Botting and Exp


Lifetime Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Generic title, I know.

I'm just getting back into actively playing on the live servers. Currently, I've got War/Sham/Cler/Mage all at 85, with heroic stuff. I'm looking to add an additional toon in, and can't really decide which one to go with.

I was thinking a Wizard or Druid, simply for the ports and burst DPS, but as it stands, I'm extremely reliant on mana in all situations with minimal melee DPS. So the other option I was contemplating would've been a monk or bard for the pulls. Thoughts?

Also, I quit in mid-Underfoot last time. Where are the go-to places for exp 85+?

I appreciate any and all suggestions.

Thanks guys.
I'd pull for Wiz because they do more dps than druid and port all the same. You already have two healers so no point adding a third.

I run War/Clr/Enc/Wiz/Wiz/Mage, but I've tried just about everything and this is my favorite setup. Just my opinion though others may differ.
I was thinking the same thing with the heals, but wasn't all that sure how I'd fare going into newer content.
BRD and use him to pull/mez next pull and screw ports, just run brd/war/mag and campfire rest.
Hmm. Bard sounds too good to pass up. Might just have to go with an additional 2 accounts so I can do bard and wiz!

Any recommendations on where to exp/quest/progress 85+? Figured I'd get all toons to 90, max AAs, then debate whether I want to get the newest expansion for 105.
Hmm. Bard sounds too good to pass up. Might just have to go with an additional 2 accounts so I can do bard and wiz!

Any recommendations on where to exp/quest/progress 85+? Figured I'd get all toons to 90, max AAs, then debate whether I want to get the newest expansion for 105.

ask franklin teek where to go, but Valley of Lunanyn is hot zone for level 90 + Valley of Lunanyn :: Zones :: EverQuest :: ZAM, u might want to try it. Might be a bit tough, but use MQ2Bot to help u out MQ2Bot - MMOBugs Wiki

GL see u in game
Almost all aa at 90 are free if your gold and may as well take the freebies since it sounds like the characters are heroics anyways so already over the aa bonus mark.
If you don't have CC, get an enchanter (and a wizard for the 6th that now). I don't know how well bards mez compared to enchanter, but enchanter can AE mez and have 5+ mobs locked down fast.

For pulling, I made a /bct enchanter command and my enchanter just paci's whatever my warrior tells him to and I can pull singles easily if I wanted. Usually I just pull everything and the enchanter has it all mezzed before they can drop my warrior. AE mezz kicks ass. If it's a really big pull....NTTB. If my enchanter had to single target mez.....this wouldn't work. My warrior would be dead before enchanter got it all locked down. Occasionally I will also /bct enchanter AE mez, pull with warrior and then /bct enchanter AE mem blur if what I wanted was one mob from a group of mobs and they were too high level for Paci.

Enchanters can also rune your tank/group. At lvl105 (and probably earlier) you can get over 100k "hitpoints" worth of runes easily. I think as much as 150k if you really stack em. I also made /bct enchanter command to rune my warrior like it's a heal spell. That rune is 50k "hitpoints" worth and pretty fast cast. Wish Dev would put a heal section on the enchanter.

And of course get a wizard for DPS as your group is lacking DPS. Pretty sure wizard DPS is best DPS. Most of the time.

This group won't be the best DPS out there, but is not bad and should be pretty high for survivability and is my exact set-up. Some might say for you to replace the shaman with another wizard, but personally I like back-up heals. My warrior is purely group geared so is not over-powered for group content. I kinda need the back-up heal. Especially for hard encounters like nameds or whatever. Some warriors have much more AC and hitpoints unbuffed than my warrior has fully buffed. The field is not level. If your warrior is over powered for group content, I guess you can just bindwound for heals. For me, usually just cleric healing is fine, but shaman healing when needed makes it solid. And I've used 2 merc casters vs 3 merc casters. The difference with how fast DH HA mobs die was less than 10 seconds. No doubt the difference will be bigger on harder encounters.

I set my cleric's ini to almost exclusively heal my warrior. He won't heal anyone else unless they drop below 40% and then it'll start with emergency group heal. I set my shaman to mainly heal the rest of the group and only heal my warrior if he drops below 60% and mainly he'll use Surge heal. Works out pretty good. Shaman surge (group heal) heals my warrior and usually tops off rest of group with the same heal..or he surge heals whatever box stole agro and healed warrior with same shaman surge spell. Mostly though, my cleric heals so fast since I set him to use all his small fast heals, my warrior never drops below 60% depending on encounter and my shaman just stacks DoTs and nukes.
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I don't know why people think all caster groups minus a tank is the best route.

Brd+rogue/zerker Split your dps type up and the gear you need to farm.

While I think chanters are bad ass, well balanced group trump them any day.

porting is over rated with campfire, way to easy to just run 3 people max of 3 zones and campfire the other 3. In the end mixed melee+nukes will make doing everything easier.
Melee Grp

I've ran a melee grp before War/Clr/Zerk/Zerk/Zerk/Sham and even swapped in and out a rogue, bard, enc, but if you're botting it's just easier to use casters imo. They also look less botty because they don't have to move around any. But melee dps is steady and sometimes better than casters. I just prefer caster over melee.
I've ran a melee grp before War/Clr/Zerk/Zerk/Zerk/Sham and even swapped in and out a rogue, bard, enc, but if you're botting it's just easier to use casters imo. They also look less botty because they don't have to move around any. But melee dps is steady and sometimes better than casters. I just prefer caster over melee.

Thinking you look less botty with 4 casters is ignorant thinking. Everyone and their mother knows you are botting when you never move. If you are out in the open and botting having a caster group or melee group no different. Just running past and monitoring peoples groups unless they have detection to not run when someone is close(big give away you are a botter).

So in the end when you can easily see a bot group for a bot group. Why worry about it and not just make what is a BETTER group?

Unless you are unattended playing/shitting on other players open zone or instanced. You are not likely to be bothered from GMs/Guides.
No, everyone and their mother thinks your boxing when nothing moves but your single melee (warrior right?). I started boxing in 2000. Although I signed up here in 2009, I didn't actually start using bots till 2015. Although I stopped playing EQ altogether in 2010 and didn't start again till 2015 as well. I boxed 6, no MQ2 till 2009 and then it was just for maps and stuff like that, no bots. I want my group to look like a box group, because I don't think people are fooling anyone that knows what to look for with bots. So I actually play my one melee and my "boxes" looks like boxes as they stay perfectly still, no facing movement, nothing. I fight mobs behind my "boxes" back, they don't turn around. They just stand there and cast....just like when I was actually boxing.

If you 6 box and you have some melees moving around, then people may think you're botting. I have seen melee bots in action. It's obvious if anyone stops and really looks. Something is just off when a toon doesn't move around when looking for a target, but instead has the target and snaps to it. Not to mention when no fight is going on, no toon is randomly doing anything.

Just saying it's easier to claim and defend to DB if you have to if someone videos your group that you are in fact just boxing if all your healers and casters stay perfectly still and behaves like they are hotkey'd controlled than if you have a bunch of melee's running around...very bot like.....but no way a human is controlling that with hotkeys.
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War wiz wiz wiz enc clr is the highest dps group in the game :)

and yes caster groups are just as obvious.
You guys not giving a spot to merc? Let's max out the merc AA! lol
why use a merc just level a wizard and keep it silver after you max AAs they do 50k + dps in f2p gear.
If you're not doing an instance, you can always split the 6box in 2 and fill out with mercs. Only problem is to get a DPS merc, be it caster, tank or melee to assist in killing a mob, it has to be grouped with the toon that has "ownership" of the mob. So my kill group that gets the exp is always with my warrior/puller.

So I run warrior and then whatever two boxes need the exp the most, which is my new cleric and mage and fill out with caster mercs. Second group is always my chanter and shaman as they are both 105/max aa and wizard +a healer merc just in case. So yeah, even with 6 boxing, you can still level up mercs as well and use them for really tough kills where possible.

Exp grind with 3 caster mercs, a bot wiz and mage +whatever DPS my enchanter and shaman can muster is pretty good. I don't allow my cleric to do anything not related to healing. Much faster than not splitting the group.

And yeah, my bot wizard rapes the merc caster in DPS and the merc healer compares even worse to my cleric. Hell, after playing with and making an INI devoted to only healing + slow, my shaman heals better than the merc healer on my regular pulls and a little behind if mob DPS really spikes, since he probably doesn't have as good fast cast heals as the merc healer.
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SK/CLR/ENC/mag/wiz/ber not really a fan of the BEr at this point but he is still the new guy at 85 so he dies alot in some content as his gear is very weak, he's there for skilling up and xp though I think my Sk or chanter pet is more DPS than him at this point though

do your daily hot zone tasks but if you have cotf start doing those daily missions as well they scale to level and you can start hording currency for lvl 100 gear.
If you have a few boxes already maxed/higher level and start a new box or 3, what I do is run my maxed toons in the DA HA's +mercs and leave the low levels in the guild hall with lessons up. I go through the HA being very careful not to complete any stage. Once I have each stage down to the last kill/hand-in/loot/whatever, I campfire the low levels over and finish the HA asap, then I port the low levels back to the guild hall and repeat.

This way the low levels always have lessons up. Won't take long at all the catch them up.