A best practice for downloading new compiles (re: MQ2PacketAPI questions)


New member
Nov 9, 2006
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This appears to be an ongoing issue since this change was made. The immediate info is:

If you still have MQ2PacketAPI.DLL in your MQ2 folder, you need to delete it. This file is no longer being put in the compile zips yet folks still have the plugin.

Since this means you are keeping your current DLL's, and those of you who have it auto-loading must be limiting what files you are actually extracting such as MacroQuest.ini, when you download a new zip first go back and delete every single DLL file from your MQ2 folder as there is almost zero chance it would work anyways.

When a new eqgame.exe is downloaded by EQ, you can be assured one: that macroquest has to be recompiled, but more appropriate to the problem here, two: near every dll file is going to need a recompile.

If you have custom DLL's or do your own compiles then this info probably doesn't apply to you.

If you know for a fact a certain plugin does work after the patch, there is no reason to cling to it as MMOBugs devs are going to recompile it for you anyways. Just delete them and go fresh.

For those of you excluding ini files and other stuff, you should at least open them up to see what has changed because with the new detection fix, 30% of the plugins require MQ2MMOBugs.dll to be loaded to even function, so by not making that change to your .ini, you are only putting yourself at risk.

I highly recommend extracting the entire zip to a new folder, deleteing all DLL files from your old folder, and then using a program such as WinMerge to compare changes to the files you care about then merging them in. That way you won't lose the things you obviously care about, but gain the benefits of the dev's hard work to keep you safe and functioning here.

I replace everything in my MQ folder except:

Macros folder


Am I correct in assuming that an unusable .dll from previous version will not cause detrimental issues if it is not being loaded with the Macroquest.ini? So I can leave the custom .dll's that I have gotten from other sources in the MQ2 folder and test them individually?
DLL's that are offered here are made to work with our compiles. Yes, you can use DLL's as long as they are somewhat up to date, but they won't have the same protection that our compile offers.