Congrats Fry!!

Wish you the best of luck, she couldn't have asked for a better father...
Congratz on the girl Fry! Can't personally say how exciting and good it is to have a child as I've never had one but everything I hear about it is like the rest of life, It sucks when your doin it but at the end your glad you did.

On a side note:
PS - Naming contest for Free Gifts?? --- ( My choice - Freyja - It is the name of a Nordic Earth goddess)


My vote is for Miriam, just cause I love the name and cause I've never actually met a Miriam.
OMG I feel like I must not have been paying attention I had no idea! Congratz FRY and I hope you have lots of fun with that youngster! I have two boys, 5 mos and 15 mos myself. Loads of fun to play with!

lol thank god for the turkey baster.


Congratz on the "small fry" lol was this your first?

OMG FRY grats welcome to the CLUB.... lol.... your Daughter is 1 Year and a few days younger then mine... WELCOME the new little HACKER...
My daughter is 11 months old ... hope you were keeping up on your sleep Fry.

Congrats to you and your wife.
Thanks for the kind replies everyone, it brings a tear to my eye that a bunch of people I have never met took the time to wish me the best about the greatest joy that has ever happened in my life. I really didn't think a baby could so quickly change your outlook on how you view life.

She was named Maliea. ThunderStruck was pretty near to it.

Thanks again everyone, I may be MIA a bit for the next few days at least, I'm so far behind on sleep it's not funny and the baby has only been home for 24 hours.
So this means ninja updated compiles with dripping baby formula, dirty diapers in the Lifetime section, something sticky on the arcade controls...

You're a family now.

Awwww that's wonderful! My best to both, no, all 3 of you!
Congrats. Awesome news bro

We who are in the IRC channel got to see her picture this AM. She has a lot of hair and it's a mullet!

Thanks for the picture. I fowarded the link to Paul.
oh man !

My first was a girl too, have fun being wrapped around two womens fingers at the same time, enjoy the time you have with them first and foremost in those early am's before they crawl around once mobile they are cute moving diaper filled mayhem.

The only downside is .. eventualy if you are LUCKY ( sort of lucky anyway ) she will come to you and tell you she thinks shes ready to have sex.. until then enjoy sir and best wishes to you and yours.