Checking for a debuff or DoT on mob


Unless you want to know generically speaking.. like ${Target.Slowed}, ${Target.Malod}, ${Target.Tashed}, then those work too.
I started using the ${Target.Malod} check, and it spams errors, even with the MMOTLO added. Am I missing something?
I'll turn on the logging option and post it this evening.
/if (${Cast.Ready[Malosenea]} && !{Target.Malod}) /call cast "Malosenea" Gem6

[2016/04/02 18:38:41] Failed to parse /if condition '(TRUE && !{Target.Malod})', non-numeric encountered
[2016/04/02 18:38:41] Variable resulted in '(TRUE && !{Target.Malod})', causing an error
/if (${Cast.Ready[Malosenea]} && !${Target.Malod}) /call cast "Malosenea" Gem6

[2016/04/02 22:19:07] Failed to parse /if condition '(TRUE && !Malosenia)', non-numeric encountered
[2016/04/02 22:19:07] Variable resulted in '(TRUE && !Malosenia)', causing an error

Do I need to add the !Bool option?

I wanted to do the Malod check since sometimes I am with a shaman that does the combined DoT+debuff, but I usually debuff it on the pull.
Since Maloed, Slowed etc. return spelltypes and not booltypes you can either force a Bool with ${Bool or just add .ID as Rooster showed. I would go for the .ID myself.