Char. Class Combos


Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
The Forest
Just curious to see other opinions on what to pair these following classes with in terms of a 2 char box team. The idea is to pair them up with their most desirable / effective counterpart.

1) Mage + ______

2) Ench + _______

3) Wiz + ________


Mage + Ench

Ench + Necro

Wiz + Bard get the point.

Appreciate the opinions.
I always liked Mage + Shaman.

Slow, buffs, heals, dd, pets, coth (for the lazy), dots, lame cc (root punt), sow, etc.

No ports, but getting around in the live game is trivial anyway.
You gonna use mercs? Makes a huge difference. With mercs it's going to be wiz/mage + wiz/mage, any of the 4 possibilities has great possibilities!

I'd say same with enc+_____, stick in mage or wiz.

Without mercs, well that would depend to a great extent on your goals. "Effective" depends on what you seek to do, IMO>
I always want someone that can pull and ditch aggro.

necro or bard of those options.

necro is more flexible with what you have due to nature of what it is.

necro + mag if I had to just do a duo.

for the most part that gives you slow (at higher levels), root, mana regen, some limited healing, lots of damage, dual pets for tanking. can solo on either if needed.
You gonna use mercs? Makes a huge difference. With mercs it's going to be wiz/mage + wiz/mage, any of the 4 possibilities has great possibilities!

I'd say same with enc+_____, stick in mage or wiz.

Without mercs, well that would depend to a great extent on your goals. "Effective" depends on what you seek to do, IMO>

I really like the Enchanter + Wizard combination these days. Enchanters are rocking tanks. I molo TBM missions like In Defense of Health on my chanter. I can't do the tougher names like the Putrid Brute though; I get em down to about 35% or 40%. With a wizard partner though, I think enchanters can take on just about anything in the group game.

In the past, I would have always gone with a mage for duoing with an enchanter, but as my play style has shifted wizard has emerged as a good choice. Enchanter + Wizard + two Wiz Mercs.

Necro and Bard work well. Honestly, I'm not sure if there truly is a "best" partner for any of these classes.
In the past, I would have always gone with a mage for duoing with an enchanter, but as my play style has shifted wizard has emerged as a good choice. Enchanter + Wizard + two Wiz Mercs.

No healing at all? No out-of-group healer?? Chanter runes that good? You're not taking on TOUGH names with that quartet, I don't think...
Yes to mercs

All good replies and suggestions.

Thanks for the input / feedback.