EQ next unveiling


Apr 16, 2007
Reaction score
Did anyone else watch this? I thought it looked pretty badass.
Yeah, I did. Im sold! Im excited to see more. Wish they gave a release date.
A little on the fence about the avatars, but I think I can grow into liking them. Really remind me of Copernicus from 38 Studios.

Loved the rest of it. I imagine a lot of info will be revealed in the panels. I hope someone films them and puts it on the net.
Looks like eq-wow to me, the environment looks like wow and the characters look like wow, very cartoony to me.
I just got an email and signed up for the Beta. Hopefully the rest of you that are truly interested are as worthy as me.
I have a feeling they went with that Keyshar warrior toon, to purposely get WoW players attention. Really wanted to see more characters and UI/stats.
I watched it, very cartoony, graphics were awesome, signed up for beta, will wait n see approach.