Dispelling the Shadows


Mar 15, 2010
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Dispelling the Shadows

Engage Luclin, pull her back to the zone in or anywhere but the center and DPS her to 70%...

At 70%, 8 or 10 orbs spawn around the center circle.. Have a smart Main Assist target all of the black vessels and have your pet classes send their pets to attack it.. DO NOT BE IN RANGE OF THE VESSEL.. for each person that is within like 75 range of the vessel (not sure on exact range), you spawn a 45-50k hitting add (at the time.. i think they nerfed them down to like 25k now).

Luclin will randomly target one of the vessels and explode it, doing an AE around it and turning it the opposite color, so you have to make sure your raid force is NEVER around a vessel under any circumstance.

Once all the vessels are turned white, Luclin will start doing more dmg, and youll get a Mini boss that spawns in the North or South door.. Kill this boss away from Luclin and away from Vessels.. we just used the center platform...

Once the miniboss is down, you should have your pet classes turn all the white vessels to black.. This will spawn another miniboss to the North or the South..

Once that miniboss is down, you need to turn 1/2 of the vessels white and 1/2 of the vessels black..Look at the moon pictures on the the doors to the N/E/S/W and find the one that is white.. That 1/2 of the room must be white vessels, and the opposite side black. Once they are all the correct colors, you will get 2-5 adds every 45sec-1min or so.. they spawn from the door straight across from the zone in.

Once all 3 phases of the vessels are done, you can DPS Luclin to 30%.. at 30%, Luclin walks back to the center and the Shadow of Luclin spawns..

Im really not sure on all of the emotes for this, since we burn it down fairly quickly.. but here is what i use, and ive not been hit very much by anything major except this one:

Shadow of Luclin points at YOURNAME
-Target DA or self DA this person and have them stand right underneath Shadow of Luclin, She will perma-aggro this person even if DA and you can continue to DPS.

(The rest are taken from EQresource group mission)

Shadow of Luclin raises its sword at YOURNAME for an arcing cut.
-this is a frontal cone DD.

Shadow of Luclin aims a straight cut at YOURNAME.
-this is a beam DD on that player.

Shadow of Luclin glances around itself.
-this is an AE DD.

After the Shadow of Luclin is down, Luclin comes active.. Burn her to win.. She has a few emotes, but we burns her so quickly, we don't have to deal with it really except for the Viral DoT..

Luclin says 'The spreading shadows will consume you, YOURNAME -- this puts a Viral DoT on the player.

Burn Luclin and get your loot.