Chief Mechanic Clankwrench


Board Necro
Jun 24, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone have any info?
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DPS him down to 70% at which point his HP's become locked.

Steamsuits come active 1 at a time. Offtank it near Clankwrench until Clank takes the AE that the steamsuit does. Clank will give a emote when he takes the AE, at this point you can now DPS clank 10% more.

Kill the steamsuit.

Another steamsuit comes active. Rinse and repeat. ect ect till Clank dies.

There are emotes thoughout the fight. Which I dont know off my head but 1 is for spell casting and another is for melee. When he does the emote say for melee then you guys simply can not melee him till the emote ends. If you do he builds up a massive DD.

Super easy fight.
Steamsuits must face him the interupt is a cone directional he has ae rampage you can stuff him in a corner dont tank him near his Dt aura spot

You dont actually have to kill any steamsuits if you have enuff dps you can just offtank those and kill him

like stated before if you dont follow his commands you eat a semi nasty dd ae

in all he is a sissy