6 box setup


Aug 30, 2007
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Hey i have a question about what my 6 box crew should be i saw the 12 box and i am not looking to just have all wiz or mags I like utility. I have a 85 monk 85 war 85 shaman and 85 cleric that i will always have in the group. Then i have a 83 ranger 77 wiz 72 bard 75 rogue. My question is what should i have for the other 2 slots of my group. I have been lvling the ranger b/c i like his atk buffs and the HS pling but i dont do it much b/c i am in iraq and i lag so a giant swarm of mobs can kill me fast with a little lag. I really like the bard/wiz and can get some nice macros for them but i am just not sure i wanted some advice from everyone what would be the best dps/ utility setup with my current chars. My monk is in a raiding guild btw so good hp/dps
bard and wiz imo.
It sounds like you have the melee dps taken care of with the monk/war (for what it counts for)
so get some caster dps in there with the wiz/shm (for what it counts for)
and then bard..
best class in the world so thats a no brainer ;)
Hey i have a question about what my 6 box crew should be i saw the 12 box and i am not looking to just have all wiz or mags I like utility. I have a 85 monk 85 war 85 shaman and 85 cleric that i will always have in the group. Then i have a 83 ranger 77 wiz 72 bard 75 rogue. My question is what should i have for the other 2 slots of my group. I have been lvling the ranger b/c i like his atk buffs and the HS pling but i dont do it much b/c i am in iraq and i lag so a giant swarm of mobs can kill me fast with a little lag. I really like the bard/wiz and can get some nice macros for them but i am just not sure i wanted some advice from everyone what would be the best dps/ utility setup with my current chars. My monk is in a raiding guild btw so good hp/dps

Ranger and Bard. The Shaman and Bard will Augment the Melee DPS enough to not have to worry about caster DPS. And u dont have to worry about med breaks. Shaman + Ranger Buffs = melee win. Plus you would be able to pull a Ford F-150 thru a doggy door with this setup. (My good puller analogy) This is as good as it get's imo.
Bard + Wiz
the wizzy would out dps any additional buffs the + dps the ranger could give plus it gives you ports(far faster then /zone)

You should be able to chain nuke none stop with your wiz and never go OOM if you use the right combos giving you a more consistent dps and higher over the ranger.
+1 for Bard + Wizzy... because lets face it, everyone knows ranjah's suck =)
I say Ranger and Wizzy, But im biased to Rangers :) Bard and wizzy is going to be better if your just talking dps, bards can add alot more to teh group then a ranger. Plus you have all the other goodies like mezz and all that. My group is Ranger warrior cleric sham necro and i swap out chanter, monk, Wiz, bard or bst as needed. I can pull anything I need with teh Ranger and their Harmo Arrow ability. Which is why i usually leave the bard parked.
If you knew how you could pull anything as well with the bard ;)
lots of good advice. Still not sure what way to go i like all my chars and they all add something to the group. I guess it has to go with what kind of play style i have. I can pull anything with my monk played him for years bard always bugged b/c of his songs getting agro lol but the bard does add the most to the group. I will prob go bard+ wiz
So turn the songs off as you pull if you're not pulling with the bard ;p
lots of good advice. Still not sure what way to go i like all my chars and they all add something to the group. I guess it has to go with what kind of play style i have. I can pull anything with my monk played him for years bard always bugged b/c of his songs getting agro lol but the bard does add the most to the group. I will prob go bard+ wiz
What I do with my bard and the song aggro proble, is just blockbuff the regen song. Thats the only song I'm playing on my bard out of combat and since the monk is out pulling and dosn't have mana, he dosn't really need it anyway.
2 mages, 1 shaman, 1 paladin, 2 heal mercs is all ive needed to do anything groupable content.
Don't ask me I have a strange set up..

Necro (Puller DPS)
Then I have A merc healer.