Another movement speed plugin
MQ2Winamp=Control Winamp from within EQ
MQ2WindowTitle=Automatically changes the EverQuest name in your taskbar, for those who dont use wineq2.
MQ2WinTitle=Automatically changes the EQ window title based on INI configuration.
MQ2XPTracker=Reports to your window exact xp made on each mob

my eqbc on main pc thats running exe says listen: 127 blah blah,,, but my other pc, that isnt running .exe , no matter what i change it to , it says either listen:n/a or listen: 192 blah blah,,, so at this point abraise away, as long as my dumb ass can conquer this ill take any and all ridicule, im sure its simple and im deserving

youtubing it now, i cant believe i dint thinkof that, however i didnt think my port fowarding was the issue , cuz the option was simple, just let me set it to low and said it woudl alloww inbound and outbound
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found this
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgHRe49a7xg"]How To Set Up Basic Port Forwarding for the Verizon FiOS Router - YouTube[/ame]

apparently i needed to do more to make it work, i hope this is the problem, now i dont know what the heck all those boxes in protocol mean , im starting to think im a lost cause or maybe to take a class pcs for idiots
Oh hell, i think i am mixing stuff up. i could be confusing the external user vs networked user. i always port forwarded, but then again i had external people now and then. its all blurry now since i last did it almost 2 years ago.

i used DHCP to assign each computer a specific IP address, ie,, then did:
/bccmd connect

or whatever. and since i had static internal IPs, it worked just fine.

mq2eqbc.ini looked like:
local machine:
[Last Connect]

other machine:
[Last Connect]
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MQ2AASpend=Automaticly buys AA points for you
MQ2AdvBeep=Allows you to take full advantage of the wonderful beep command in game
MQ2AdvLoot=Loot corpse(s) with keep/destroy lists
MQ2AdvPath=Used to record and playback player movement
MQ2AdvPacks=Opens/closes bags upon toggling of inventory/bank/merchant/loot windows
MQ2AimChat=AIM IM interface in EQ
MQ2AutoAcceptTrades=Auto-accepts every trade from configured toons
MQ2AutoAFK=Will set you afk & log when your name is mentioned, based on mouse/kb idle time
MQ2AutoBuff=Automatically queue & cast buffs by command or configurable buff requests
MQ2AutoClip=Automatically set clipping plane depending on zone
MQ2AutoDestroy=Can be used to automatically keep or destroy items as they appear on the mouse cursor
MQ2AutoForage=Automate the task of foraging
MQ2AutoGroup=Automaticly accept you into a group/raid based off a list of authorized names
MQ2AutoLogin=Will automatically log you into game based on configuration (see MQ2AutoLogin.ini)
MQ2AutoRez=Takes rez and loots corpse
MQ2AutoSize=Automaticly shrinks anyone within a X radius to /size 1
MQ2Autoskills=Auto-activate various skills
MQ2BagWindow=Use this plugin so you do not have to open bags to get the correct InvSlot of an item, nor do you have to open bags to interact with the item.
MQ2Bandolier=Allows bandolier the use of all equipped slots
MQ2BardSwap=Swap in instruments as needed
MQ2BotMaster=Botting plugin that uses telnet for imbedded controls, similar to EQBC, but using telnet instead.  This is the 'master', or 'server' plugin.
MQ2BotSlave=Botting plugin that uses telnet for imbedded controls, similar to EQBC, but using telnet instead.  This is the 'slave', or 'client' plugin.
MQ2BoundTLO=Adds information on the location you are bound
MQ2Buffblock=Clicks off unwanted buffs (Beneficial buffs ONLY)
MQ2Bzsrch=Adds some bazaar searching functionality
MQ2CapsLock=Enables CapsLock for EverQuest for in-game chat
MQ2Cast=Advanced casting handler, with ability to recast, swap in focus gear and much more
MQ2CastTimer=Addon UI window for MQ2Cast
MQ2CEcho=Adds /cecho to allow color echo commands.
MQ2ChangeForm=Changes the race of whoever you like on your client
MQ2CharNotes=Lets you add a PC or NPC comment to a character.
MQ2Chat=Makes MQ2 text output go to your main chat window
MQ2ChatFilter=Allows you to avoid seeing certain text in chat windows
MQ2ChatWnd=Creates a separate chat window for MQ2 text output
MQ2ChuckNorris=Informs people about how cool Chuck Norris really is..or is not
MQ2Clickies=Manages your click items from a xml window added to your UI
MQ2ClickMaint=Helps maintain clickies via macro
MQ2Clip=Automatically control your clipping plane settings
MQ2CLoot=Near instant looting of corpses (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2Copy=Creates a custom UI window and stores game text as it is received, so you can copy it to clipboard
MQ2Crypto=Allows you to send encrypted messages via chat
MQ2CompassHax=Compass hax
MQ2CompassUtils=A collection of routines to add general compass functionality to Macroquest2
MQ2Cursor=Designed to be next evolution of MQ2AutoDestroy and MQ2Feedme plugins
MQ2CustomBinds=Allows you to specify custom commands to execute on a key combination
MQ2CustomSound=Define custom sound events that play based on unique chat events
MQ2Debuffs=Reports harmful effects
MQ2DoCrack=Allows you to edit memory offsets
MQ2DoCrackN=Allows you to edit memory offsets (no UI window)
MQ2Doors=Removes all doors including locked ones from zones
MQ2DPS=Shows the dps output of you and people around you into a dps window
MQ2DPSAdv=Damage Per Second (DPS) Monitoring Plugin
MQ2DXHook=DirectX Hook helper plugin
MQ2Eqbc=A server based program allowing you to connect and control many characters
MQ2EQBugFix=Used to fix EQ coding errors to prevent crashes
MQ2EQDxFix=Fixes a transformclip DirectX crash related issue some users have.  Do not use if your UI uses .dds files.
MQ2EQDraw=This plugin uses functions from EQ's graphics engine to render lines, shapes and text to the screen. (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2ETrack=Experience tracker
MQ2Events=Lets you trigger events via an INI
MQ2Exchange=Allows you to exchange items or unequip items without having any inventory windows or bags opened
MQ2FakeLink=Create fake links to "highlight" text 
MQ2FamKiller=Automatically kills your familiar for you
MQ2FeedMe=Will eat food and drink you specify
MQ2FilterSet=Allows you to save and load filters automatically, as shown on the Filters tab of EQ options page
MQ2Focii=Displays Focus effects, spell effects, and Mods you currently have on worn gear. 
MQ2Fog=Sets fog clipping range
MQ2FPS=Frame limiter (similar to EQPlayNice)
MQ2FunnyNames=Allows you to name NPCs and PCs whatever name you choose.  Client-side visual effect only.  Fun for screenshots!
MQ2G15=HUD type info on Logitech G15 keyboard LCD
MQ2G19=HUD type info on Logitech G19 keyboard LCD
MQ2GamParseHelper=Monitors the clipboard for gamparse autosend to eq feature.
MQ2GemTimer=Display when spells/auras will be "ready".
MQ2GetMission=Used to request missions from NPC's. Warning: Use at your own risk!
MQ2GMCheck=Alerts when GM in zone, as long as they are not in "stealth" mode
MQ2GZone=This plugin will allow you to lock a character into a zone
MQ2HoverInfo=Adds classname and level to pc/npcs on your mouse cursor when you hover over target
MQ2HUD=Heads-up display
MQ2HUDMove=Allows in-game hud moving
MQ2InstanceKill=Drops whole group from instances
MQ2Irc=Provides the ability to connect to IRC in game
MQ2ItemDisplay=Displays additional item information in the item window
MQ2Krust=Automates various skills by adding /slash commands
MQ2Labels=Allows custom UI labels
MQ2Languages=Allows you to set all languages to skill 100
MQ2LinkDB=Personal localised item link database (you can get a full database to use at 13th Floor)
MQ2LinkDB2=Stores item links
MQ2Log=Used for logging information in the MQ2 window
MQ2LogOutClick=Clicks configurable yes or no for char logout confirmation
MQ2Loops=Adds do and while loops for macro use
MQ2Map=Enhances the game map window
MQ2Mastermind=Remote control plugin that responds to tells
MQ2Melee=Automatically use attack skills/spells/aa's for toons.
MQ2MercManager=Allows you to set options to put your merc in passive mode (or suspend) if you AFK and forget about it.
MQ2Missing=Allows showing who is not in zone for dz, task, raid, guild 
MQ2MMOFastMem=Allows you to memorize spells instantly
MQ2MMOKite=A plugin that will automatically kite you around your target
MQ2MMONoWelcome=Prevents showing the browser window at login
MQ2MMOPopup=Adds a command to allow you to show a popup on screen in any color, and control the display time, fade delay, etc
MQ2MMOText=Lets you send text messages to cell phones from in game (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2MMOTLO=Addes $Range, $Task, and $MMOBugs TLOs (see wiki for details)
MQ2MMOWarp=Lets your character warp across the zone
MQ2MMOXp=Reports xp in your mq2 window as you gain it
MQ2MovementRecorder=Records your movements and allows you to play them back
MQ2MoveUtils=Movement helper v9+
MQ2MoveUtilsb=Movement helper (old version)
MQ2MyButtons=Add more button hotbars
MQ2NameSay=Plays a sound when your name has been said in any chat channel
MQ2Navigation=Automatic toon navigation (see forums) (Lifetime Members Only)
MQ2NetBots=Provides linked MQ2EQBC Client way to exchange/share statistics/status to others
MQ2NetHeal=Keeps information on healing/curing for macro access to the information
MQ2NoLevBounce=Removes bouncing from levitate (no longer needed)
MQ2NoGold=Will auto-close the 'go gold' popup in game, as well as prevent non-gold account causing browser launch on camp/exit.
MQ2NoGoto=Disables the MQ2 /goto command for corrupt Guides
MQ2NoMountModels=Allows you to use a horse regardless of whether you have luclin models enabled
MQ2Nostun=Allows movement while stunned
MQ2NoSummon=Instantly warps you back in your old position before a summon took place
MQ2NoWelcome=Prevents welcome screen (browser) opening when entering game
MQ2Otd=Displays an overhead compass showing target direction and range on the hud
MQ2PCCheck=Alerts when PCs are in zone
MQ2PCSafety=Macro with confidence and execute commands when non friendly PCs zone in
MQ2PiggyZone=Instant zone and gate
MQ2Pop=Whenever an NPC pops, a message is sent to the MQ2 window
MQ2Porn=Nekkid chix in game!!
MQ2PowerSource=Equips/unequips powersource automatically
MQ2Radar=Displays a radar onscreen like many other games do
MQ2RaidUtils=Raid dumps and more
MQ2RangeTLO=Deprecated (see MQ2MMOTLO)
MQ2ReachIt=Reaching utilities
MQ2Relaytells=Relays every incoming tell to EQBCS
MQ2RemoteCamp=Allows you to recieve a tell command to camp
MQ2RemoveDet=Removes detrimental spell effects
MQ2Reward=Select task reward
MQ2Rez=Rez utilities
MQ2ScreenShot=Turns off mq2 captions, takes screenshot, then turns captions back on.
MQ2SetRace=Makes everyone in the zone appear to be the same race as your choice
MQ2Shitlist=Lets you maintain a list of "noobs", people who annoy you, etc
MQ2ShutDown=Allows your to shutdown, reboot, or logout of MS Windows
MQ2Size=Changes the size of the target on your screen
MQ2SpawnMaster=Spawn tracking/analysis utility 
MQ2SpeedUtils=Allows you to change your characters movement speed
MQ2SpellHotKeys=Automated message announcements for spell events
MQ2SpellSearch=Used for looking up spell information
MQ2SpellTimer=Designed to be next evolution of MQ2Timer
MQ2StartMacro=Starts macro via command (useful for boxing)
MQ2Stealth=Move around client side only avoiding agro on mobs
MQ2SuperCast=Lets you cast a spell while running
MQ2SwitchChar=Allows you to camp your char and switch to another char on the same account
MQ2Targets=Spawntracker with notify and run-time modifiable HUD display
MQ2TaskAddAccept=Automatically accept task invites
MQ2TaskTLO=Deprecated (see MQ2MMOTLO)
MQ2Telnet=Telnet server
MQ2Timer=Allows you to have a window that gives you timer countdowns for events
MQ2TimerColor=Adds countdown timers to clickies
MQ2TimeStamp=Insert a timestamp into incoming chat
MQ2Tooltip=Adds a tooltip to give descriptions of mouseovers
MQ2Tracking=Provide a similar tracking window to the one used by native tracking characters
MQ2TributeManager=Adds automatic tribute status management capabilities
MQ2Twist=Bard song twisting
MQ2Vendors=Lets you setup a search list of items that you want to be notified about if they are for sale on a vendor that you're browsing
MQ2ViewPort=Resets your viewport to 0,0,1,1 (black screen) on any background running EQ session
MQ2VladXP=Old xp plugin
MQ2VoiceCommand=Text to speech and voice command capability for EQ
MQ2Web=Allows more advanced use of the ingame web browser
MQ2WickedSpeed=Another movement speed plugin
MQ2Winamp=Control Winamp from within EQ
MQ2WindowTitle=Automatically changes the EverQuest name in your taskbar, for those who dont use wineq2.
MQ2WinTitle=Automatically changes the EQ window title based on INI configuration.
MQ2XPTracker=Reports to your window exact xp made on each mob

my eqbc on main pc thats running exe says listen: 127 blah blah,,, but my other pc, that isnt running .exe , no matter what i change it to , it says either listen:n/a or listen: 192 blah blah,,, so at this point abraise away, as long as my dumb ass can conquer this ill take any and all ridicule, im sure its simple and im deserving

youtubing it now, i cant believe i dint thinkof that, however i didnt think my port fowarding was the issue , cuz the option was simple, just let me set it to low and said it woudl alloww inbound and outbound

That is nice and all but that is not the macrquest2.ini [Plugin] Section.

Right click loader and do the macroquest2.ini look for the plugin section. It lists what plugins you currently have turned on. Copy that once for each pc and post them.
sorry man , im making myself look worse
here it is
thats pc1 with the eqbc.exe running on it and eqbc interface set to 127. blah blah and mmo loader set to (bind to ip 192 blah blah, and syst info states eqbc listen:217 blah blah

this is pc 2 with no eqbc.exe running , yes on eqbc interface and system info says eqbc liste:192 blah blah and bind to ip is same 192 blah blah,, ive tried all combinations though
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holy fuckin shit
i fuckin got it, i feel like i cracked the space time continuum
i was messing and messing with numbers , and i finally freaking got it,,,, and the answer to anyone's question ,,, it was entirely my error, ill explain in a sec , lemme get em all set up before i forget what i did

man i feel sheepish, i genuinely didn't understand all this stuff though so this is a win for me , cuz i actually understand it now.

i just kept reading and reading, and looking up forums on port forwarding and all kinds of stuff, finally i had an epiphany.
My eqbc.exe pc needs to bind to the actual other pcs ip address, and my other pc needs to bind to the zeros , and then my exe pc ini needs to be the host 127 and the other pc non exe needs to have ini connected t the exe pc.... tried it , and BAM success
it took me all freaking day ,. but thanks to your guys help and a whole lot of headache i finally got it, and not only that , but i actually understand it , which is way better than just getting it to work
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Welcome to the wonderful world of learning :).
I was having a hard time with this as well Shaun, I think someone who know what they are talking about should explain the port forwarding requirement on the EQBC Wiki. Once I did port forwarding all my problems were fixed.
They computers need static IPs so they know exactly what internal IP to use to communicate. I you open a port and tell it what IP the eqbcs are on they have no confusion and do not get lost.

You should be able to use ip 0 0 0 0 and it pick up all traffic on an internal network. If you want people outside you need to set up static outside IP as well to be easy and consistent without having a revolving IP.
I run behind a router so internal network and the never works for me with 2 pc's. I end up setting eqbc to my pc ip in the ini and then copy that eqbc ini to my other computers. This makes them all connect to the same address. I don't do port forwarding. Never found a need for it. listens on all available interfaces (binds to), as opposed to listening on only 1 specified interface. Of course, that's only for listening for connections. For any other PC connecting to it, you will still have to specify some IP that can be routed to that target computer where it is listening.

If I have a daemon listening on:,,, and, then it can accept connections on any of those interfaces (IPs shown here, but whatever the interfaces are called - I am using the names interchangeably), however, any client would need to specify a routed target address.

E.g., if my local ethernet was the interface with the IP in the examples above, that has 2 other computers on that network (such as and, when one of those wants to connect to the listening daemon then the connection would need to specify a target IP of The other IPs that the daemon are listening on can't be routed from those PCs, i.e., there is no way to 'get there from here'.

The best practice is to listen on all interfaces, unless there is some reason (such as security) that one of the networks should not be listening. For EQBC, I can't imagine that being the case, so best is to listen on all (

If you use DHCP, and if you use a router with whatever cable/dsl/etc. ISP, then you are probably doing so, then configure a DHCP reservation in your router for the EQBC server PC, so you ensure it always gets the same IP every time, regardless of any kind of router resets, or EQBC being powered off a while, or other issue. Alternatively, you can configure the EQBC server PC to have a static IP, if you understand how to properly configure the gateway, subnet, and DNS addresses. If the configuration or type of your router ever changes, you may have to change these manually again.

Make sure your firewall is allowing incoming connections on the port you specify for EQBC to listen on. Also make sure that nothing else is listening on that port (in a cmd window, you can use: netstat -an ).

If you want connections outside your private local network (i.e., the internet) to be routed and connectable to your EQBC server, then you need to set port forwarding on your router, to forward incoming connections on that port number, to the internal IP address you have set for your EQBC server PC.

That should have you running fine.


EQBCS PC has static IP:
Run EQBCS bind to IP

Client #1 who cares what IP it has, as long as it is on that network, assume:
EQBC (client, i.e., the plugin) configure to connect to:

Client #2 who cares what IP it has, as long as it is on that network, assume:
EQBC (client, i.e., the plugin) configure to connect to:

Client #3 who cares what IP it has, as long as it is on that network, assume:
EQBC (client, i.e., the plugin) configure to connect to:

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

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Wow nice, ty HTW. Very easy to understand.