1.098.900 Tribute points without leaving Guild Hall

i don't have a Macros folder in my MacroQuest folder, so I could set one up . However, there are only a few items with MacroQuest folder period. Also I did save it as .mac file on the ext.

hmmm... I would guess you didn't install MQ2 correctly. Even the vanilla compile has a Macros folder. Do you have any other macros, like combine.mac? If so, what is it's file path?
i don't have a Macros folder in my MacroQuest folder, so I could set one up . However, there are only a few items with MacroQuest folder period. Also I did save it as .mac file on the ext.

hmmm... I would guess you didn't install MQ2 correctly. Even the vanilla compile has a Macros folder. Do you have any other macros, like combine.mac? If so, what is it's file path?

That must be it: will uninstall and reinstall . No I have no folders
Betting pool on ETA for nerf?

I give it 31 hours and 43 minutes from now.

I dont see why, this has been out for almost a year now. Burnt all my bags on all my toons a long time ago.

wow man I'd rather the bags over tribute any day.

wtf do you guys want tribute for anyway? I haven't used it for awhile as the effects it gave were minimal. Did they add some good stuff?
Betting pool on ETA for nerf?

I give it 31 hours and 43 minutes from now.

I dont see why, this has been out for almost a year now. Burnt all my bags on all my toons a long time ago.

wow man I'd rather the bags over tribute any day.

wtf do you guys want tribute for anyway? I haven't used it for awhile as the effects it gave were minimal. Did they add some good stuff?
Heh well my smallest bag is 16 slots so the 15 slot bag is fairly useless (I guess I could upgrade one of my bank bags...)

I use tribute for spell haste. I think it's worth it.
There are a shitload of better bags out there, and since this is one per toon and you have access to 100, this is a reasonable way to generate tribute.

I wonder the same thing, though: of what good is tribute these days? Yeah, it gets you a few points extra of some stat but it's yet another thing to remember to turn on and turn off. Or do you just let your million balance run all the time?

Tribute and the stats you get from campfires... they're all due for upgrades. Sony does this a lot... they add a feature that's kick-ass at the time but then forget to upgrade it as levels rise and toons get tons more HPs and mana---not to mention the mobs.

I stopped using stats campfires a while back because the non-stat campfire takes a lot longer to expire and I was constantly having my stats campfire run out. There's no warning, you can't even "con" to see how long you got. Of course, it always runs out right before or during a wipe, so when I need to click to get back to the camp... duh, no campfire to click to.

They also keep forgetting to issue updates for certain spells: druid aoe-kiting dd's as one example. Another is Flight of the Eagles. Can't they upgrade that to Flight of the Golden Eagles and make it 1% faster. Just SOMETHING! Or consider the enchanter's level 62 stats buff, Guard of Druzzil. Jesus, I finally got around to dropping that from my default buff set because a more useless spell cannot be found these days. I realize a lot of toons are at max stats when it comes to resists, but how about "Magical Guard of Druzzil" which adds 25 Heroic points of resists to every target? Now that would be a nice upgrade and ultimately far from unbalancing.

I could mention many more! Sony programmers, if you want some help, just send me an IM right here! $100 per hour plz.
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Betting pool on ETA for nerf?

I give it 31 hours and 43 minutes from now.

I dont see why, this has been out for almost a year now. Burnt all my bags on all my toons a long time ago.

wow man I'd rather the bags over tribute any day.

wtf do you guys want tribute for anyway? I haven't used it for awhile as the effects it gave were minimal. Did they add some good stuff?

Dude, the bags are total garbage I have all 32 slot bags and even the loyalty bags are all 16 slot so I would never use the bag on any toon anyway.

I run trib with the +AC and Attack but Im of the mind every little bit helps in that regard.
I wonder the same thing, though: of what good is tribute these days? Yeah, it gets you a few points extra of some stat but it's yet another thing to remember to turn on and turn off. Or do you just let your million balance run all the time?

Siege, use MQ2TributeManager to handle it for you.

Also the tribute runs your trophys and I have run max trophies on mine as well as the AC and Attack normal tribs.

Wanted to share it with you all, don't know if it's already posted somewhere else, but couldn't find it if so.

With the House of Thule expansion, you get a claim item called Dreamweave Satchel, it has a tribute value of 1100, and can be claimed 999 times, which should equal alittle bit over 1 million tribute points.

I have currently claimed 100 without issues.

Works !!!

bit time cosuming, but that is why they call it EVERQUEST..

/thanks for tip!!!
Automated Tribute Macro w/ DreamWeave Satchel

Anyone made a macro to automate this process yet? heh
Something along the lines of
/claim Select_DreamWeave_Satchel
/mouseclick left Yes
/Select INV_Slot_8 (or whatever top one empty)
/Tribute Select_donate

I know this is nowhere near the correct code needed to do something like that - but its a start as to what would be needed to do it. Might need a 2-3 second pause in between the clicking YES to confirm your claim reward and the point of when it selects the open inventory slot to attempt Donating to Tribute Master
Nope, the problem with creating a macro for this is it's far to complicated... it really would just not work in the end.
Nope, the problem with creating a macro for this is it's far to complicated... it really would just not work in the end.

You would have to start the macro with you're /claim window up and in front of the tribute dude with that window up also -- and always leave the same top inventory slot open - maybe the 10th one? .... I dunno, i think it seems possible to me - im just not sure on the exact coding for some of the windows and selecting rewards and such
Nope, the problem with creating a macro for this is it's far to complicated... it really would just not work in the end.

You would have to start the macro with you're /claim window up and in front of the tribute dude with that window up also -- and always leave the same top inventory slot open - maybe the 10th one? .... I dunno, i think it seems possible to me - im just not sure on the exact coding for some of the windows and selecting rewards and such

Is this actually happening right now? :rolleyes: lol
I thought they used to lock out claims on your toon if you did too fast or too many. Maybe not any longer, who knows, that was years ago.

I threw this together that SHOULD work, but YMMV. :)

| tributedws.mac

#event BadBag "Only empty containers may be donated."

Sub Main 
  /declare BagsGiven int outer 0
  /declare BagsMax int outer 0
  /if (!${Plugin[MQ2CEcho].Name.Length}) {
    /squelch /plugin MQ2CEcho noauto
  /if (!${Defined[Param0]}) {
        /cechob \ayUsage:  \ar/mac ${Macro.Name} [Number of times to tribute bag]
  /varset BagsMax ${Param0}
  /if (${BagsMax}<1) {
        /cechob \ayUsage:  \ar/mac ${Macro.Name} [Number of times to tribute bag]
    /if (!${Window[TributeMasterWnd].Open}) { 
        /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayYou must be in front of your Tribute Master with the Tribute window open, before starting this macro.
    /varcalc BagsGiven ${BagsGiven}+1
    /if (${BagsGiven}>${BagsMax}) {
        /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \agDreamweave Satchel tributed ${BagsGiven of ${BagsMax} times.  Macro complete.
    /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \agTributing Dreamweave Satchel \at${BagsMax} \agtimes!  Cycle number: \ag${BagsGiven}
    /if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) {
      /keypress INVENTORY
      /delay 3s ${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}
    /call ClaimCheck
    /if (${FindItemCount[=Dreamweave Satchel]}<1) {
      /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayYou must have a \agDreamweave Satchel \ayfor tribute in order to use this macro.
    /if (${FindItem[=Dreamweave Satchel].Items}>0) {
      /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayYou must have an \arEMPTY \agDreamweave Satchel \ayfor tribute in order to use this macro.
    /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Dreamweave Satchel].InvSlot} leftmouseup
    /delay 3s ${SelectedItem.Name.Equal[Dreamweave Satchel]}
    /if (${SelectedItem.Name.NotEqual[Dreamweave Satchel]}) {
      /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayProblem with item selection (Dreamweave Satchel).
    /delay 3s ${Window[TributeMasterWnd].Child[TMW_DonateButton].Enabled}
    /if (!${Window[TributeMasterWnd].Child[TMW_DonateButton].Enabled}) {
      /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayProblem with tribute window (Donate Button not enabled).
    /notify TributeMasterWnd TMW_DonateButton leftmouseup
    /delay 15s !${FindItemCount[=Dreamweave Satchel]}
    /goto :start    

Sub ClaimCheck
  /declare ClaimsLeft int local 0
  /declare ClaimsLeftStr string local
    /if (${FindItemCount[=Dreamweave Satchel]}<1) {
      /if (!${Window[ClaimWnd].Open}) /claim
      /delay 10s ${Window[ClaimWnd].Open}
      /if (!${Window[ClaimWnd].Open}) {
          /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayProblem with claim window.
      /delay 5s ${Window[ClaimWnd].Items}
      /if (!${Window[ClaimWnd].Child[ClaimFeatureList].List[=Dreamweave Satchel]}) {
          /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayCan't find Dreamweave Satchel in claim window.
      /notify ClaimWnd ClaimFeatureList listselect ${Window[ClaimWnd].Child[ClaimFeatureList].List[=Dreamweave Satchel]}
      /delay 5s ${Window[ClaimWnd].Child[ClaimClaimButton].Enabled}
      /if (!${Window[ClaimWnd].Child[ClaimClaimButton].Enabled}) {
          /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayProblem with claim window (Claim button not enabled).
      /varset ClaimsLeftStr ${Window[ClaimWnd].Child[ClaimFeatureList].List[${Window[ClaimWnd].Child[ClaimFeatureList].List[=Dreamweave Satchel]},2]}
      /varset ClaimsLeft ${Int[${ClaimsLeftStr}]}
      /if (${ClaimsLeft}<1) {
        /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayNo Dreamweave Satchel claims left!
    /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ag${ClaimsLeft} \atDreamweave Satchel \awclaims left!
    /notify ClaimWnd ClaimClaimButton leftmouseup
      /delay 5s ${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}
      /if (!${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) {
          /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayProblem with claim window (No Confirmation Dialog Box).
      /notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_Yes_Button leftmouseup
      /delay 5s !${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}
      /if (${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) {
          /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayProblem with claim window (Confirmation Dialog Box still open).
      /delay 10s ${FindItemCount[=Dreamweave Satchel]}
      /if (${FindItemCount[=Dreamweave Satchel]}<1) {
          /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayProblem with claim window (Claimed Dreamweave Satchel never came through).
Sub Event_BadBag
    /cechob \ar${Macro.Name}: \ayYou must have an \arEMPTY \agDreamweave Satchel \ayfor tribute in order to use this macro.
