Cleric PL


May 7, 2006
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What's the best method to PL using a cleric, pull mobs on the lower toon and just DS each mob with the cleric while keeping the low toon topped up ?
Cleric reverse DS gives damage credit to the caster unless something has recently changed. so make sure your toon is doing more than the reverse DS is.

The viral may work different as far as credit goes because it counts as if an NPC cast it. i remember keeping a mob mezzed with the viral on it and chain pulling and all the adds would get the viral and lowbie toon still got credit.

I could be talking out my ass, but im pretty sure that is how it worked when i used it.
cleric ds or viral counted towards the cleric

u are correct pete u have to outdps cleric, which is too much work for PLee imo
cleric ds or viral counted towards the cleric

u are correct pete u have to outdps cleric, which is too much work for PLee imo

I know it's not currently safe, but, If the actives were useable, using the method stated above, wouldn't the cleric be able to reverse DS the mobs, and faded? Would that allow the PLee to gain the exp? Or does fade just lower the aggro? (I swore awhile back when the actives were usable, Fade seemed to make you appear as if you zoned on the spot and then the mob would start traveling back to it's location)

Anyways, I was just curious if that would work?

even if u faded cleric vira ds or even single cast ds are not a 1 shot thing

when the cleric comes back the dmg credit from that point on goes back to cleric (if the mobs continue to get hit by ds)

DONT FADE (if u do pls keep your got banned comments to yourself..........)

your making it more difficult than it needs to be

are you just PLing w the wrong classes.....
Yeah cheers guys, I know I am PL'ing with the wrong class but it's all that is avail to me (returning player)

Thanks for the info anyway :cool:
better way to PL with cleric is damage shield on cleric. heal the PL toon for aggro, let mobs hit you and eat DS. set up a damage shield campfire if you have 3 toons. its not perfect, but itll do.
i never got a prob to dps with viral ds all time toon get xp from level 1 to 65 after 95 group is no prob ; i use all time a merco tank with mage ds and viral ds by cleric ; then chain pull into it ; mob go auto on merco ; i use splash heal and insurance shield chain heal ; and celestial )
Well I'm PLing a new cleric and here's how I did it.

Twinked out with Donals and some Royal Frosted Velium from Icewell Keep.

Level 1-10 in GFay-Crushbone.

Shroud to a goblin rogue, head to the wasps in Blightfire Shaman, empty handed, buffs with Apathy. Runs out, pulls a bunch of wasps. Once the rogue hits all of the wasps with a stone (using the hit all mobs macro), my mage DSes the shaman and I keep sitting, which quickly kills the mobs. Do this to level 30.

This time no illusion. He has a nice new AE at 26 I believe. Head to Lguk dead side. Shaman uses the DS from his cloak, Apathy self buff, pulls a buttload. When the frogs got down to about 80%, I ran in the cleric, he AEed, hit most if not all mobs. Then mage DSes the shaman and I use the same sit technique to kill them all. Occasionally I sent in the cleric a second time to AE.

This got to 45. I did 3-4 levels in Sebilis to get to 48 and then PoI. It went blue too fast for my liking. So I moved to PoDisease, a hot zone, and set up camp in the far northwest, north of the castle. Got the cleric to 60.

At this point I busted out my level 90 crew. I have a bunch of 90s because I despise VoA and only bought it for one toon. At that point, I grouped him with the crew and used his reverse DS. Once he got to 65, I was able to use my 95 shaman and my friend's 95 tank, and pushed hard to 80.

How much were you fizzling that level 26 spell after being shrouded for 20 levels?

Also, total time to 80?
Not at all, since I blew a few PP to train up Evocation. After that it rose on its own.

Time to 80 was under a week and that's because I don't play too much per day.
BTW here is the quickie macro I made for the cleric when he was finally grouped with my 95s. This raised his Abjuration and Alteration.

You will need to enter the tank name in the defines, and in the buff check area, change CLERIC to your name to get rid of that Sokokra familiar. It will make him stand and put the promised line on the tank, then the two Marks on the mob. He will continue to Yaulp throughout combat. He will also check the group for heals. The heal routine was fixed up by Dev and Pete. It was real bad before.

Out of combat, he will check his self buffs. I don't have much clickie gear, just one ring. So you can change the number of BuffSpells to 2 and just do the Armor and Blessing until you get clickies. If you can't figure out the buff check loop, just ask.

I left RC and HoT in there but he doesn't do them yet because I don't have the Radiant Cure AA. My shaman handles RC and HoT requests. I need to put a check in eventually so one of the two handles HoT calls.


Controller Macro 
| Usage : /macro Controller 
| Requirements: 

#Event	Dead		"You have been slain by #*#"
#Event	Dead		"You died."
#Event	Come			"#1# tells #*#'!Come'"
#Event	Gate			"#1# tells #*#'!Gate'"
#Event	Fade			"#1# tells #*#'!Fade'"

#turbo 20

Sub Main

  /declare tank 	string	outer	TANKNAMEHERE
  /declare cleric	string	outer	CLERICNAMEHERE
  /declare HoTTimer	timer	outer

  /if (${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Cleric]}) {

/declare dot1 string outer Mark of the Righteous
/declare dot2 string outer Mark of the Devoted

/declare fastheal string outer Solemn Light Rk. II
/declare promised string outer Promised Restoration
/declare hot string outer Pious Elixir
/declare yaulp string outer Yaulp X Rk. II

/declare stopmana int outer 20

/declare BuffSub int outer 1
/declare BuffSpells int outer 3
/declare BuffSpell1 string outer "Armor of the Solemn"
/declare BuffSpell2 string outer "Blessing of Resolve Rk. II"
/declare BuffSpell3 string outer "Knowledge of the Past III"
/declare BuffSpell4 string outer 

/declare BuffSpellName1 string outer "Armor of the Solemn"
/declare BuffSpellName2 string outer "Blessing of Resolve Rk. II"
/declare BuffSpellName3 string outer "Twisted Ring of Madness"
/declare BuffSpellName4 string outer 

/declare BuffSpellGem1 string outer gem7
/declare BuffSpellGem2 string outer gem8
/declare BuffSpellGem3 string outer item 
/declare BuffSpellGem4 string outer item 

/call Cleric

  /echo Unusable class - ending.

|Code: Cleric

Sub Cleric
 /echo Starting Cleric Controller...
  /declare TempID1 int inner 0
  /declare TempID2 int inner 0
/declare assistTimer   timer local 0s
/declare currID     int local 0

   /if (${Me.PctMana}<20) /call MedTime
/call ClericBuffs
/assist ${tank}
/if (!${Me.Mount.ID} && ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]} && ${Me.CombatState.NotEqual[COMBAT]}) /sit

/if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]} || ${Target.Distance}>150 || ${Target.PctHPs}>98) /goto :topCleric

|Code: Cleric Combat

/delay 1s

/tar ${tank}
/call Cast "${promised}"


  /assist ${tank}
  /if (${Me.SpellReady[${yaulp}]}) /call Cast "${yaulp}"

/if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]} || ${Target.Distance}>150 || ${Target.PctHPs}>98) /goto :topCleric

     /if (!${assistTimer} || !${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) {
          /varset currID ${Target.ID}
          /assist ${tank}
          /delay 2s ${Target.ID}!=${currID}
          /varset assistTimer 5s

  /if (${Target.PctHPs}>10 && ${Me.PctMana}>${stopmana}) {
     /if (!${dot1${Target.ID}} && ${Me.SpellReady[${dot1}]}) {
        /call Cast "${dot1}"
        /if (!${Defined[dot1${Target.ID}]}) /declare dot1${Target.ID} timer outer
        /varset dot1${Target.ID} 1m
     /if (!${dot2${Target.ID}} && ${Me.SpellReady[${dot2}]}) {
        /call Cast "${dot2}" 
        /if (!${Defined[dot2${Target.ID}]}) /declare dot2${Target.ID} timer outer
        /varset dot2${Target.ID} 1m

  /call HealGroup
  /goto :combatCleric

|Code: Cleric Check BUffs

Sub ClericBuffs

/if (!${Me.Buff[Familiar: Emerald Sokokar].ID}) {
   /call Cast "Familiar of the Emerald Jungle" item
   /delay 5s

/if (${Me.Pet.Name.Equal[#CLERIC`s_familiar00]}) /pet get lost

/delay 1s

/for BuffSub 1 to ${BuffSpells} 
   /if (${Me.Buff[${BuffSpell${BuffSub}}].Duration}<2) { 
      /target ${Me.Name}
      /call Cast ${BuffSpellName${BuffSub}}  ${BuffSpellGem${BuffSub}} 
   /next BuffSub 


|Code: Cleric Heal Group

Sub HealGroup
 /if (!${Defined[TempID3]}) /declare TempID3 int outer 0
/declare assistTimer   timer local 0s
/declare currID     int local 0
  /declare i int local 0 
  /declare j int local 100 
  /declare k int local 
  /for i 0 to ${Math.Calc[${Group.GroupSize}-1]} 
   /echo ${i} ${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs} 
    /if (${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs} < (${j}-1)) { 
       |/echo less than ${j} - ${i} ${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs} 
       /varset j ${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs} 
       /varset k ${i} 
  /next i 

  /if (${j} > 80) { 
     |/echo ${Group.Member[${k}]} has ${j}% HP 
     |/echo Not missing enough to heal 

  /echo ${Group.Member[${k}]} has ${j}% HP 
  /if (${Me.SpellReady["${fastheal}"]}) { 
/echo Healing ${Target}      
     /varset TempID3 ${Target.ID} 
/echo Healing ${Target}
     /target ID ${Group.Member[${k}].ID}
     /delay 2s ${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${k}].ID}
/echo Healing ${Target}
     /call Cast "${fastheal}"
     /delay 2s ${Me.Casting.ID}
     /delay 3s !${Me.Casting.ID}       
     /target ID ${TempID3}
     /delay 2s ${Target.ID}==${TempID3}

|Code: HP/Mana Upkeep 

Sub MedTime
 /if (${Me.State.Equal[Stand]}) /echo Med time... 
    /delay 6s 
  /if (${Me.PctMana}<100) /goto :Meditate

|Code: Cleric Local Events 

Sub Event_Gate
  /fsay Gating OUT!...
  /varset TankBuffTimer 0
  /varset HasteTimer 0

Sub Event_Come
  /squelch /target pc ${Group.MainTank.Name} 
  /warp t

#Event rTellHot "#1# tells the group, 'hot'"
Sub Event_rTellHot(string line,string Requester)
/if (${Requester.Left[1].Compare[ ]} < 0) /varset Requester ${Requester.Right[-2].Left[-1]}
  /if ((${Me.Gem[${hot}]})&&(${Me.SpellReady[${hot}]})) {
     /gsay HoT in ${Spell[${hot}].MyCastTime} secs.  
     /target ${Requester}
     /call Cast "${hot}" 

#Event rTellHl "#1# tells the group, 'fh'"
Sub Event_rTellHl(string line,string Requester)
/if (${Requester.Left[1].Compare[ ]} < 0) /varset Requester ${Requester.Right[-2].Left[-1]}
  /if ((${Me.Gem[${fastheal}]})&&(${Me.SpellReady[${fastheal}]})) {
     /target ${Requester}
     /declare TempID4 int inner 0  
     /varset TempID4 ${Target.ID} 
     /call Cast "${fastheal}" 
     /target id ${TempID4} 

#Event RCReq "#1# tells the group, 'rc'"
Sub Event_RCReq(string line,string Requester)
  /alt activate 153
  /delay 4s

Sub Event_Dead 
  /gsay I'm Dead... Poop!
  /delay 10s ${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}
  /if (!${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) /goto :waitforrez 
  /gsay Accepting Rez...
  /nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
  /if (${Window[RespawnWnd].Open}) {
     /nomodkey /notify RespawnWnd RW_OptionsList listselect 2 
     /delay 1s
     /nomodkey /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton leftmouseup
     /delay 2s 

/call MedTime

Sub Event_Camp
  /fsay Camping OUT!...

Sub Event_Fade
Clr viral dl counts towards cleric?

I'm surprised to see comments that the cleric's viral ds counts as dmg by the cleric. I was just PLing a wiz a couple weeks ago, just doing a single nuke to get the mob's attention had DS from potion on me and 80 cleric doing blood of the merc ran once I had 3 mobs on me crying something about not being made to handle this. But only time I didn't get xp on the wiz was if a mob agroed on the cleric before wiz pulled or cleric pulled mobs off wiz with heal agro. All in all I didn't do much dps with wiz just nuked anything in range and find another mob to pull. I don't know if I just got lucky or if cleric's reverse ds dmg counting as cleric dmg was a faze that came and went.
My guess is that the damage you were doing was higher than the damage from the cleric's viral ds.