Check target combatstate?


Premium Member
Apr 16, 2008
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This checks for my combat state but is there a way to check the targets combat state?
You could potentially check its animation?

Or if it's facing a specific location as if it's facing someone?
What exactly are you trying to do?

I have seen mobs facing angles used to do a rough check if NPC's are aggro on other players without targetting for HoTT etc.

Same with Animations, if a mob is melee animation or some other animations can check if mob is aggro / un messed etc
I'm trying to determine weather my current target (player) is in combat or not. What are you trying to tell me??

Animations? the way something is facing?? are you confused? I'm wanting a macro to determine this.
/echo ${Me.TargetOfTarget}
If it's null the mob is not in combat

If the target is a player you control you can use eqbc to check his combatstate
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I'm wanting to know if the player I'm targeting is in combat, not a mob.
${Target.PlayerState} returns 64 for PC's thought it might be worth a shot. Doesnt look like it's possible. You can check out /if (${Target.Animation}==5) /echo Yay I think ${Target.CleanName} is in combat. Animations - MacroQuest Wiki
/echo ${If[${Select[${NearestSpawn[Player1].Animation},5]},Melee Active,Melee Inactive]}

edit: have a play around with your chars different races/class if you find different animation for them attacking/casting just add them after the 5 seperated with a comma
Is it one of your own toons? If it is, with MQ2, can you not get the information you need from MQ2NetBots via EQBC? Or even an event capture by /bct'ing the toon to give state in group, channel, or tell?

Is it one of your own toons? If it is, with MQ2, can you not get the information you need from MQ2NetBots via EQBC? Or even an event capture by /bct'ing the toon to give state in group, channel, or tell?


Yeah it is. I've not used mq2netbots before but I will check it out. It's not overly important if I can do it or not. I've just been messing around with a macro.

If there was a simple way of doing it that would be good but I don't want to get too far into it.
If it's a toon he controls he can indeed do /bct toon //bct ${Me} $\{Me} combatstate is: $\{Me.CombatState} and then catch it in an event...