Better group Exp


Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
I have been group exping in Chelsith Reborn for a long time now. Are there zones out there that have better exp? Any ideas?
Dead hills heroic adventures into the hills and scouting ahead I think are the best way to truly farm right now . At least for me I haven't found much better. Gets old fast to lol. No lockout timer
Will have to be all re-assessed with the new xpac, assuming you're going to level up beyond 100.
Pretty subjective, but you'd want to look at exp/hour in w/e camp/zone you are doing. If a mob takes you a minute to kill and gives you 20%aa vs one that takes 20 secs to kill and gives you 10%aa....

With a group of 6 100s the best I can do is about 20-25 secs on a yellow con. Then there is time to loot the corpse, go out and pull, rebuff time, so roughly about 1 mob every 45-60 secs, if you factor in all that time that is wasted not in combat, even with macros running and chain pulling.

You could cut down on some time with an enchanter that chain casts pb ae mezz...., since most of the non-combat time is wasted on pulling.