BM #1 - The Fanged Moon


New member
Aug 21, 2008
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Has anyone tried separating the 2 balance mobs? Is there any way to avoid the adds or avoid having to balance them? Maybe if you pulled one of them to the other side of the zone?
Controlling the Add's isnt so bad, when they spawn you just kill them and they respawn as a mezzable mob, get them mezed, keep killing until all 6 are mezed then focus on the Named, they are easily balancable and if one becomes unbalanced it just restores it self to the Highest HP of the 2 Named.

the event overall is fairly easy.
In doing this event, we are having a problem with just clearing the room with the two balancing nameds. When trying to pull the trash out of the room, we get chain agro, and the entire room rushes the raid. Is this actually part of the event, and we have to deal with all those orc as well as the named plus their adds? Or can the room be cleared and this is just a bugged event atm?

Any help would be great, Thanx folks.
It's been a while, but I seem to remember doing this whole event at the zone in and just having everything pulled to there.
The first boss in the fanged moon you need to kill him in his room or it amps his dps up.

On the last event the adds are unavoidable and are best kited by a knight class. Monks and Rangers can single and double pull things out of the way until the event starts. From there its just a controlled and balanced burn to 0% then kill the adds.
We kill the first named in his room, then head to zone in. You can semi corner the mobs next to the door. Sometimes the ghost pop right after named pull, sometimes it takes a bit. Sometimes they auto aggro, sometimes not. I usually run up and grab the first set, kill the unmezzables and mez the rest. Balance the named till dead, kill the mezzed head up and kill whatever is sitting there.

Keep in mind that the ghosts path oddly, so when you head up for the chest, you could get more then one corner of ghosts.
You can kill Vesthun in his room, then Pull the balance mobs to the far east side of the zone in room. Adds will not come to there for some reason.
You can kill Vesthun in his room, then Pull the balance mobs to the far east side of the zone in room. Adds will not come to there for some reason.

Is this true? Can anyone confirm this? Id like to run my guild through BM 1 and not dealing with the adds would be sweet.
we did like others have posted and pulled every thing to the zone in including the 2 mobs just past the first event guy. Killed him in his room, switching to adds as they spawn. once the first event was clear we headed back to the zi and continued to clear all the trash. we cornered both mobs in the little doorway alcove thing, one on each side.. then we pulled the adds back to the ZI to clear to chest .. we used our fd members stationed on the doors to keep the path open for the puller. and seemed the number of adds at the end was proportional to the time between the deaths of the balanced mobs..