Click item repeatably


Nov 21, 2009
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Can anyone create/show me to a small macro that all it does is click an item over and over, every time it is up. That's all I need it for, nothing more nothing less.
|By HardOne

Sub Main
/echo Item Click is running
/if (${FindItemCount[Item Name Here]} && !${FindItem[Item Name Here].Timer}) {
		/itemnotify ${FindItem[=Item Name Here].InvSlot} rightmouseup
/goto :loop
Thank you! I'll give it a try later when I get home! Looks like just what I need!
I made it more user friendly

Just edit the declared items, summoned item, and number to summon and run it.

|By HardOne

Sub Main

/declare ItemToClick	string	outer	Warm Milk Dispenser
/declare SummonedItem	string	outer	Warm Milk
/declare NumberToSummon	int	outer	20

/echo Item Click is running
/echo Summoning ${NumberToSummon} ${SummonedItem} from ${ItemToClick}

/if (${FindItemCount[${ItemToClick}]} && !${FindItem[${ItemToClick}].Timer}) {
		/itemnotify ${FindItem[${ItemToClick}].InvSlot} rightmouseup
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinv
/if (${FindItemCount[${SummonedItem}]} == ${NumberToSummon}) {
	/echo ${SummonedItem} Summoning Complete!
	/delay 5s
	/if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinv
/goto :loop
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I don't know what this picnic basket thing is, but there's a quest I'm doing that I need auto clicked.
Packed Picnic Basket, was available in the Marketplace.

Summoned at random like 5 different foods/drinks, with decent stats.

I wish it was still available (I never got one), does anyone know of any other items which can summon stat food/drink.
and picnic basket items were NOT no rent and tradeable