1-groupable raid target


Dec 21, 2006
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I'm looking for 1 groupable, I mean 6-boxable raid targets, in order to get some gear upgrades for a new 7th toon.
What i got is a 23k hp war, a 15k hp monk, a 18k hp rog, a 13k mana cleric, a 13k mana enc and a 12k mana wizard.
I have pretty good dps with this setup and tank can handle substantial hits, I think I'd be limited mainly by cleric mana and targets where you got to move.
What would be good targets you think for gear in the CoA or better range for non-visible slots (visible I can easily do the steam core which is nice at the moment)
I'd camp crystallos with that group and get the gear there... Collect essences for chromasteel while you're at it.
Maybe you need to get a shm to help on raid mobs. ;)
Yeah, hope the 7th char you're lvling is a shm or a 2nd healer of some sort, at least. Shm would be the best imo though.
yes it's a shaman,
found sverag minis doable with an extra cleric
If you want to do it for augs, Attendants of Sothgar is pretty easy now that they can be mezzed. Easy strat for kill order in raid strats section.
Shyra in dodh
coa mobs depending on your strength

Just a couple off the top of my head.

Crystallos ftw of course.
Shyra is not doable with that group without adding a second cleric...imho. Keldo and Ture in COA would be for sure...assuming you automate cures with a macro.

I agree with everyone else on Cyrstallos...best bang for your buck.
Might try Lguk. I got a full set of gear there for a friends cleric and un-augged he is just under 13K mana.
No offense but I am not buying that...did you see that with your own eyes?

Even with the assumption that all three toons resisted both of the ae's that trio has squat for dps and and very weak healing. I have been on several wipes with 54 toons when that even was current and those 3 toons are not > than 54.
No offense but I am not buying that...did you see that with your own eyes?

Even with the assumption that all three toons resisted both of the ae's that trio has squat for dps and and very weak healing. I have been on several wipes with 54 toons when that even was current and those 3 toons are not > than 54.

Be surprised what a combo of those 3 classes can do
i dunno three people on shayra is kinda pushing it, but if you fail with 54... hahahahahahahahaha
I wonder if they were gonna add shyra was triod w paly sk shammy AND No Delay LOL :p

I guess someone would have to say yea it can be triod now straight up (no gk nd etc) but that seems a bit much for that combo

ya but those 3 classes all heal and 2 of them cure. his makeup has one healer./ cure .

those 3 classes played properly can produce more than enough dps to slow roll that mob.2 tanks and a slower , 1 of the tanks resses and has a lay on hands for emergency, between the two classes you have 3 heal over times that can stack or be used back to back .shaman group cures. ( sometimes less is more in terms of cures, only having 3 means you dont need to worry about anything but those 3 you dont have healers switching targets everyone need only do thier job in the event and you are fine.)

Yar lir ( so long as the chanter is good at holding some mobs , pbae mezz and mezz ward )

circle of drakes. setup in the middle between the two spots alot of guilds use and just slay them as they come.

xi thuli ( you would need a shaman for this , or another cure person )

sothgar's att.: ( ag west ) easy augs. well worth the effort provided you or someone you know can open the event for you .

as to the comments about what class you are lvling, i have to agree shaman or cleric and amazingly .. shaman is prolly the better choice between the two . buffs <>epic <> ancestral <> and normal hot or pot hot is a powerful way to be able to engage a mob with heals preset to allow a good transistion from unengaged to engaged and debuffed, the added debuffs will boost your spell dps as well as panther for the melee and last but not least.. allows you a second resser and some way to recover those iffy starts when your cleric heals a tad early and dies .
No offense but I am not buying that...did you see that with your own eyes?

Even with the assumption that all three toons resisted both of the ae's that trio has squat for dps and and very weak healing. I have been on several wipes with 54 toons when that even was current and those 3 toons are not > than 54.

<--- The Pally.

I wonder if they were gonna add shyra was triod w paly sk shammy AND No Delay LOL :p

I guess someone would have to say yea it can be triod now straight up (no gk nd etc) but that seems a bit much for that combo

Seriously? with GK wtf do you need the pally and Shaman for? And Im not sure how experienced you are with top end Sk's Pallies and Shamans but they can trivialize alot of old content.
circle of drakes. setup in the middle between the two spots alot of guilds use and just slay them as they come.

xi thuli ( you would need a shaman for this , or another cure person )

Zi-Thuuli we got him to the third spawn but Missed cure on the SK brought it all down.

CoD we have one person at undead door and another at tunnel split and its straight pwnage from there. Had shaman with the pally cus SK gets pet and its own DoT's.

i believe this trio beat shyra, i play an 80 shaman /box rogue , and my rl brother is 5th pally on server. shaman has some sick ass healing if u have the aa put in good places and i run with just the shaman 3 stacked group hots. spiritual channeling aa maxed healing aa, everything u could want. i crit heal on shaman for upto 17k , have aa slow, and have personally done some sick shit with trio. to the person that failed shyra with a 54 man raid , that had to be a hard wipe.
How did you deal with the 2 adds? Especially since one of the adds feign deaths?