Bot Macro

Interrupt Cast While Mounted

A while back I read a post on how to fix this, but I can't find it anymore.

My druid is moving forward to interrupt his cast after the mobs dies.

This is only happening with bot.mac, but if I remember correctly it had something to do with MQ2Cast?
its in spellroutines, either open it and find the interrupt cast mere it does the moveforward and back or asked for a fixed copy (removed already)
Hi im back after being gone for over a year, redownloaded bot.mac remade ini's on all the toons im using it, everything is working great except my bard will not use her level 105 aemez. I have been scanning the pages trying to see if there is something going on with aemezz type spells havent been able to find anything. Was wondering if others are experiencing this issue or if it is only on my end


Noticed my guys wigging out if I had more than 10 mobs in camp.
With TDS the number of XTargets was increased and its doing a clear target when XTarget doesn't equal add count.

So is the fix as simple as searching for XTarget[10] and adding the new levels to XTargetList and XTargetRadiusList or is there something else?

I count 13 in the window now btw.

Looting question

First, kudos. Bot.mac is great. My question is about the looting. I want to set it to loot anything that's NOT no-drop, but loot anything not listed specifically to ignore.

That seems simple, but I've missed a LOT of lore items I didn't have. What setting(s) should I change?
umm, default behavior should be to do exactly what you are asking. perhaps looking at your loot.ini may be of use.
Let me start off by saying I am sure they have......But has anyone used this for a level 105 Zerker?

Im basically looking for something to run the zerker for me while I play the tank, but want something that will after a certain % the zerker will turn attack on and move to the mob.
william12 had a specific macro for zerks, i used to use it but not into zerks these days, prob could look in that direction for a decent performing zerk macro, its based on feel the burn thread i believe.
Anyone else gettin the Access Violation errors, my shaman wont do anything anymore
Access violations are from plugins. and it tells you which plugin in the error message. im unsure as to how people dont know to just read wtf the error message says by now. if the error message says it is in this plugin at this routine at this line.. guess what? that is where the issue is.
it was a Mq2main error, i got a work around by deleting his INI, remaking it and it seems to work for now, still no clue why bard aemez doesnt work but half the stuff in tds doesnt seem mezzable anyways. thanks for the reply tho
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Hi Pete,

How difficult to include PCCheck in the mac?
I can donate if doesn't take your much time.

Error code on bot mac

I was going to play with a friends bard this afternoon and loaded bot mac for the first time. While doing so, I get this error message:

No such 'spell' member 'SubCategory'
bot.mac@3955 (BardLoad): /if (${Me.Gem[${i}].SubCategory.Equal[enthrall]}) {
bot.mac@326 (Load): /if (${OptionsLoadList.Arg[${i},|].NotEqual[NULL]}) /call ${OptionsLoadList.Arg[${i},|]}Load
bot.mac@31 (Main): /call Load

Thinking I was using an older version of the mac, I downloaded and replaced the bot mac file with the one linked on the first post and still get the error message. Am I doing something wrong?
im assuming you are playing on an emu if you are getting that error, in which case you should always state you are playing on an emu and what emu when asking for any help on any macro or plugin.
im assuming you are playing on an emu if you are getting that error, in which case you should always state you are playing on an emu and what emu when asking for any help on any macro or plugin.

No, playing on a live server

Edit to add: Looking back a few pages, would the error have something to do with this:

If i were to redo bot.mac, it would search for spell cat rather than by strings. That would solve the auto check for bard mez. Should be a simple change of:
/if (${Me.Gem[${i}].Name.Find[lullaby]}||${Me.Gem[${i}].Name.Find[slumber of]}) {

/if ([COLOR=Yellow]${Me.Gem[${i}].SubCategory.Equal[enthrall]}[/COLOR]) {

I think that would solve it but i have to do some stuff right now and cant log in to verify.
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So Pete, just to confirm, you're no longer updating this, right?
So Pete, just to confirm, you're no longer updating this, right?
Not actively, no. If someone modifies something that is a better mousetrap, i am willing to include it. Or if there is something broken that someone points out I will gladly fix it. The macro already does everything I could think of in game, so there isnt anything I would really want to add other than have it use MQ2Ifs to not access the INI/run faster. Generally speaking, I'd rather focus on mq2bot.
I guess I'll have to figure out the plugin eventually. There's two issues on my mind.

1) I'd like to be able to send commands to the fellowship. follow/stop/moveup/clear are fine when I'm boxing but if I group, I'd rather send those commands to the fs, if it can be done.

2) Targeting drives me nuts. Sample problem: I do a DH HA where you have to free captives. I target a captive by accident, then target the hostage takers. At least 2 will stay on the captive and not change target. I have to constantly check all 3 boxes to make sure they are on the mob, although a distinctive lack of DPS will tell me. It's a pisser when I'm boxing, even worse when I group (see problem #1).

The rest of the issues are my own ineptitude on tweaking INIs. These two are probably my fault, too, but I'm not sure. :)
Well the first one is an easy addition, just add:
#event CastSpell "#1# tells the fellowship#*#, '#2# on #3#'"
#event CastSpell "#1# tells the fellowship#*#, '#2#'"

The second problem:
Have you added the captives to the ignore mob list? Then it will never hit them.

Otherwise, you can also use the kill target command:
/bc Kill_this ${Target.ID}

and all of them in eqbc will target and kill that mob instead.
I don't use BC. Never could figure it out. That's why I use fs for communication.

I get the first one. I will start adding mobs to


But I don't get your solution to the first one at all. First, where do I put it, and second, why cast spell? I just want them to move.