Can't get a character to load into game

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Oct 11, 2007
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Greetings, I have one character that crashes out whenever I try to load him from the character select window into the game. I'm trying to figure out what files I need to delete that will allow him entry. I tried deleting the UI_Character_server.ini file but he still crashes. Trying to figure what files I need to delete to get into the game. Anyone have any suggestions??
I had an issue with map that was crashing on loading- I had created a 2nd map folder and when I switched the map window to it from default if kept crashing me. Drove me crazy until I could figure it out.
Well, don't use the map so that's not it. Years ago I had a similar function and I had to delete some particular files but I can't recall what they were (((
Backup and then delete the following. Patch. Test if you can get in. If you can then replace them one by one starting with eqclient.ini until you find the culprit. If you can't petition and ask them to move your character to PoK or something and try again. If they can't log you in, which I have seen, then they might have to do a rollback.

UI folder
Sometimes simply hitting return to home on load screen will fix issue....also can delete the zone file character is in and repatch usually one of those will fix.
I am having the same issue with toons crashing upon loggin into world.
The only way i get around this is to get toon in game first, then start MQ.
I thot you had to have MMO running before you could log character into game? I can load the character using sony startup. I have moved the guy to POK. Then I logged out, started MMO and still crashed out upon logging into game. I'll try hawthorne's recommends now. ))
I can log into the game using Sony loader but MMO crashes that particular character just before he gets into game. The other characters on the account load in MMO with no problem. Could there be a specific plugin acting poorly on on one character of the account but not effecting the others? My problem character is a Necro.
I can log into the game using Sony loader but MMO crashes that particular character just before he gets into game. The other characters on the account load in MMO with no problem. Could there be a specific plugin acting poorly on on one character of the account but not effecting the others? My problem character is a Necro.
Yes, it could be. Please use the problem report thread. ALSO (see what I did there?), send me the debug.dmp, or you're going to have to just figure it out, because there are over 100 plugins, and only God knows how many possible configurations between characters and plugins!

Thank you kindly.

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