Ashengate Progression

That outline is still missing his original problem. The answer is still:

The Path Begins with a Single Step - from Zhubis

Once you have all of the above, follow Zhubis's text to get the option to select this task. It has one step, go hail Drizzlorn. Drizzlorn won't give you the raid until you have this one-step flag.

Also a side-fact: His last name "Un" stands for "Useless Necro", he was named after a necromancer in Prophecy [Bertoxx] in 2002, the same guild as Celrak.
Does the Mark of Ashengate flag you for East, West and North?

There is some confusion when backflagging members if they need both the Mark of Vergalaid and the Mark of Ashengate if using the bypass completely.
Mark of Verg= Verg Kill flag, will flag you for WEST / EAST only
Mark of Ashengate= will give you Stitch and Sothgar flags. (North Flag)
So you need both marks so your not a push in east west or north?

That is the question. I understand what each mark flags you for but one day the guild is saying you need both to be fully flagged. Then the next day they say you ONLY need Mark of Ashengate and it will flag you for East, West and North.

yeah the path begins with a single step is usually whatyou miss.

yeah the path begins with a single step is usually what you miss.